This is not the last of us- Vic Fuentes

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Being Alone and Forgotten is something I'm used to. Since I turned 18, nothing really changed, I still don't come out of my apartment, I listen to music all day long and I barely eat. Thats been going on for, hmm, about 7 years now? It shows how much people have no appreciation for you. But there's a bright side to this all, I write music, play music, I do what i love and that's all that matters, right?

Vic was the best friend that i never had. He was always there, no matter what. Vic's the only reason i get up in the morning. Now i have the honor of going on Warped tour with Vic and The rest of Pierce the Veil. 

Today was the day i got on that hunk of metal i called a tour bus. Chris, my bassist lifted my suitcase up the stairs as i thanked him. I set my Vans backpack into my bunk, I was lucky enough to get the bunk below Johnnie, the second lead singer. I sat down as my ringtone "A Love like War" went off. Incoming call from Smol Burrito Man. I hit accept and put my phone up to my ear.

Me - Hello?

Vic- Hey Y/N! 

Me - What's up Vic?

Vic -  Nothing much, I just wanted to know if you're going to the Before Tour party tonight.

Me - I guess, i literally just got on the bus and i'm exhausted from waking up at 7 AM.

Vic - You poor thing, well its gonna be awesome!

Me - Yeah its gonna be sick...

Vic - Y/N, are you okay?

Me - I'm just overwhelmed. I'm okay. I'm gonna go and get some sleep, but i am coming to the party, i promise. 

Vic - Yeah, get some rest, I'll see you later. 

Me - See ya. 

I am truly exhausted, I got up and stepped into the lounge area where Johnnie sat. Kyle was the drummer, Chris the Bassist and Johnnie was the second lead vocalist and guitarist, but we sang together all the time. I was the lead vocalist and sometimes on piano, it depended on the cover we did. 

Johnnie was my Best-friend too, he's pretty much a brother to me. We did Fall out boy, Green Day, My Chemical Romance, Get Scared etc. We made our own songs but I could never find the right lyrics.  Our band name is "Silence of Static" is was a group decision between all of us.

"Johnnie, can you do me a favor?"

"Yeah, Y/N, What can i do for you, lady?" He looked up from his phone.

"Wake me up before the party starts and before we get there, please?"

"Yep, will do."


"Oh, tomorrow, what song are we doing second? I know we're doing Teenagers first, unless you wanna plan it out later."

"Um, how about 21 guns? We haven't done it in forever"

"Sounds good, go get some sleep Y/N, I'll see you later."

I nodded and grabbed a pair of clothes from my backpack. A simple band t-shirt, skinny jeans and converse. I set them on the end of my bunk as i laid down and fell into darkness.


"Y/N, wake up! We're almost at the venue." Johnnie yelled.

I rubbed my eyes and yawned. I looked at my phone clock. 6:03 PM. 

"You have 'til 6:30. 27 minutes so get up."

"Okay, okay. Are Chris or Kyle in here?"

"No, do you want me to get you a water or something?"

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