Chapter 20

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That morning, I noticed that Nat kept staring at me. But I just ignored it. The meeting with Miss Sara  before this invaded my mind but then I quickly brushed it off.

That day, I kept bumped into her. Why? Is she folowing me? I think I have paranoia.

When I came back to the dorm after the prep that night, I threw myself onto the bed, still wearing the bag. History class is so not cool at night. My eyes wandered around the dorm and noticed that I was the only there. They go for supper, i guess.

I closed my eyes, feeling sleepy because the fan was directly towards me. Then I remembered I noticed something on Nat's bed. Some white things.

Opened my eyes slowly and noticed those white things. My mind wandered around to guess what it is for I was too lazy to go check it out. I eventually got up, put my bag beside the locker and went straight to her bed because the curiosity was killing me.

I made sure that I was still the only one in the dorm. I approached her bed and smelled some thing like 'medicine smell'.

There were a box and a bunch of pills in the white plastic bag. Huh? Is she trying to get overdose now?

The thought brushed off when I saw the logo on the box. It was a mental hospital's. My heart skipped a beat. I remembered what Miss Sara had said to me the other day.

"I have made a reservation with a psychiatrist for her. I think she is sick. Mentally sick."

Oh so it is true. That she is sick? How come I didnt know about this? And when? Is everyone acknowledged this?

I continued checking the pills and the box. Inside the box was some things that are medically related I guess. Somehow my heart felt guilty for doing this without her permission but the curiosity kept me still.

Then I heard noise outside. I quickly put those things as they were before and got back to my bed. Laying.

They were back from the supper. I watched everyone gradually came back into the dorm and the last one was Nat. She noticed me watching her. She just stared at me back and I dont know what possessed me but we kept staring at each other for a long time. But eventually I failed. I looked away from her.

The meeting that night, I noticeably quiet. At the end of the meeting, Nat suddenly, "I have something to say." Everyone looked at her, showing interest. I didnt show much interest on my face but only God knows how I was dying to know in the inside.

"I went to the psychiatrist today," she looked down to her finger. Everybody was busy whispering to each other upon hearing that. Nat looked at me to see my reaction. I looked to her bed in purpose to give hint for her to talk about the pills on her bed. I pretended like I know nothing.

"So what is on your bed?" Zur asked. Everyone nodded as if agreed to Zur and actually wanted to ask the same question. I saw some of them glanced at me but I ignored.

"Those are my medicine that I have to take according to the psychiatrist that I met," she got up and took the white plastic bag down with her.

"What did the psychiatrist told you?" this time, it was from Mimi. Nat looked at me, to make sure I paid attention, I guess. "She just asked me questions and things. Lastly she gave me these meds," everyone was looking at the meds.

"So..... you are actually sick? Emm mentally?" Zur asked in hesitation. I was shocked by that and everyone else as well. Mimi slapped her thigh.

"I think so. But I am not surprised," she just shrugged her shoulders and smiled.

She looked happy and proud somehow. And why is that? Oh no, I feel that I am thinking too much.

When the meeting was over, I went straight to my bed and I heard someone said,"she is crazy," and I dozed off.

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