A New Year

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I woke up to yelling. Of course. I've never been one to get angry, because I don't have it in me to yell at people. But, it's just another reason to be hated by my family. I sighed, and got up. I sleep in an empty room, and I'm not aloud a bed. I only had a few pairs of clothes, and then my Hogwarts trunk. I'm lucky I get to go, but the only reason I do is so that I'm out of my parent's hair. At least, that's what they say.

I got all of my stuff, and brought it to the bottom steps. "Jessica!!!" I heard my mom shout. I ran to her, and slapped me. "You didn't make our breakfast yet!" she yelled, and I shrunk back in fear. "I-I'll get r-r-right on it" I stuttered quietly, and ran to the kitchen. I got out everything to make eggs and bacon. I burned my finger a few times, but I didn't make a sound. I plated it all, and brought it out to the table to my mom, dad, and sister. Then I went back, and I nibbled on a piece of bacon. I waited until they finished, and I took the plates in, and I washed them. I sighed, and thought of all the adventures I would have this year with my best friends James, Remus, Sirius, Safrina, Severous, Dakota and Lily.

I thought about my friends. Sirius and Dakota started dating about nine months ago. Though, I'm also rooting for James to get Lily. I mean, they are cute together! I jsut feel bad because Sev also likes her, yet Safrina has a crush on him. She doesn't have to talk in order to know what she feels.

Anyways, I waited until I heard my parents leave so that they could drop off my sister, Jada. I ran to my stuff, and went to the fire place. I stepped in, grabbed the Floo powder. I threw it on the ground, and said, "Kings Cross Station."

Then, like I was in a whirlpool, I was sucked into a thin tube, and as soon as it started, it ended, and I was at Kings Cross Station. I put my trunk on a cart, and went to platform 9 3/4, and went through the wall. I put my trunk where everyone else's was, and boarded the train. I found our designated compartment, and saw I was the first one here. I sat down, and waited. Then, I saw Dakota walking with Lily, Sev, and Safrina, and they entered.

I smiled. "Hey guys" I greeted, and we hugged. Dakota was a metamorphosis, but she tends to keep her hair the same, though it changes whenever she's angry or sad. And Lily was the same, with beautiful red hair and bright green eyes. Compared to them, I look ugly. I had black hair that went to my waist, and dark plue eyes. And while Dakota tends to be tan, and Lily looks only a little tan, I'm really pale, and quite short. In fact, out of everyone, I'm the shortest.

"I can't stay long. I'm Head Girl this year, along with James" she said, and I smiled. "Awesome. And, from what I hear, you guys will get a dorm to yourselves" said Dakota with a suggesting look. "Ew!" Lily exclaimed, though we all laughed, though Sev threw a glare at Dakota. She simply rolled her eyes. The door opened again, and the four boys appeared. "What are you all laughing at?" exclaimed Sirius. "You" retorted Dakota, and Sirius placed a hand over his forehead. "Ouch! You hurt me right here!" he said, pointing to where his hand was resting. He looked at his hand, then pointed to where his heart actually was. "I mean here" he corrected with a proud grin. "Arrogant toe rag" Dakota muttered. Sirius put an arm around her waist, and pulled her to him. "You know you love me" he said as he kissed her cheek, then her neck.

"Do I know that?" she asked him when he pulled away, and I laughed some more. "No. No I don't" she said finally, and sat down next to me. She sniffed my shoulder, and I gave her a weird look. "Two questions. One- Why do you smell like bacon? And two- WHY DIDN'T YOU GET ME ANY??" she exclaimed and I pugged my ears. "Cause I was only able to eat one piece before I left" I said, thinking about all the bacon I made, only to only eat one piece while my family ate the rest. I sighed sadly.

"I have chocolate. And it looks like you need it. You're a pole" said Remus, handing me a chocolate bar. I smiled, but shook my head. "No thanks, Remus. Not hungry" I said simply. He raised an eyebrow, but nodded.

Okay, fine. I'll admit, I have had a tiny crush on Remus for a little while. It started when we became Animagi. I'm a fox, which is kind of fitting. I'm lying to all of my friends right now. "Okay. James, we have to head to the Head compartment" said Lily, grabbing his hand. He smiled, and put his arm around her shoulder. "See you guys later" he said, and they left. Remus sat across from me, and next to Peter. Dakota was next to me while Sirius sat next to her.

"How was everyone's summer? Marcus gave me a promotion, and now I get to tell people what to do!" said Dakota excitedly. A few months before school let out, she found out she is a natural Animagus. She changes into a leopard. "I stayed inside the whole time" I said quietly. "I ran away from home, and now I live with James" said Sirius, and I smiled. He told us about his home situation last year after Dakota encouraged him, and I admired that about him. He wasn't afraid to go for help, but I am. I don't want to be seen as weak, not to mention I hate pity. But, his parents always degraded him and compared him to his younger brother. But, he's not bullied at school. He wasn't abused too bad. And, he didn't have to do all of the chores like house elves.

But, he still told us. And that's takes courage.

I was cut out of my thoughts when Dakota shook my shoulder. "Hm? What?" I asked. "You zoned out" said Remus, looking worried. "Oh. Sorry. Just thinking" I said, and he nodded. But, he didn't look convinced, and neither did Sirius. But, Dakota and Peter nodded. "Whatcha thinking about?" she asked. "What music to buy" I said, lying easily. I've done it so much that I've become a master at it.

And it's actually pretty scary.





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