Part 16: Way Out

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The aroma coming from my plate had me completely in a daze but Jason was the complete opposite. He did not even attempt to eat his food. His face was focused on me. There was no desire or love but anger exuding from him.

"What's wrong hon?" I say giggling. I know exactly what's wrong. Did he really think I was going to give it up on the bathroom floor? I am not a senior and this is not prom. I deserve more than the bathroom floor!

"Nothing....nothing at all" His smirk is saying the exact opposite of what his mouth says.

I know this is nowhere near the end of this discussion but my stomach is putting up quite a fight so I give in. Every bite gives me a bitter sweet feeling. Of course, the food tastes delicious but everytime I eat this dish, besides my date, me and Jess always eat it together. I know. It seems so insignificant but it's the small things that I miss the most.

My mood for the rest of the evening was pretty somber. It was not on purpose. I hate to ruin the night but once I feel a certain way, it takes a while for it to change. We paid for our meal and headed out to the car.

"What's wrong baby?"

"Huh? Oh, nothing" I say while my thoughts distract me

"Nope. Don't do that." He said as he grabbed my arm and came to a stop in front of the car "You always do that. Every time I ask you what's wrong, you always say nothing."

"I don't want to talk about it. I don't like to tell other people my problems."

"I'm not other people. I'm your boyfriend. Me and you should tell each other everything. You're my best friend and I thought I was yours."

"You are."

"Then talk to me. That's why I'm here." He says as he places a kiss on my forehead

"I promise I will tell you everything in the morning but I'm tired. Can we go to bed?"

"Go to bed? Hell yeah!"

"We're sleeping Jason, not fucking"

"Oh yeah? We'll see."

This bed has never looked so good. As bad as I want to sleep, I decide that it's best to shower before I lay down. My body aches and showering is the last thing I want to do.

What's better than a man who is kind, gorgeous, and can sing? I'll wait. I know...Nothing! It's too bad that my man can't sing. His voice sounds like the scratching of nails against a chalkboard. I mean...I love him and all but...wait! Ignore that last thought. Uhh...yeah...anyways...

"GiRl I gOt A qUeStIoN fOr YoU!!! CAN I GET AN ANSWER??!!?" Jason yells as he sings, off key, in the shower

How does he know my song? That song is everything to me. Chris Brown is my soulmate. I don't care what you say.

I have no choice but to wait on Beyoncé to come out the shower. There's more than one bathroom but this is my favorite. I worked hard to get the man funk out of here and I refuse to start over again. Instead of a Lumberjacks Ax, it smelled like Victoria's Secret. And out comes my man in a pink towel with pink roses and dandelions encircled around it.

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