The Room That Appears Out Of Nowhere

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I woke up to Remus shaking me awake. "Come on! We're going to the seventh floor" he said with a giant smile. I smiled sleepily at him, and got up. I looked at the time, and saw that it was 11:50. I stood up next to him, and saw that almost everyone else was wide awake, while I probably looked like a zombie. "Would you like a piggy back ride?" asked Remus. I shook my head. "No, I need to stay awke. I'll just fall asleep and drool on your shoulder" I said. "I'll wake you up if you fall asleep" he said. I nodded finally, and I let him put me on his back. "I apologize in advance if I drool" I said.

He chuckled, and we started walking down the stairs and out of the common room. As we walked, I would start to fall asleep, but Remus would to a little hop, and I would be awake again. Soon, we came to the tapestry of a unicorn, and Sev and Safrina were there, waiting for us. James smiled at this, as no one was caught out of bed. Then, he started to pace in front of a bare wall. I thought he was going crazy until a big, black, metal door appeared. I slid off of Remus' back, and we all walked in. It was a room about the size of a common room, but with no couches or stairs. It had two big beds, and these big wicker beds that were still smaller than the other beds, but till kind of big. It also had big pillows, and a fire place. One wicker bed was black, one was a scarlet color, then the two big beds were a gold color. All in all, it was beautiful.

"Waht is this place?" asked Sev as he sat on the black wicker bed. "The Room of Requierment. It's like thecome and go room" said James as he jumped onto one of the big beds. Remus and I went and claimed the scarlet wicker bed. Sirius ran, and started to jump on the other gold bed. "So, this is where we will be sleeping during Christmas break" stated James as I yawned. "Let's all go to sleep, and test this out" said Remus as he smiled at me. "Wait, but there's only four beds" said Sev. James smiled innocently. "I only thought that there needs to be a room for eight people to sleep and socialize. The school did the rest" he said, and fell onto the bed. Lily shrugged, and got into bed next to hime. Sev and Safrina sighed, smiled at each other, and also got onto the black wicker bed. I crawled under the covers, and Remus got in next to me. We both curled up with each other, and fell asleep for the second time today.

I woke up to voices. I opened my eyes, and saw three professors standing there. One was McGonagall, one was Flitwick, and one was Dumbledor. I stayed frozen in fear as they talked. "Do not fret, Minerva. They are simply sleeping. I have overheard that they are all staying here for Christmas, and got the idea that we would not allow a Slytherin and a Hufflepuff to spend nights in the Gryffindor house. So, they solved that. You should be proud to have students who thought of this room" said Dumbledor. "But they were out after curfew" said McGonagall. "Yes, but that is probably because people would have questioned why eight students where walking around the school in their pajamas" he defended, and a smile lit up on my face. "I have to agree with Dumbledore, Minerva. Besides, isn't this what we wanted? The Gryffindor and Slytherin house uniting?" asked Flitwick. McGonagall sighed. "Yes, you are right. But I have seen Potter, Black, and Lupin in my office quite a few times" she said. "They were doing this for the benefit of their friends" said Dumbledor.

McGonagall sighed. "Yes, you're right as always. Besides, it is the weekend" she said. "Now, let's go. I do believe we have an eavesdropper" said Dumbbledor, and they all walked out. But, as the door closed, Dumbledor looked back, and we made eye contact. And he winked at me.

The next time I woke up, Remus was getting up. I opened my eyes, and sat up. He sniled at me, and kissed my forehead. "Morning, baby" he said. I smiled. "Good morning" I said, I looked around and saw that we are the last ones up. James, Lily, Sev, Safrina, Sirius, and Dakota were all sitting on pillows in front of the fire place drinking hot chocolate as they talked and laughed. I smiled, and we joined them. Sirius saw us, and got up, and went to get a couple of mugs. He used magic, and whipped up some hot chocolate for us. "How do you take it?" he asked. "Whipped cream and chocolate chips" said Remus. "Same, but with a peanut butter wafer, and a torched marshmallow on top" I said. "Geez, woman! Stop taking advantage of  my generosity!" he exclaimed with a smile, but did it nonetheless. We all sat in front of the fire, and I listened to the jokes James and Sirus were telling, and we all laghed. But, what caught me by suprise was the fact the Lily had her head resting on James' shoulder. I smiled at her, and she rolled her eyes at me.

I saw that Sev noticed this too, and he looked a little frusterated, though he too couldn't stop laughing. "You three have to thank Dumbledor next time you see him" I said, and sipped my hot chocolate. "Why?" asked Remus. "Really early this morning, Dumbledor, McGonagall, and Flitwick found us in here. McGonagall wanted to give you three detention but  Dumbledor defended you guyd" I said. "Oh. Yeah, now we owe him" said Remus. With that, we cfinished our drinks, and used magic to get dressed. I chose skinny jeans, boots, and a T-shirt. But, Remus added one of his jackets to my outfit. I smiled at him, and we all walked out of the room. Remus was right to give me a jacket, because it was cold!

I shivered, and Remus tucked me under his arm. We smiled at each other, but then I frowned. "You look really pale, Remus. When is the full moon?" I asked. "Tonight" he said. I sighed. "You are eating, then getting more sleep before we go out tonight" I said. "What do you mean 'we'? You are not coming. I won't let you!" he exclaimed. I sighed. "Remus, I care about you too much to not come. Please?" I asked, but he shook his head. "No way are you coming anymore. I will do anything to make sure you don't get hurt" he said. "I won't get hurt. I promise" I said. He sighed. "Just one more time" he said, and I smiled.





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