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Yaaay!! This book is back, and I am so excited!
So, the next few days, I was in the hospital wing, and every second of every minute, of every hour, Remus was next to me. I mean, my friends were there too, just not as often.
But, eventually Remus ran out of excuses to leave class to see me, so I was stuck in the Hospital Wing almost all day with no entertainment. And the food was terrible.

Like seriously!!

Who feeds a healing patient SPAM with cubed 'vegetables' and Jello blocks! Like, what the friggin hell, man! And the potions?

Don't get me started! One day it tastes like cranberry sludge, and another would be like pickled grapefruit juice! So, after weeks of agony and torture and piled homework that my friends brought to me and helped me with- it which quickly became the highlight of my day- I was free! I felt like running around the Black Lake or taking on a dementor! Until I realized that Remus was slowly reaching another full moon.

I was sitting in the common room with Lily and Dakota, when James, Sirius and Remus came down the stairs from the boy's dormitory. I smiled at Remus, who sat next to me. I leaned into him, and he put his arm around my shoulder. I snuggled into him, and brought my knees to my chest. I am so glad that today is Saturday. Sirius had pulled Dakota to his lap, and Lily and James had moved to the armchair. James was sitting on the arm, and Lily was in the chair. I smirked at how whipped James is for Lily.

"What shall we do today?" asked James. "Well, where are Sev and Safrina?" asked Dakota. "I heard they were going to the library" said Lily. "The LIBRARY?! On a SATURDAY?!" James and Sirius exclaimed. With that, they rushed out of there. Sirius had set Dakota on the couch next to him.

"Well, I guess we have to get up, right?" I asked. "Well, no. But, that's my boyfriend, so I have to get up. I don't think you guys have to, though?" said Dakota as she got up as well.

"Well, that leaves us in less than half. I guess we do have to get going. Come on" said Remus. He patted my shoulder so that I'd move. But, I grumbled, and snuggled closer to him. He sighed, and got up, making me flop onto the couch seat. "Hey! I was comfy!" I exclaimed. "I'll give you a piggy back ride" he said. He knew I couldn't resist those.

I huffed. "Fine" I said, and jumped onto his back. He pretended to stumble and almost fall. I laughed, and gripped onto him harder. Oh, geez, that sounded wrong!

Lily got up, and we walked out of the common room. We went to the library, and as we entered, James and Sirius waved us over like madmen. Lily frowned, and we walked over. They crouched down, and Remus set me down so we could do the same. I pouted, until I saw what was happening.

Sev and Safrina were kissing.

Lily and Dakota smiled like madmen, and James whisper yelled, "You go Severus!"

"Shhh!" the Madam Prince said. I flinched at the harsh tone. "Sorry!" James said. Sev and Safrina were staring at us, their cheeks bright red. "Well, come on you too! To the Black Lake!" said Sirius, and he pulled Dakota with him as they left the library. They gathered their things, and we went outside. Sirius and Dakota were already making out. "Get a room, you two!" James exclaimed, throwing a twig at them. "Oh, shove off you tosser!" Sirius exclaimed.

"Um, we actually have an announcement" said Dakota. Her smile was still there, though she looked more nervous than usual. She looked at Sirius, who nodded with an encouraging smile. "I'm pregnant," she said. It took a moment to comprehend what she said, until Lily started squealing. She got up, and hugged Dakota tightly. "I can't believe it! What were you thinking! Oh, I'm going to be an aunt! But what about your schooling?" Lily asked, going through the concerned and the supportive friend. I got up, and hugged her as well. "How long?" I asked. "A few weeks. I will be missing out the first few months of our seventh year, but I will be back eventually," she explained as James, Remus and Sev congratulated Sirius. "What can we do to help?" I asked. "Um, well. Just support me. That's all I can ask of you," she said with a shrug. I nodded and hugged her again. "You got it, girly," I said. We spent the rest of the afternoon talking and planning things out. She had already been to Madam Promfrey and went through how this will work out.

"I just can't wait. I am going to be visiting you so much you'll get sick of me," said Lily. "Oh, she's going to be hating me whenever I visit," said Sirius. "Why would I hate you?" she asked him. "Because I'm the one that got you pregnant, and after witnessing it with my mom with Regulas, it's a huge pain," he said. She grabbed his hand. "I will never hate you, or get sick of you," she said with a soft smile. "Don't count on that," James muttered, causing Lily to smack his shoulder, though we all burst out laughing.

"Well, it's time for dinner. Come on," said Sev who had his arm around Safrina. She was bright red, yet didn't look as happy as she probably should have been. I frowned slightly, but ignored it... For now. We went to our usual spot, and stared eating. I had soup, and rolls with chocolate anything. We then decided to call it a night early and said goodbye to Sev and Safrina.

The girls and I had decided to spend the night with the boys. I chose one of Remus's shirts with pajama bottoms, and Lily and Dakota basically did the same thing. We went to their room, and we all cuddled. Dakota and Sirius were out like a light, quickly followed by James and Lily. But Remus and I stayed up, talking. "I'm really happy for them," I said, looking over at Sirius and Dakota, who were snuggling as they slept. "Me too. Do you think that will be us someday?" he asked. I thought about it.

"Yeah. Just, not this soon. I kind of want to complete schooling before thinking of kids," I said. He nodded. "Fair enough. Can't wait for the end of our school days in that case," he said, and he kissed my neck softly. I smiled. "Me too," I said, be fore we both drifted off to sleep.

Mixed Emotions (Remus Lupin Marauders Era) 3Where stories live. Discover now