This is not the last of us- Vic Fuentes Part 2

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I woke up somewhere other than my bus, then i saw my surroundings and who i was on, I felt embarrassed. My throat still hurt and i didn't want to say anything with the pain. I got up and stretched my arms, tiredly. I got up and grabbed my bag, as I walked to the bathroom i passed Jack (Fowler).

"Hey Sleeping beauty. How'd you sleep?"

Um, how am i gonna do this? I thought. 

I pointed to my throat, made a mouth moving motion and swiped across my neck meaning "No"

"What do you mean?"

I sighed and pulled out my phone. I tapped on the reminder app thing. No, I can't talk. My throat is pretty much swollen shut. I guess i air-screamed too much but i have back-ups. It's gonna be hard talking to people but I, um...can't...  Any help?

"Yeah, here, i'll help you today. With Fans i mean. I can't really help with anything else, sorry."

Its okay, Vic'll have to come to me if he wants to talk to me. Wait...Oh. You don't know that situation. Never mind. Well, i'm gonna shut up, go get changed and I'll be back in a minute.


He gave me a weird look but hey, two people knowing about a crush is two, too many. I locked the door and looked into my own eyes from the mirror. I saw Vic behind me, trying to put his hand on my shoulder but when i turned around nothing was there. I just put my sweat-shirt over my regular shirt, i took my sweat-pants off and replaced them with the skinny jeans, then i put on my vans, smoothed out my hair and put my beanie on. Surprisingly in less than 20 minutes. 

I stepped out and Jack walked in after me. I felt the bus come to a slow stop, i guess we're here. I took a deep breath, a crisp yet cold wind hit me. I put my sunglasses on, even though its cold, the sun is pretty bright. I gave Andy Biersack a small friendly wave and waited for my band's tour bus to park. I ran towards Johnnie and gave him a hug. 

"Hey! Your voice is still gone, huh?"

I nodded and gave a smile. I mouthed "good luck"

"Sorry, darling. I don't mind working with Kellin but its just weird not having you around you know?"

I nodded once again. 

~ Vic's POV ~ 

Goddammit Vic! Why'd you have to tell them that you and Y/N were just friends?! You know you love her! But you didn't stop even after you saw the heart-break in her eyes. 

I tried to call Y/N, she wouldn't pick-up, it automatically went to voice-mail. Tony went to her last night and told me it sounded like she was crying. Her eye's, Her hair, her everything. She's beautiful no matter what, yet its sad that she doesn't see what i see. No matter how many times i told her that she was beautiful, she never believed me. I wish i could hear her voice again. She won't talk to me though. 

I don't think she'll want to talk to me or any of us. I put on my beanie and fixed my hair. I thought i saw Y/N behind me but as i looked behind me, she wasn't there. I over-heard her, Kellin and Alex last night. 

- Flash Back - 

"So where's Little Victor?" Alex asked

"Who? Oh...Vic, I have no clue and I don't even want to fucking know." She said, angrily. 

Why would she not want to see me? I love her and it hurts me to know that she probably hates me now. 

"I thought you liked him, what happened to that?" Kellin said. 

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