The Plot That Will Break My Heart

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Jessica's POV

Remus is suspicious. He saw my bruise on my neck, and now he won't leave me alone. It's been a week! Classes have been fine, and because Remus won't leave me alone, none of his admirers have gone after me. So I guess that's a good thing.

But, I guess it was too good to be true. I was in the library reading. Remus had to do detention since he accompanied Sirius, Peter and James to pull a prank. I was reading a muggle book called 'Pegases' (OMG love this book), and a girl approached me. She was a Ravenclaw, and she looked smug aout something. "So, Remus finally dump you?" she asked. I looked down. "We weren't even dating. He just gets protective over jis friends" I said, though  it hurt when I said that. I kind of wanted to be more than friends with him.

But she snorted like she didn't believe it.

"Oh please! How much did you pay him to date you?" she asked, placeing a hand on her hip. I looked at her. She had blond hair and pretty blue eyes, and she was a decent height. But, she did not look like a Ravenclaw. A Slytherin? Maybe. Maybe even a Gryffindor. But she did not sem to fit in with the Ravenclaws. I guess she was loaned the outfit to look smarter, because it also looked kind of tight on her. "I didn't pay him. We've been best friends since we were in our first year" I protested quietly. "Well, once I'm with him, you'll be lucky that he even glances at you" she sneered, and as she walked past me, she knocked her heavy book against my head. However, one of the corners was lower on my neck, and hit my giant bruise. I hissed in pain, and my hand flew to the spot that hurt.

"Serves you right, trying to take my man" the 'Ravenclaw' sneered, and she walked away. I sighed as a few tears welled up, and so I packed up my stuff, and went to the bathroom to look more presentable. I went to the sinks, and washed my face, but that didn't stop the tears from falling. I looked down, and let them fall, so that they wouldn't fall later. I heard voices approaching, so I went and hid in a stall just as two girls came in.

"Can you believe that he didn't notice me? Like, I was dressed all nice to ask him to Hogsmeade with me, and he just walked past me with his friends! I think that little wench got to him" said one. "How do you know? It could have been those other girls that hangs out with them. What's their name? Oh, Lily and Dakota" said the other. "No, that Dakota girl has Sirius wrapped around her finger, not my Remmy. And James has his tunnel vision on Lily. So does that Slytherin they hang out with. Anyways, that other girl Jessica! She has her hooks in Remus so deep that he can't be saved" ranted the first girl. I looked down as tears started streaming down my face.

"Uh, hello! That Hufflepuff freak is after that Slytherin. What's her name anyways? Safron, Sabrina? Whatever. That freak never speaks anyways. But, anyways, her and that Jessica wench can hit it, then Lily can have the Slytherin, then you and I are in the clear. I get James, and you get Remus" said the second girl. "I wish it were that easy!" said the first girl. "But it is! Look at what I bought!" the second girl said, and the first one gasped. "I can't wait to be your sister in law!" she exclaimed, and they walked out of the bathroom.

My breathing quickened when I realized that those two were going to do something to Remus and James. I stepped out, and washed my face again.I wiped it down. I looked in the mirror, and I was glad that only if you looked hard, you'll see a slight redness. I walked out of the bathroom, and went to dinner. I sat down, and merely nibbled on a bit of patatoes and chicken. I ate a small bit of pudding, and went upstairs for bed, seeing as I finished all of my homework. I got changed, and finally dropped on my bed.

James' POV

We fianlly got out of detention with McGonagall. Dakota was waiting for us when we walked out. She hugged Sirius, and they practiaclly had a make-out session. "Oiy! Save it for the bedroom!" I exclaimed, but Remus slapped my head. "We sleep in the same room!" he reminded me. My eyes widened, and I snapped back to them. "Save it for the broom closet!" I corrected myself. They all laughed at me, and I rolled my eyes.

We walked to the common room, and went upstairs to our dorm. Dakota went with us, so I guess she's sleeping in Sirius' bed again. There was a Cauldron cake on my bed with a note. It said, 'Hey, figured you were hungry after detiontion. --Lily'  I turned to Remus, and saw he had something similar. But he was smiling big. "It's from Jessica" he said, and he took a bite out of his chocolate. Sirius turned to Dakota. "Why didn't you get me food?" he demanded, though he looked playful. "I actually didn't see them do that. I guess they went to the kitchens last minute" she said. "Here, Padfoot. Have mine. I'm still full from dinner" I said, tossing him my Cauldron Cake. He smiled and took a bite.

Soon, we went to sleep peacefully.

The next morning, I woke up to an empty room. I sighed, and got ready for the weekend. I brushed my teeth, and went downstairs. However, I was met with my three Gryffendor friends, two comforting one that was crying. And iit wasn't Sirius, Remus or Peter.

Dakota was crying her eyes out, and Lily and Jessica were comforting her. I furrowed my eyebrows, confused as to why Sirius wasn't here. "What happened?" I asked. Dakota looked at me, but couldn't seem to form words. "Sirius" said Lily. "What happened? What happened to him?" I asked. "More like what did he do?" corrected Lily. I was still confused.

"Dammit, you don't get it? Sirius was snogging this other girl, and didn't even notice me when I saw them!" Dakota exclaimed, before crying some more. I noticed Jessica look down, and I noticed her eyes were slightly red. "Same with Remus. He was snogging some girl I don't even know" said Lily, noticing my gaze. "Wait. Remus? But he's mad about you. You should have seen his face when you sent him chocolate last--" but she cut me off.

"What are you talking about? I didn't send him anything"


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