Sirius Is Cheating Unknowingly... What?!

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Jessica's POV
I was confused. I din't send Remus anything last night. I was too tired to even think. "Wait. You didn't send anything to him? But there was chocolate that was said to be from you. It said so on the note. I got a Cauldron Cake from you, Lily. Dakota, you saw" said James. Dakota nodded. "I assumed you got it from the kitchens since I didn't see you guys take food with you" she said.

"I didn't send you anything" said Lily to James, also confused. "Ouch" muttered James. That's when it hit me. "James, did yu eat the Cauldron Cake?" I asked. James shook his head. "I was still full from dinner. So I gagve it to Sirius" he said. My eyes widened, and I stood up, grabbed a pillow, and threw it at the wall. "I should have know it was a love potion" I muttered.

"What's going on?" asked Dakota. I sighed. "Yesterday in the bathroom, and these two girls came in and started smack talking me and calling Safrina names and even mentioned you, Lily. One said that she had something to get me and Lily out of the way. One wanted to be with you, James, and the other with Remus. They must have laced the food, god dammit!" I said. Lily's eyes widened, and turned to Dakota with a smile. "Dakota, Sirius can't control what he's doing. He's cheating on you unknowingly!" she said. "What?!" Dakota still looked confused.

"Because of the potion, he can't control what he is doing. He still loves you, he is just under the power of a potion" she said. Dakota smiled, but then fell. "But, how do we help him?" she asked. "I could ask Sev. He's amazing at potions" said Lily, and she got up, and ran out of the common room. I sighed again, and ran my fingers through my hair. I decided to go do what I do whenever I'm stressed. Walk around the Black Lake.

I walked out the front doors, not really wanting to eat breakfast. I looked out as I walked along the edge of the water. At some points, I saw the Giant Squid or possibly a merperson. I decided to lay down. I looked at the sky, finding shapes in the clouds. I finally went back to the castle to get a snack from the kitchens. As I walked, I saw two people, though it looked like they were moulded into one. As I walked past them, I saw it was Remus and the girl from the library. I looked down, and increased my walking speed, not wanting to be seen.

"Hey, Jessica" said the girl. I froze, and looked at them. Well, I actually stared at Remus. He was gazing at the girl with love. I sighed, and looked at the girl. "Hello person I don't know the name of" I retorted. "Hey! Don't talk to her like that!" Remus snapped. I looked at him, and it hurt that he was glaring at me. "So? What's your name? And, do tell where you got that love potion" I said, fake sweetness dripping in my face. Her face fell, and I smirked. "What love potion?" asked Remus, though he glared at me. I sighed.

"She gave you a love potion. You don't love her!" I exclaim. He looked scandalized. "Of course I love her! I thought we were friends, Jessica! Screw you!!" he yelled. "God dammit, Remus! You don't love her! You said it yourself to your friends that you like me! Don't you remember on the train they were teasing you about it! You even made a bet!!" I yelled. His face grew red, and he did something I never thought he would do.

He punched me.

My face snapped to the right. Pain throbbed through me, but not from my cheek. From my heart. Tears welled up in my eyes. "Fuck you. You're just like them" I said to him, and whirled around, and stalked away. I stormed to the common room, and past my friends, and up to my dorm. I slammed the door shut. That's when I unleashed my anger. I let out a scream of rage, and started throwing my pillows and I even punch my wall. I fell to my knees, and the tears poured down my face. I heard a knock on the door, and Lily and Dakota entered. I looked away from them. "What happened?" asked Lily. I scoffed. "Remus and the wench" I seethed. "Well, Sev is working on the antidotes--" Lily started but I cut her off. "No. Just make it for Sirius. If Remus is so happy with her, then let's not break his heart" I said, finally looking at them. Lily gasped when she saw the bruise that was forming.

"Did the girl do that?!" exclaimed Lily. "Oh no! Because she's little miss perfect. Oh no, Remus punched me. Yup, trued to tell him it's a potion, but nope! Punches the girl that tried to help him!" I ranted. "But, Jessica, you said this yourself. It's fake love! He can't control it!" Dakota exclaimed. "Yes, I said that. But Sirius is in a commited relationship. Remus had a crush on me. Crushes come and go. Besides, you dind't see the love in his eyes as he looked at her. You can't create that" I said as more tears were produced.

Lily hugged me, and we just stayed like that. "Get cleaned up. We'll pick up in here, then we're all going to eat lunch" she said softly. I nodded, and went to the bathroom. I looked at the large bruise forming on my cheek. I sighed, and washed my face. I came back down to the common room, and I met up witht the group, and we all walked to the Great Hall. We sat down, and I ate a half a sandwich. I got up to leave, but James grabbed my wrist. "Why don't you eat more than that?" he asked. "I lost my appetite" I said simply, though I was glad he didn't mention the bruise.

With that, I walked back to the common room, and grabbed a book. I lef the common room, and sat on one of the benches infront of the big windows, and spent the rest of the day reading. I finally went to eat , but I only ate some soup and pudding. I kept trying to avoid Remus and the girl sitting with each other. It didn't feel right. He should be with us. With me.

With that, I left the Great Hall, and went to my dorm, where I fell asleep.




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