The Werewolf Remus

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After breakfast, we all just hung out by the Black Lake, talking about the most random things like creatures in the Forbbiden Forest, or how mnay colors the sky can be. "I say there are five colors the sky can be: light blue, dark blue, purple, pink, and orange" said Sirius. "Hey, don't forget gray!" said James. "That's the color of the clouds, idiot" said Remus from behind me. "People, people! The sky can only be one color: blue. No matter what, it's blue" I countered.

"That's not true!" Sev said pointing at me. "Yes, it is! The sun's rays hit the water, and create an illusion that the sky is pink or purple or orange. But it's just a facade! When it's dark, it's dark blue, and when it's light out, it's also blue. And Remus is right when he said that clouds are gray, not the sky" I explained. They all thought it over. "She's right!" exclaimed Dakota, and Safrina nodded. "Noooo!!! My girlfriend has betrayed me!! Oh, the pain! Tell my parents I love them" he yelled, as he leaned back on the ground. Suddenly, his head popped up. "Wait, that's a lie. They can go jump off a cliff" he corrected himself, before throwing his head against the ground again. I looked down, and Remus rubbed my arms in comfort.

"Everybody! I have an announcement! Tonight is my last go!" I said, holding up my arms up. "Wait! You're not going to help us after tomorrow?" asked Sirius, sitting up and looking at me with disbelief. "Under Moony's command!" I defended myself, and everyone looked at him. "What? Is id a crime to not want to hurt my girlfriend?" he asked. Sirius and James nodded in understanding. Sirius turned to Dakota, though she seemed to know what he was going to say. "Don't even think about it. I'm not leaving any time soon" she said, crossing her arms. "Well, in that case we will explore Hogsmeade tonight!" exclaimed James, holding his arms up like a child on a rollercoaster. "Nope. Not happening" I said.

"But why? It's your last run!" he exclaimed. "No. We are there to help Remus, not explore and get into trouble" I said calmly. James and Sirius groaned, and flopped on their backs with their arms out like a cross. "You guys are no fun!" Sirius exclaimed. "No. We're safe" Remus corrected, and I nodded. "Well, on a better note, let's eat" said Sev, and we all got up to go eat lunch. "Thank you" said Remus. I smiled sadly at him. "I just wish I could help you out more" I said. "You're helping plenty by staying in the common room, so that I know you're safe. It puts me at ease" he said, and I nodded. "I get it" I said, and kissed his cheek. "Thank you. Besides, I can't stand to watch you in pain" I said as we entered the Great Hall. He smiled at me. "Well I guess I'm doing you a favor then" he said. "It's neither! I don't want to see you in pain, but I don't want to be in the common room worried sick because I don't know what's going on" I said. "I'll be fine. I've done this for so long I've almost gotten used to it" he said. "But you shouldn't be used to it!" I exclaim as we sit down with our friends. "Baby, I appreciate the concern, but there's nothing to worry about" he said, kissing my fore head, before turning to the food. I sighed, and I too started eating.

Lily and Dakota looked at me. "How about us girls hang out and have girl time. We haven't actually done that ever" suggested Lily. I shrugged, and Safrina nodded. "I'm in" said Dakota. The four of us got up after all eating a sandwich, and left the table, leaving the boys to have boy time. We walked to the Gryffindor common room, and sprawled out on the couches. "So, how do you become an animagus?" asked Lily. "You have to have a Mandrake leaf in your mouth for a whole month. Then, use the leaf to make a potion and say an incantation daily.  It's long, and fricken hard. But, it's worth it. I just wish I could be more useful to him, you know?" I asked. "Nope" said Dakota. "Yeah, well you're not being forced to not go out every month to help out a friend" I said.

"I get it. If it were any of you guys or the boys, I wouldn't want to stop helping. I think that's actually the greatest trait of James. He helps his friends no matter what" she said, and she had admiration in her voice. I smirked at her, and I think that Dakota and Safrina had the same thought. "What?" she asked. "You like James! You like James!" I sang, and she blushed bright red. "No I don't! I just think he's a great friend is all" she countered, though it was terrible. "What about you, Safrina? We see the way you look at Sev!" she pointed out, and we all looked at her.

