Chapter 2

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"Excuse me,"one voice interrupted. We stopped laughing.

"This is Griffindor 1 right? I am a new student here," she said and bowed a little with a smile on her pale yet beautiful skin.

"Oh oh yes this is your dorm. This is all your seniors for this year and I am the head of this room," I stepped few steps ahead and shake her hand. I couldnt help myself from smiling. I am so excited to receive some new dormmates this year.

"Where is your parents?" I asked hesitatedly.

"Oh they are downstairs, taking the stuffs out of the car," she said while shaking hands with the others.

"Let us help you guys," I said.

"Iz, why did you say that? I dont want to help. I am tired," Nuz whispered to me with a glare towards that girl who is at the stairs with the others.

I chuckled. "It is fine if you dont want to help, you wait here with Yan and show her the bed, okay?"

"Yay, okay I'll wait here," she couldnt stop smiling. Nuz has a big figure and she is easily tired all the time.

After that, one by one the new members arrived. We showed them their bed and helped them unpacking their things into the lockers.

By the afternoon, the cars reduced and most of the dormitories have been occupied. In every dorm, there should be 8 double-deckers bed and 16 lockers. So, it will consist of 16 members of the dorms. There are balanced ratio among the seniors and juniors. Only 7 of the juniors had arrived in our dorm. We waited for the last person to come but yet there is no sign. We chatted and start the ice-breaking session.

That night, I gave them a brief explanation about the schools, rules, the dorm, and many more. And they seemed to be happy about being in this school. I am glad. They started to yawn when it was almost midnight. We sleep through the night without any problems.

That morning, we went for the breakfast together and on the way to the dine hall, we showed them the ins and outs about the school.

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