We're Back!

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I continued to stare out of the window as everyone caught up. I turned to my friends, and saw that Dakota was now sitting on Sirius' lap, and she had fallen asleep. I smiled lightly, and looked over at Remus. He was looking at me, so he smiled when I looked at him. "How was your summer?" I asked, and he shrugged.

"Dad is still working a lot, so I mainly spent time over with James and Sirius. How about you? I didn't hear from you at all" he said, looking concerned. "Oh, um. Well, I just had a lot of chores to do, and my sister kept hogging the owl. You know how she is" I said, waving it off. I actually didn't lie this time, because my sister did hog the owl, and I did have a lot of chores. He nodded, but didn't seem to believe me all the way. That's when I noticed that Peter wasn't here.

"Where's Peter?" I asked. "Oh, he said something about needing to meet up with someone" he said. With that, I got up, and moved so that I was next to him. I watched Sev and Safrina move, since Sirius and Dakota were taking up only one seat, so there was enough room for all four of them. "Sleep. You look like the dead" Remus joked. I glared playfully at him, but did as he said. I rested my head on his shoulder. With that, sleep washed over me, and I fell asleep.

Remus' POV

I looked down at Jessica as she slept on my shoulder. I sighed. I've had a crush on her for about a year and a ahlaf, but I don't know if she likes me back. I mean, who would? I'm a werewolf!

She suddenly started to move, so I froze, not wanting to wake her up. She curled up into a ball, and snuggled her head closer to me. I sighed again, and moved her so that she was resting on my lap. I started to run my hand through her long black hair. She honestly looked like she hadn't slept in months, and she was so skinny that she looked like a pole. I was actually really worried about her. I just want her to be safe.

Pretty soon, I too fell asleep.

I woke up to a bunch of whispering. "They lok so cute together!" I heard someone say. I recignized the voice as Dakota. "Not as cute as us, thiugh" someone else mumbled, and I knew it was Sirius. "Shut up. I just wished that they realized that they like each other!" Dakota replied. "You realize I can hear you, right?" I said. I opened my eyes, and looked down at Jessica. She was sstill sound asleep on my lap. "You do realize she likes yoiu, right?" asked Dakota. "No, she doesn't. She could honestly do better than me" I said with a scoff. "Oh yeah? Then explain why she seems the most comfortable with you out of all of us?" asked Sirius as his arm that was wrapped around Dakota tightened.

"Because she sees me as an older sibling, seeing as her sister doesn't seem to being doing that" I snorted. "Okay, how about this. You owe me five galleons if you guys get together by the end of the year" challenged Dakota, and Sirius smirked. "I'll get in on that" he said. "Okay, you're on" I said simply. "What's going on?" asked Severous as he too woke up from his nap. "We're making a bet with Remus that him and Jessica will get to gether by the end of the year. If that happens, both me and Sirius will get five galleons. If not, we both pay him five galleons" explained Sirius. "Oh, can I get in on that?" he asked. I sighed. "You guys will make me loose all of my money" I grumbled. "So you admit you'd like to get with her" Sirius pointed out. "Of course I would! I just don't think she'll go for me is all" I said. "Well, we're still doing the bet" declared Dakota.

"What bet" asked someone below me. I looked down at Jessica. "We're betting to see if you and Remus will get together by the end of the year" Sev said simply. Her eyes widened, and she sat up, though I missed having her on me. "Um, uh. R-remus and I are friends. Just, um, friends" she stuttered. Dakota raised her eyhebrow. "You don't sound too sure about that" she teased as she leaned forward. "I-i'm sure" she said, though her voice was a little high.

That's when the door opened, and Lily and James walked in. They smiled at us. "What are you talking about?" asked Lily. "Oh, making a bet with Remus that he and Jessica here will get toether but the end of the year" said Sirius as he pulled Dakota back close to him. "Oh, how much? I what to be in this" asked Lily. "Five galleons" said Sev. "Yep1 Count me in!" said James, and Lily nodded. I groaned. I'm gonna be broke!

"I'm going to change into my robes" said Jessica, and she got up and left. "Dude! You have to ask her out! She likes you back!" James exclaimed. "No she doesn't! Who would want to date a werewolf?" I asked. "Well, obviously her!" Lily exclaimed. I sighed, and ran my hand through my hair. "I'm going to change into my robes" I said. I went and got changed. When I got back, Jessica was also, but when I looked out the window, I saw Hogwarts. I smiled, and we all left the compartments to get off the train.

I looked behind me to make sure we didn't leave anyone behind. I let everyone go ahaead of me, and walked beside Jessica. We looked at each other and smile. "They're idiots" I said, and she nodded. "Yeah. But they're our idiots" she reasoned, and I laughed. "Yeah, I guess you're right" I said, looking at our friends, before looking back at her. She was looking at the compartments, and I saw something that I hadn't seen before. I stopped, and made her stop too, and I looked at her neck.

A big, black and blue bruise was low on her neck. Her eyes widened, and pulled up her collar. "I-it's nothing. I-i was just, um, just shoved on the, um, platform, and my neck hit a, um, pole?" she stuttered. I gave her a blank look. "Stop lying" I demanded. She looked down. "We have to go catch up with the others" she mumbled, and walked away quickly, leaving me bewildered. Never in my life of knowing her has she ever stuttered or mumbled.

What is going on??

Mixed Emotions (Remus Lupin Marauders Era) 3Where stories live. Discover now