He's Cured, But I'm Still Mad At Him

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It's been a whole day. A whole day Remus has been with that girl, and not us, his best friends. Sev has finished an antidote, and just in time too. Remus is due to shift any day. But I was still mad at him. Lily told me that James was going to give Remus and Sirius the antidote. I had simply nodded, and continued my homework.

I was in the library when I saw Remus enter the library. I looked down, and focused on my essay. I made sure my hair was being used as a curtain to hide the bruise on my cheek. I heard the chair next to me slide open, and I  aw out of the corner of my eye that it ws Remus. "Leave me alone, Remus" I said. "I'm sorry. I'm sorry I punched you, I swear I didn't know what I did" he said, and he sounded sorry. "I'm not mad about you punching me. It was a really good punch" I said simply as I dipped my quill in some ink to continue writing. "So, why aren't you looking at me?" he asked.

"Because I'm mad" I said. "Why? What did I do?" he asked, hurt and sadness evident in his voice. "It's what you did unknowingly" I said. "Which is what?" he asked, sounding slightly irritated. I whipped my head to him, and he saw my bruise. His eyes widened, and he raised his and, and stroked my cheek with his index finger, but I swatted it away. "Don't" I said fiercley, and went back to my essay, but I continued talking. "You looked at her with so much love that it just couldn't have been faked. So go on. Be with her" I said.

"But I don't want to be with her! Don't you get that?" he asked, before continuing. "There's more, isn't there? You said that I'm just like them. Who's 'them'?" he asked. I huffed. "None of your buisness" I muttered, though I unconsiously rubbed the back of my neck where a bruise was healing. "Pretty sure it's my buisness when you compare me to 'them'." he said, and I sighed. "Fine. But when I tell you, don't expect me to still forgive you" I warned, and he nodded. "I'm talking about my parents. I'm in the same situation as Sirius was a while ago, but a little worse" I said, and turned back to my essay. I thought he would be mad about being compared to them.

Instead, he pulled me onto his lap, and rubbed my back as he hugged me. "I'm sorry. I didn't know" he muttered. I couldn't take it any more, and tears welled up in my eyes. I leaned into him, and let him stroke my hair. "I'm tired of crying" I whispered. He held me tighter. "You're moving in with me" he said. I looked up to him, and he smiled softly. "What about your dad?" I asked. "The worse that happens is that he yells at me for not telling him. Please. Move in with me" he said. I nodded. "Okay" I said, and he held me a little while longer.

"Is that why you couldn't owl us over the summer?" he asked, and I nodded. "But, I wasn't lying when I said Jada was hogging it. I swear, that bird is going to drop dead one of these day" I said, and he chuckled. "I wish you'd have told me sooner. We might not even be in this position right now" he said. I frowned, and looked at him. "Not literally. I like this leteral position" he corrected himself. I giggled, and snuggled into him. "Hogsmeade is coming up. Would you like to go on a date?" he asked. "But you'll loose, like, thirty five galleons if we start dating" I said. "I don't care. You're worth more than all of the galleons in the world put together" he said, and kissed the top of my head. I giggled again.

"You know, I've liked you for about a year and a half now" he said, and I nodded. "Two years" I said, and he looked at me. "Now I wish we'd have said something, because then we might be heavily making out like Sirius and Dakota right now" he said. I sat up, and looked at him. "Seriously?" I said. "Nah. Maybe rough se--" he started, but I slammed my hand over his mouth before he finished that sentence. "Remus!" I whisper yelled. He smirked at me. "What? It't true" he said, and I giggled, turning deep red. We looked at each other, and we both leaned in. When our lips brushed together, we were interupted. "Finally!" James and Lily exclaimed with Sev, while Safrina beamed at us. We both sigh. "Oh, Remus is growing up!" James said, as he wiped a fake tear.

"So is Jessica!" exclaimed Lily. Safrina got a look on her face, and signed to Sev. He whispered something to Lily and James, and realization dawned their faces. "Oh! Carry on!" said James and they walked away. "Use protection!" Lily exclaimed. My face grew red, and I burried my face in his chest as he chuckled, and drew me closer. We looked at each other. "Where were we?" he asked. I then slammed my lips onto his. My arms went around his neck, and I tangled my fingers in his hair while his hand gripped my hips, and pulled me closer. One hand traced up my back and to the back of my head, and he pulled my face closer to his. His lips trail down to my jaw, and down my neck. I gasped, and nearly moaned when he found my sweet spot. He slowly came back to my lips, and we continued to make out.

We finally pulled away. We were both panting. "I don't know about you, but that was my first kiss" he said, and I nodded. "What do you mean? You snogged that other g--" I was cut off by his lips again. "What other girl?" he asked cheekily. I smiled, and we stayed that way until it was time for dinner. We walked hand and hand to the Great Hall. We sat down, and started to eat. I only had soup and mashed patatoes. I smiled as Sirius joked with everyone, and Remus and I snuck a few kisses, and he would rub my thigh sometimes. It was like good ole times, but better. Until those girls approached us.



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