"That's right!" said Dakota. "When I first met you, you were boggling at him"

Safrina blushed, and got out her wand. She used it to write out, 'I don't know what you're talking about'. "Stop lying! We know, just like we knew with Jessica and Remus. Even you saw it" said Lily. "Hey, don't bring me into this!" I exclaimed. After that, we continued to tease each other until dinner. We went downstairs, and to the Great Hall. Remus, James, Sev, and Sirius were laughing, and looked on a verge of a food fight. I looked over at Lily. "I'm glad they're getting along with each other now. I swear, more than a year ago they were arguing and bullying each other. Who knew they would be best mates?" I asked."Yeah, I have to agree" she said with a nod, and we went over to join them. "Hello, love" greeted Remus as I sat next to him, and he kissed the side of my head. "Hey. What are you all laughing at?" I asked. "Teasing Sev and James" he said. "Yeah, we were doing the same to Lily and Safrina" I said as I got some mashed potatoes and some chicken. Lily looked at all of us with a grin. "I have an announcement" she said and waved us in like a middle schooler. We all leaned in, and she said quietly, "I want to be an Animagus. Jessica told me how, and if three idiots can do it, why not me?" she said. I smiled, and we fist bumped. Sev looked uneasy, but nodded. "I don't see why not. I can make the potion. Can I do it too?" he asked. James, Sirius, and Remus were beaming. "Why not? You'll need expert advice and stuff" said James. I looked at Remus. "There, now you get extra help" I said.

With that, we all went to the Hospital Wing, and we got ready to go out. "I'll wait for you guys" said Lily. "Yeah, fill us in tomorrow morning" said Sev, and Safrina nodded, and they left. We waited until it was safe to go, and we all made out way out of the castle, and to the Whomping Willow. Remus looked at the sky, and we all saw the moon. He stared at it, kind of transfixed. We rushed him to the giant tree. I muttered the spell  to freeze it, and we rushed into the shack. By now, Remus was starting to transform. We laid him down, and we started to transform ourselves into our Animagi forms.

I went into my fox form, and we all spread out so that he couldn't get out. Remus was finally in his full form. At first, his eyes were still in his chocolate form. I slowly approached him. But, then they flashed black, and he lunged at me. He chased us, and we chased him. I guess I got a bit too close, because he hit me with his big paw, and I flew into the wall. And with that, I passed out.

I woke up in the Hospital Wing. I looked beside me, and saw Remus on a bed as well. Our friends were sitting in between us. When Lily saw that I was up, she smiled softly. "Hey" she said softly. I smiled at her. "What happened?" I asked. James saw I was up, and walked over. "Remus knocked you into a wall and you passed out. But, um, he kind of left a mark on you. He scratched you" he said. My eyes widened. I saw up, but I realized I shouldn't have done that, because pain spread through my back. I looked behind me, and saw four marks going across my back. My eyes widened. "It wasn't too deep, thankfully, so you won't be different, but it will scar over. Until then, you'll be here. Since it was done by a werewolf, nothing can heal it faster. You'll be here for the next few day" said Sirius. I nodded, and slowly leaned back against the bed. I looked over at Remus. "How do you think he's going to take it?" I asked. "I don't know, but probably not well" said Sirius. I glared at him. "Hey, I'm only being honest" he said as he put up his hands in surrender. I sighed.

"Well, you're about to find out" said Dakota as Remus shifted, and slowly woke up. "Hey, buddy. How do you feel?" asked James as he rushed to Remus' side. "Tired. Did I hurt anyone?" he asked. "Um, well, not too badly" I spoke up. His head whipped to look at me. When he saw I was on a hospital bed, he got up. He walked over to me, and sat on my bed. "What did I do?" he asked. "Scratched my back. But it wasn't too bad. Just gonna be here for a few days" I assured him. He sighed, and ran his hand through his hair. "I'm so sorry" he said sadly as though he were about to cry. "Remus, you couldn't control it" I said. "It could have been worse" Sirius spoke up. We both glared at him, and he held up his hands in surrender again. "Geez, such violent people" he said. I cracked a smile, though I then turned back to Remus. I held out my arms. "Let's hug it out, because I already promised I wasn't going back out" I said. He hugged me, and we stayed like that for a while. "Damn right you're not" he whispered into my ear. "We'll go get you guys breakfast" said Lily with a smile. I nodded, and Remus just crawled in next to me. We curled up, and slowly fell asleep.


Made it nice and long for you people! As of now, this book is on hold.


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