What's in the box?

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Phil POV:

Did I hear right?
We're being attacked?

I stared at Mrs. Howell with wide eyes and my mouth slightly open agape.

I tried to talk, but my vocal cords seemed to be against me and not say anything. In other words I probably looked like a fish trying to talk but can't cause they're just a just a fish and they can't talk.

"Phil?" Dan said looking worried and scared, but trying to hide the second emotion. Once I was unresponsive, he grabbed my shoulders and started to shake me lightly. " Phil? Please ...are you ok?" His voice for of desperation rang in my ears, but still not gaining the ability to respond.

I just nodded instead to make Dan believe that I was ok.

In a hurry Dan got my hand and started to lead me to a place unknown to me. 'I wonder where we're going'

"We're going to my basement" He said as we reached a hallway with a black door. 'Oh wow was he reading my mind'

"I can't read minds Phil. You're just talking out loud" he said laughing a bit at the end. ' Oh that was embarrassing'  

"It is but its cute" he said smiling while opening the door. To reveal a room with a desk on top of a circular rug, we went to the far back of the room, and slightly pulled the carpet to the side. Under the carpet was a wooden door leading to the basement. We climbed down the stairs and Dan pulling the carpet back into place, locking the door after.

"My parents are being taken by the helicopter, and we will wait here while they try to get the people out. The people that came in were looking for them. This basement will keep us safe and if they do find us then my dad will contact me so we can escape from the secret emergency exit." He said nodding towards a small vent that we would have to escape from. I nodded worried that they might actually find us and kill us.

"Dan I'm scared..." I said my voice cracking at the thought of both of us getting killed. My parents faces coming to mind especially since when they were killed I was in a basement.  

" I know Phil, but we have to be strong so we can make it out of this. Since we're giving us a chance how about we go out for milkshakes on Friday after school?" He said stepping forwards and hugging me in one of his famous hugs that I like so much. I know what he was doing, he was trying to distract me about the obvious.

"Ok it seems fun" I say trying to stay as positive as I can. I start to look around the basement, its way bigger than most basements and it has a miniature refrigerator and microwave, and a sofa with a small table next to it that has a radio.

"This place is cute" I said looking around at everything, everything is small in here and it made it seem adorable in a weird way.

"You know what else is cute..." he smirked cheekily while a small blush crept up. 

"Ummm...I..." I was saying till I got cut off by Dan's father.

"Ok the guys are still looking around, as of right now they are just looking on the other side of the house." Mr. Howell stated as he spoke through the radio. Thankfully cutting off all conversations that was taking place.

"Ok thanks Dad" Dan said into the radio. While they continued talking about the whereabouts of the people who came to kill us, I started to look around the basement. Most of the boxes that were here were mainly files of the town, since Mr. Howell likes to work in his house. As I continued looking at what the boxes, there was one small one that said 'L'. Curiosity got the best of me, I grabbed the box and sat down on the floor.

Opening the box was tougher than it seemed it had tape on the top, I started to doubt opening it. I don't think its meant to be sent anywhere it has a lot of dust on top, maybe its to hide something.

I quickly took off the tape cringing at the noise the tape was making while I took it off. I looked to where Dan was to make sure he didn't hear me. He was still talking to his dad intently. I sight happily that he wasn't looking at me, he'll probably get angry at me.

The box weirdly only contained four papers, I got the papers and started to read them. What I saw was almost as weird as the box only containing a few papers.

The paper had my parents names on it, Michael and Sarah May Lester. Why would they have my parents name on it. I flipped towards the next page, and the paper shocked me even more. It was a blueprint of my house, including everything, even the secret door to the basement. I flipped towards the next page, which included political terms and legal documents about my parents.

'Why did they have information about my parents?'

" PHIL..."Dan shouted to catch my attention. I quickly folded the papers and put them in my pants.

"WE HAVE TO GO NOW THEY FOUND US"  Dan said urgently, suddenly hearing the carpet move.



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