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  Gerard still had the image of Frank's smile in his head. He loved his laugh's sound too, not like his own which was really strange.

He loved being able to be his problems and deepest worries' confidant although he would have liked to be able to advise him besides just listen to him.

  But he barely remember anything about life.

Frank was his only bridge to that world where he had belonged once. And it got more solid everytime. It got more intense everytime. The sensation of feeling emotions again was persistent, and it didn't stop to increase. But that was impossible, vampires didn't feel since they weren't alive.

It was also clear vampires used to got a lot of victims seducing them but Gerard had the feeling it was happening the opposite this time. Was he falling in love with Frank? Everything seemed to say so, but he prefered to deny it. Also, that meant that yes, he definitely was feeling even though he was a vampire. But was that possible? Or was it an isolated case? His clan had never talked to him about any vampire that could feel, they all assumed it had never happened. It was dangerous for a vampire to feel?

There were a lot of questions dancing in Gerard's mind as he got into the cave where his clan would spend the day but he did know some things for sure. Whether he was unable to feel emotions or not, despite of not being alive, Frank made him feel like he was. Frank's smile lit his nights up and it seemed to remind him the sunny days he had experimented once and his eyes shone brighter than the sun even thought, unlike the sun's, that light didn't hurt him at all but burned his insides causing him a pleasant tingle in the stomach.

  There was something else he was sure about. In case happiness existed for a vampire, he didn't want to wait anymore for the night to come, knowing that would mean see that person who probably made him so happy in that moment again. And ignoring the feeling of physical weakness which was all over his body, Gerard colsed his eyes to think about Frank for the last time before he fell asleep.

I'm endlessly thankful to those who are reading this fanfic, seriously. I'd love you to let me know what do you think about it in the comments. 😊

You can aslo follow me on twitter to fangirl with me and to be more aware of possible collaborations or participations I might ask you in the future just like I did to choose this story's cover: ✘Sn❄wfl∆ke✘{-161} (@laguipikiyokian): https://twitter.com/laguipikiyokian?s=09

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