Chapter 4

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That afternoon in the dining hall, "I heard that the last girl has arrived, isnt it Iz?" I just nodded with a yawn escaping my mouth.

Ms Yeo's class today was so boring, I thought. She entered the class today just to sit at her table throughout the 2 hours class. Of course, she had given us exercises, but it was a one sheet exercises! After about 15 minutes since she entered, most of us just collapsed on our table, dreaming. And the best part is, she doesnt care about it. Maybe she has problems, I shrugged at my own thoughts.

After eating, we separated to our respective dorm. As I entered the dorm, I looked at the new girl's bed. Full of stuffs. And the locker hasnt full yet.

Perhaps she is out with her family, I continued my steps to my bed and switch on the fan before throwing myself onto the bed.

All of my other dormmates were on their bed too.

"This is the best feeling ever!" I let out a small scream with excitement in my voice.
"I know right?" The responses from my other dormmates left me with a loud laugh.

Short nap sounds great at this moment, I glanced at my watch which was a gift from my dad, there is another 20 minutes before the prep begin. A 10 minute nap wont do any harm, I smiled and grabbed a pillow to cover up my face. That is my style of sleeping since I was little and all my friends already acknowledged that. And I love to sleep with two or three pillows around me. They make me feel safe in many ways.

I woke up to the creaking sound of locker's opening. I opened my eyes slowly and saw that girl. She is back, I dont open my eyes fully, just a slight sight. I was trying so hard to look at what she was doing.

Oh my God! I watched her pulling her both sleeves up and exposed some of her skin. Her arms are full of long, red scars, crossing each other. They seem to be scratches and cut from some kind of sharp things or something.

A sudden eerie smile formed slowly on her face while she was touching the scars slowly as if she wanted to remember the depth and the pattern of the scars. My stomach clenched as a wave of nausea passed through me. A sudden gasp escaped my mouth and I quickly cover my mouth with a pillow and keep my eyes open as small as I can. Stupid. Why do you even have to gasp. It's just a smile.

Another voice echoed, it is not an ordinary smile.

She quickly turned her face towards my direction and the eerie smile has gone. Probably not a good sign. Irritated look all over her face while she was adjusting her sleeves to cover up the scars. Her eyes sharpen towards me as if she wanted to assure that I was asleep. The glare from her eyes was something I couldnt describe.
Oh damn. She knew! I shut my eyes as normal as I can. I dont want to be looked as I am pretending the sleep. When I opened it again, she has gone.

Where is she? Slowly I am adjusting my position from facing towards my right to finally lay my back on the bed. My pillow was still on my face but I pull it slightly till it reached below my eyes so that I can see.

I can see she was walking around the dorm, watching everyone sleep. She took a light step each of her step to not making any noise. Then she turned around and headed towards me.

She smirked! What should I do now? Omg! Only God knows how fast my heart begin to race. My blood drained from my face as pure nervousness invaded me.

She stand by my bed, looking at me, keeping that creepy smirk on her not so dark face. Her eyes are in medium size, she had a big nose, acne faced, her hair was so long, she tied it in ponytail and the end of her hair reached her waist. She has thick eyebrows and it seems to be connected to one another at the end of her bridge of nose.

She stared at me for a minute. She let out a small laugh that made my hair behind my neck stand before she left towards the door. As she closed the door, I let out a sigh of relief.

I swear that is the longest one minute ever in my life! My breath become rapid,  struggled to take deep breath and cold sweat broke on my forehead.

What is wrong with her? Why is she looking at me like that? And whats with the laugh at the last? Her face expression keep replaying in my mind the whole evening.

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