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  'So strange' Frank thought the following night. Gerard had promised him he would come, but he was too late.

Finally, Frank made out a dark winged shadow among the starlight and the waning moon. The bat's size increased until it became Gerard's body's shape.

Frank immediately noticed something went wrong. The vampire was flying to the terrace's floor but tumbling and it seemed he couldn't slow down. The landing ended in a hit and Frank ran to the recently crashed Gerard.

His complexion was even paler than it used to and some red marks replaced his eyes' circles. Also, his skin wasn't cold, quite the opposite, it was warm as he was starting to have a fever.

Frank was getting more nervous every second, worry was starting to turn into fear. Fear for Gerard. Fear of something bad happening to him.

It was true the night before he had been coughing a lot but that looked worse.

Gerard was the only one who had kept him company since a long time and it didn't matter they belonged to different worlds, why did he keep lying to himself? He liked him. Even though it seemed the biggest madness in the world Gerard had stolen his heart, he had never seen it as clear as he did in that moment.

After swallowing hard and puting the vampire's head on his lap, Frank could finally talk.

'What happens, Gee?' he couldn't help calling him in a more lovely tone.

Gerard could barely talk. Then Frank's head lit up. He noticed Gerard spent almost every night with him until right before th sunrise when he already had to go back to his cave. He probably didn't have time to find a victim he could feed himself with their blood, that was the reason why he was so weak.

'Bite me.' Frank said firmly.

'No, Frank...' the vampire whispered. 'We normally eat while you're asleep, it's gonna hurt you.'

'It doesn't mind, Gerard, you're sick, you need food now. Because that's the problem, isn't it?'

Gerard closed his eyes as he nodded.

Frank managed to get him on his kneess in front of him. Then, Gerard leaned towards his neck.

Frank closed his eyes and put a piece of Gerard's cap between his teeth so he could bite it in case of pain. They were at his bedroom's terrace, if he screamed his parents would hear it.

Not before kissing gently the spot where he was going to sink his fangs, Gerard bit Frank's soft neck.

Everything inside him seemed to freeze. There was so much ice inside of him it felt like it burned. It hurt a lot. He didn't feel anything, he actually couldn't have screamed even though he had tried to. Every inch of his body was lifeless, it was as if ice had spread out to his whole inside and it had also started to increase its size. He felt like he was going to explode at any moment.

Then Gerard finished. Exhausted, he rested his forehead in the now weakened Frank's shoulder as he whispered to his ear.

'I love you, Frankie.'

When the vampire finally pulled himself away, the younger boy could see a drop of blood slipping down the crease of his lips. He raised his hand and sweetly cleaned his mouth using his pajama's sleeve. He would tell her mother his nose had bleeded as an excuse.

'I'm cold.' he whispered.

'That's why we bite you while you're in bed, a vampire's bite makes the body's temperature come down and, also, when you are asleep you don't have to suffer the pain. You need to rest, and so do I.'

Gerard put Frank under his fluffy's sheets and laid down next to him.

'Gee...' the boy mumbled keeping his eyes shut. 'You once told me a vampire can't bite the same human more than once and it's even worse if they do it a third time. What would happen if they did?'

Gerard's body tensed up. He had never though he would explain it to him. He didn't need to answer him, but he didn't want to lie, either.

'That's the other way a human can become a vampire.'

There wasn't a single answer. The vampire wondered if that information had been recieved since that angelical face that was lying next to him's slow and constant breath could perfectly mean his mind already belonged to the world of dreams.

Yes, as you can already imagine, this is the part where I make spam of my twitter and my curiouscat.

Twitter: ✘Sn❄wfl∆ke✘{-159} (@laguipikiyokian): https://twitter.com/laguipikiyokian?s=09

Curiouscat: https://curiouscat.me/Sn0wflake

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