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  They were next to each other already on the roof. In silence. Both of them staring at that clear and fresh night's bright stars.

Gerard often coughed although the other boy decided not to make a big deal put of it.

Finally, Frank broke the silence with one of his many other questions about a vampire's life.

"If you vampires exist despite of being fantastic creatures, then do ghosts, werewolfs and stuff like that also exist?"

Gerard hid a little giggle. Then he answered very seriously.

"We aren't fantastic or fictional creatures, Frank. I'm real. You can see me and touch me" Gerard himself shuddered to the last words that had went out of his mouth. Physical contact with Frank caused him a pleasant sensation. "As far as I'm concerned, you humans have a lot of really particular beliefs and inventions. Actually, you talk about us in many books and movies giving us fals habits we don't have."

"And how is a vampire born? I mean... Since when are you a vampire? You don't age, either, right?"

Gerard closed his eyes because of a sudden and hard headache. He remembered something, but he didn't know if he should tell it to a human. Surprisingly, it hurt him to talk about that. He waited for some seconds trying to gather the necessary strength he lacked of to tell something like that. Looking back, he really regretted it.

"There are two ways of originating a vampire. One of them is..." Gerard paused again. He decided to rectify his words trying not to be that blunt. "I wasn't always a vampire, Frank"

"But... I don't understand... You told me you were two years older than me so now you're seventeen, right? Are there vampires of all ages?" Frank shot a number of questions which weren't useful for Gerard at all apart from getting him even more nervous and make the situation even harder again.

"Frank... Listen to me." He finally said. "Just like every vampire, I was once alive like you, Frank. I had a life."

"Vampires are dead people?"

"Yes. But not all dead ones become vampires." Gerard felt the need to explain to Frank everything when he saw his confused expression. "I commited suicide, Frank."

Suddenly, Frank's world got as dark as the being there was in front of him's hair. Gerard was dead. He had owned a unique and full of possibilites gift, a life. If that boy had been as great as he was being with him when he was alive... Sympathetic, peaceful, with that wide imagination... He even seemed to worry about him altough vampires couldn't feel. How was it possible that somebody that beautiful from the inside and the outside wanted to end their life?

Frank didn't made that question out loud. He just looked at the vampire's bright and with an undefined color eyes.

However, Gerard seemed to have read his mind.

"I had a life, Frank. When we become vampires we don't remember anything about our past life. We just remember our name, the cause of our death and, for some reason, some of the dreams whe had when we were alive although we can't dream once we're vampires. I think I remember I had a little brother but... "Gerard had to stop to cough again and grab his forehead with his hands because of the headache trying to get his memories back caused to him. "The thing is I suffered from depression. Also, they laughed at me in high school because of the music I listened to and how fat I was even though I started to lose weight later. I was the typical weirdo who did never say a word, who spent the day drawing and away from everyone else when they didn't insult me. Everything was a shit. I held on as long as I could. I would be four years older than you if I was still alive, Frank." Another pause to find the next words to proceed. He was explaining everything in the same messy way their memories were. "One of the ways to originate, or rather become, a vampire is commiting suicide in a full moon night. That's what I did. I lived on a fifth floor and, two years ago, one night when I felt I couldn't take it anymore I jumped out of the window to what seemed to be my only way out of that hell called life to me by then, death. 

Frank's mind went from a state of shock to work incredibly fast. A full moon night... The fifth floor... The free fall to the nothingness as the last way to walk through in life. Everything was too similar to the dream he had has a couple of nights ago. Had he seen Gerard's death in his dreams? Anyway, he didn't want to mention anything about his dream to the vampire.

Gerard had commited suicide when Frank was thirteen years old...

All those revelations recieved at once were too much for his brain to process them in the appropiate rythm.

But, contradictorily, his mind lookes forward to get more information.

"But if you vampires live forever, humans will end up being extinct, no?"

"We live for a century at most. As I said, humans have invented thousands of things about us but there are also some things which are true such as the fact that we can't be seen reflected in a mirror or that we can be killed stabbing a dagger on our chest or that the sun's lights burns us even though it doesn't get to kill us... Also, as I said, there's a rule that says that a vampire can't bite a human twice although there are exceptional cases. We can't kill you just for stealing you a bit of blood."

  Frank was about to ask him which was the other way for a human to become a vampire and if he was okay since he coughed harder everytime and he looked sick but, in that moment, something alarmed him.

There were good views of his house from the roof, and he could see his parents' bedroom's light turn on. He was afraid they went to his bedroom for some reason because they would find out he wasn't there.

Fortunately, the vampire quickly reacted and, in less than a second, he flew him to his bedroom's terrace and take him to bed carrying him as a princess. Both of them would have payed attention to this last fact if it hadn't been for the alarming situation.

From his bed, Frank could see how Gerard closed the terrace's door and went across the glass to fade into the night shadows as a way to hide in a vampiric speed.

  Indeed, Frank's mother went to his bedroom. She had gone to the kitchen to get some water and she wanted to make sure her little angel was sleeping well before she went back to bed.

Once the woman had gone and turn of her bedroom's lights Frank sat up so he could watch the window.

  The last thing he saw before sleep beated him was an attractive Gerard saying goodbye with his hand and then fly away.

I hope you're having a good day/night all those who are reading this fanfic because you're great. I say this from my soul and, although I don't want to be annoying (something which can't be helped): thank you.

I'd be even more thankful if you commented anything you like or not about this fanfic and if you followed me on twitter:
✘Sn❄wfl∆ke✘{-160} (@laguipikiyokian): https://twitter.com/laguipikiyokian?s=09

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