Run to safety

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Phil's POV:

Once I heard the carpet move, my heart started going a mile per hour. Panic started to rise from my chest and spread all over my body. I stood shell shock as Dan uncovered the vent so we can escape.

"Phil..." He whispered fearing the guys would hear us and hurry the process of finding us."Look at me Phil" he grabbed my chin lightly to make my eyes meet his. Those brown orbs pierced towards mine,instantly calming some of my nerves.

"We're going to be ok Phil. We just have to escape as fast as we can a car is waiting for us by the park on the corner." He said calmly but looking into his eyes once more I can see the fear he has for the purge. I grabbed his hand for support and smiled at him. I could only hope I can calm him as much as he seems to calm me.

"Ok let's do this." I said quickly, checking my pockets for the weapons Martin gave me. Once I felt some of the knifes and handguns were where I left them, i sight glad that he thought for this situation.

Dan left my sight for a moment only to come back with some weapons. Offering me some of them after he put his in his pocket and his boots.

"It's ok Dan, my brother made sure I have some weapons. He was afraid this would happen." I explained as he retreated some of the weapons that were meant for me.

"Ok I'll just take them in case." He said, his voice was shaking. Poor Dan he's never been out there, he clearly sees the danger in it but there's no hiding from it.

"Guys I found the door to the basement." A gruff voice above us said. My eyes widen, and grabbing Dan's hand leading him to the vent.

A hatchet was thrown at the door trying to pry it open, the wooden door splitting at the sharpness and the impact. Dan hurried me towards the vent and got himself into it. I pushed forward, it was difficult because it was a slim vent but enough to fit a human.

After 5 minutes of pushing forward I saw the moonlight from an opening. We had finally reached towards the danger from the outside world. I quickly pushed myself out and turned around to find Dan.

I saw Dan sticking out of the vent and he slid out of the small vent.

"That was a workout" he said clenching his heart. As he wiped his brow of the sweat with his right hand.

Once he caught his breath, he turned around and closed the vent. Turning to me his hand reached out for mine. I gladly took his and we quietly ran behind a big bush near his house.

"Ok so we have to climb up and down the gate. Then run toward the park, but we have to be careful I'm sure there's people out purging." He said quietly. Looking if there was anyone around us, once he finally saw that the cost was clear. We took off towards the part of the gate that was easier to climb.

We both started to climb quietly, so nobody could hear us leaving. As soon as we got to the top of the gate, we saw a black van with tinted windows. We instantly knew it was part of the men that came to kill us.

"Shit. We need to hurry down then. Ok so here's the plan I'll stay here and keep a look out. If they turn around towards you I want you to let go of the gate and fall there's a small bush there it'll break your fall." He said whispering. That sounds like a good plan, but...

"What about you?" I asked worried he'll get hurt. He can't get hurt I don't know what I will do if he does.

"It's ok Phil. Once your down there I will climb down and you can keep a look out for me. It's the only thing we can do. We have to hurry it up before they come out of the house." He said urgently. I nodded and pushed myself upwards till I was on top of the gate. I turned around, only to face Dan. He smiled and pecked my lips. Mouthing a good luck to me. I smiled back at him, but instantly remembering the task at hand. I need to get down.

I steadily climbed down the gate, occasionally turning around to look at the people near the van to make sure they don't turn around an catch me. I gratefully got to the bush and laid down trying to calm my heartbeat. I saw the men were pacing around talking on the phone.

"THEY ESCAPED HOW THE FUCK DID THAT HAPPEN??" He screamed down the phone as his face got red with anger. He sight angrily at the response he got.

"Fine. We'll go look for them anyways. I'll go to the front and wait there for you. You better hurry, I'm not in the mood for waiting." He said more calmly but anger still evident in his voice. He got into the van and drove off towards the front. My eyes grew as I realized that Dan was still on top of the gate.

I looked up and made a symbol to make him hurry. He understood quickly and started to climb down fast. Once at the bottom he sight and again but his hand on his fast heartbeat.

"Ok we need to hurry out of here. They can come back any time." He said grabbing my hand and running towards the side of the gate. He turned around and nodded, to say that we had to make a run for it. Putting his hand in on his jacket pocket to make sure the fun was there.

We walked quietly, hoping the grass under our feet wasn't crunching as loud as I heard it to be. We kept on turning back towards the van, to make sure they didn't see us and rush to kill us.

Dan pushing himself and me behind a tree. As I made a small noise from the shock of the impact. I hadn't realize that the van was moving and speeding past us, I was so stuck in thought that I didn't check on the van.

"Thanks Dan" I said greatful, without him I would be dead.

"You're welcome. Now come on we need to hurry to the park." He said trying to get us to hurry. I nodded understandably and we once again started to walk carefully again so we wouldnt run into one of those people purging.

As we turned the corner towards the park. We heard a women singing a lullaby in front of a fire. Looking closely we saw that her entire clothing was drenched in blood and she had a wild look into her eyes, but also an expression of freedom. She had been on rocking chair, pushing a feet every time that she reached the floor. Also twisting her wedding ring in her hands.

She must have killed her husband and maybe her child.

We had to pass her, looking at Dan i made a gesture of pulling out our guns. We weren't going to use it unless it was extreme measures. Having our guns ready to use, we started to walk around her softly and warily.

Once passing her we quicken our pace. Continuing to look around for any possible danger. This street looked lonely and a reck, there was shattered glass everywhere and broken pieces of doors and house hold objects. Even some abandoned cars were left all over the road. Blood was everywhere too, knowing some people were unlucky to be out during this time. We occasionally ran into a dead body, but I kept looking away. Not being able to look at the emptiness in their eyes or wounds they got. I know looking at them would bring back painful memories of the horrible night of my parents death.

Dan must have noticed my distress cause he grabbed my hand and comfortably tighten his grip on it. I smiled at him thankfully, he has always been there for me. Even if we haven't known each other that long, I feel like we've known each other since we were little.

We finally reached the park sign, I smiled because soon we will be safe again.

Once on the park we looked around to find the white Ford truck Dan's dad told him about.

I suddenly spotted it and pointed towards it to Dan. He nodded and we ran to it, but being careful for any person purging. I sight happily nearing the car door.

As soon as we noticed that nobody was getting out of the car, we opened the passenger door. Only to see that the man and women that came to get us were both dead. They can been continuously stabbed and the shocked expression obvious, surely a surprise attack. Panic and tears started to rise once again.

What are we going to do now?


Hello earthlings,

I hope you enjoy this chapter and my story. I have big plans for this story , so stay tuned.

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