I Have My Revenge

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We all watched he two girls walk over to us. The one on the right, sat next to Sirius, while the other went and sat right on Remus' lap. "Um, what are you doing here?" I asked her. She looked at me, and smiled with fake sweetness. "Sitting with my boyfriend. Right Remmy-poo?" she asked. I nearly gagged. "Um, no. Get off of me" he said as he glared at her. She furrowed her eyebrows. "Here, you just need a drink" she said hastily, and reached into her robes to pull out a flask. I snatched it, and opened it. "What are you doing?!" she yelled. I wafted it into my nose, and I nearly sneezed at how strong it was.

"Yup. Love potion alright" I said. "Oo! Oo! Pick me, pick me!" Sirius said, raising his arm and waving it around rapidly. I smirked as he leaned on the table and used his hand to hold up his arm up. "Okay, fine. Yes, Sirius?" I asked. "Can I go get someone relly quick. Not another girl" he said the last part reassure Dakota. I nodded, and handed him the potion. He took off running out of the Great Hall. Remus seemed to have just remembered that the girl was on his lap, and he pushed her off. She pouted, and so did the other girl. Sirius soon returned with a mischeivious grin on his face. A few moments later, Filch came in. I grinned too, as did everyone else.

"Which girls?" he asked him. "Teressa and Grace" he said. Filch then grinned. "I've wanted to give you girls detention since forever" he said, and grabbed Teressa by the shoulder, and motioned for Grace to follow. Grace's lower lip quivered, and she looked at Remus with a begging look. But, Remus motioned her to follow. "But Remmy-poo! Your my boyfriend!" she yelled, causing everyone to look at us.

"Really? Because you're not my girlfriend. The only girlfriend I have is sitting next to me. Last I checked, I wasn't cheating on her" he said, wrapping an arm around my shoulder. "Wait, you're dating her?!" she screeched. Remus nodded like it was obvious. "Now, as you can see, Me and Sirius were having a nice dinner with our girlfriends before you two showed up. Now bye" said Remus, and we all turned away from them. She stomped her foot, and stormed away with Filch.

I smiled at him, and he kissed my forehead. We looked over at our friends, and Sirius was resting his head on the palms of his hands, and watching us with a smile and slightly narrowed eyes. "Go on. Keep going" he said, and I rolled my eyes. "You're a dork" I said, though I felt Remus pull me closer to him.

That's when James' eyes lit up. "Okay, I have an idea. Since Remus, Peter, Sirius and I have nicknames, and now you guys are apart of our group, you guys should get nicknames!" he exclaimed in a childish manner. I laughed. "Okay. I don't mind" said Sev, and Safrina nodded. "Fine! I don't wanna be the part-pooper" said Lily, though she too was smiling. "Okay. Lily is Lilypad" James said right away. Lily rolled her eyes. "Well, in that case, Safrina is Ninja. Silent yet deadly" said Sev, causing Safrina to blush. "Oh! Sev is the Half-Blood Prince, becasue didn't you mention that your mom's last name is Prince?" asked Lily, and Sev nodded with a dazed look. "I'm, um, suprised you remembered" he said.

"Of course I do. I remember a lot of what you say" she said, and took a bite of food. "Okay, so what should your nickname be?" asked Remus, turning to me. "I say Trixie. You are a pretty good pranker when you want to be, your animagus is a fox and foxes trick people, and you like that cereal, what's it called?" asked Sirius. "Trix" I said. "Silly rabbit" Lily started. "Trix are for kids" I finished, and we laughed, and high fived. "Okay, I have no idea what went on right there, so we are ignoring it. But, anyways, Trixie it is" said James, and took a bite of food.

"Okay. Now for Dakota" said Sirius, and he leaned in, and started studying her face. After a few moments, he pulled away, and took a bite of food. "Nope. Nothing" he said with his mouth full. Dakota rolled her eyes. Then, Sirius' eyes lit up. "How about Mrs. Padfoot?" he asked. We all started laughing, but we sobered up soon. James shrugged. "Eh. Why not? I mean, I'm pretty sure they heard you guys in Uganda, so we might have little Padfoots running around soon" he teased. Dakota turned red, and hid her face in Sirius' chest, which was cute.

"Dude! Seriously?" said Sirius. He leaned forward, and muttered, "Save the jokes for in private."

We all laughed again. "Okay. So, it's Prongs, Lilypad, Padfoot, Mrs. Padfoot, Moony, Trixie, Ninja, the Half-Blood Prince, and Wormtail, where ever he is" said James. "Um, Wormtail is over with Lestrange, Padfoot's cousin, and Trixie's sister" said Remus. We all looked over at the Slytherin table, and sure enough, Peter was sitting with them. "Okay, no Wormtail" said James. He sounded casual, but he looked mad.

The look Jada was giving me was scary. She was smirking with a look of success. I gulped and looked away. Remus noticed this exchanged, and his arm tightened around me. "Everything okay?" he asked. "Um. I don't think I should go home for Christmas is all" I muttered. He stiffened, and glared at Jada, but she wasn't looking at us anymore. "I'll stay with you. My dad might be working through Christmas anyway" I smiled, and kissed his cheek. "Thank you" I said, and he smiled at me. "Anything for you" he said, and kissed my forehead. "Who's staying for Christmas?" asked James, having overheard us talking. Remus and I raised our hands. "Well, in that case, so am I" said James, and Sirius nodded. "Me too. Mrs. Padfoot, shall you join us?" he asked Dakota. She smiled and nodded. "Pretty sure Marcus can give me the holidays off" she remarked. "Yeah. My parents are going to France for vacation, and my sister will be with her boyfriend, so I'll stay" said Lily. Safrina simply nodded. Sev sighed. "I'll stay too. My parents are always busy anyways" he agreed as a smile grew on his face.

"This will be fun!" Dakota exclaimed. Safrina frowned, and signed to Sev. "Safrina wants to know if Dumbledor will make an exception to a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff sleeping in the Gryffindor house" he said. Sirius, James, and Remus all smirked at each other. "We know a place we can all stay" said James. "We'll show you after curfew. Meet us on the seventh floor in front of the tapestry" said Sirius. We all nodded, and departed from the table and went to  our houses.

Remus had his arm around me, and didn't even falter a step when he led me up to the boy's dorm. "Um, Remus? Don't I have to get changed?" I asked. "You use magic, do you not?" he asked with a smirk as James, Lily, Sirius, and Dakota followed. "Oh yeah!" I exclaimeded, and waved my wand. My uniform was replaced by an oversized shirt and sweatpants. Remus examined my outfit, and tapped my shirt with his wand. It right away became bigger, and i wasn't mine. But, I have seen him wear it. I raised a brow.

"We are now dating, so now you can wear my shirts" he said with a shrug, before using magic to change into his pajamas. "We have a few hours before we leave for the seventh floor. Let's get some sleep" he suggested, and we all got into bed. I curled up into Remus, and he held me in a protective manner. Quite quickley, I fell asleep.



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