Chapter 12: Surprise!

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I'm sitting on a bench near the dorm and scrolling down my Tumblr dashboard when someone calls my name. "Naura!"

I turn around. It's Brianne, the girl who goes to the same English class with me. She is from South Africa and is a Business and Management Major. We're quite close since she sat next to me in the front row at class.

"Hello!" I say to her. She waves her hand and walks towards me. I close my Tumblr when she sits next to me. "What's up?"

"I just want to tell you that I will not attending the class later. My boyfriend is coming here. He comes from Johannesburg just beacuse I've been telling him that I've missed him so much and then he flies here," she says with her eyes sparkling and her lips don't stop smiling.

"Really? Oh Bri that's so sweet! He must be love you so much, right?" I awe.

"Sure, he loves me like sooo much! And by the way Naura, this is my english paper," she gives me her english paper. "Well, because I'm not attending the class, would you please collect my paper to Mrs. Carter?"

"Sure! I will collect it to Mrs. Carter later, don't worry!" I put her paper into my bag.

"Thanks Naura! Alright, I have to go now. I want to pick up my boyfriend at the airport," she hugs me for a while then stands up. "See you soon Naura!" She says half shouting at me and leaves half running. I wave at her and reply "See you!" as well.

I decide to go to my english class now. I should be there in fifteen minutes. But since I have nothing to do now, so I think I will go there.

The class will begin in ten minutes when I reach there. There are only two people inside the class, the dynamic duo, Wynonna and Jacob. Both Wynonna and Jacob are the smartest and the most diligent students in every the same class we're going; I have the same four classes with them. Wynonna is a Journalism major, and Jacob is a Physics-Engineering major.

"Hello Jake, Wynonna!" I greet them and land my bottom on my favourite desk, next to Wynonna.

"Hello Naura!" Wynonna replies and gives me a big smile. Jacob only nods his head once.

"How were your previous classes?" Wynonna opens the conversation.

"They were good! What about yours?" I ask her. Of course she enjoyed all her classes because she is a smart, clever, anything like that, yeah.

"Yeah, actually I don't feel really well today so I didn't concentrate and enjoy as much as usual in my previous classes," she admits, making my lips form a big 'Oh' without voice. Even the best one can fall

"You're not feeling well? Then why did you go to campus? I mean, you have to take some rest," I utter.

"I don't know," she shrugs, "I just don't want to miss even only one lesson."

Is she really smart or?

"Wynonna. I tell you, it is totally wrong. You can't force yourself! You can't force your body! Your body isn't a machine, you know? And your body could get tired anytime," I tell her nicely, not being offensive.

Yeah, she's wrong, right? It's such a waste if you're smart, clever, anything like that but you're not healthy and your body can't work properly. It means your cleverness is nothing if you can do nothing.

 Wynonna bites her bottom lip. Her eyes look at mine. "Yeah, Naura. You're right. Umm...I think I will go to the health centre later, after the class ended," she says finally.

"That's a good idea," I say while the students are coming one by one into the class. 

"Anyway, Naura, are you going out with Matt's friend?" She asks me suddenly. I raise my eyebrows. Does she mean Zayn?

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