my hangover babe - G.W

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(Hi, so, I used to have a Gerard Way imagines book. They sucked. But anyways, I found one that didnt suck!! So, I'm happy. Here ya go. Excuse any of the errors. It's been a while.)

(Name) got drunk with her friends while we hosted a party. She passed out a while ago at 5-ish, I didn't know the time but I was waiting for Frank to get over since I couldn't remember what to do with a drunk, sleeping person.

I finally heard the knock on the front door, I made sure (name) wasn't going to fall off the bed then I went downstairs to let Frank in. I set a kiss upon (name)s' forehead and left her where she was.

"Hey, man." I hugged him quickly, letting him in to our house. It was pretty tidy besides the few solo cups on the tables.

"So what's up?" He asked, crossing his arms and looking into my face.

"(Name) passed out a while ago and I don't really know what to do." He nodded, I was expecting some sort of comment on how her and I being together for so long but nothing came out of him. I took him with me to (name) and I's shared bedroom.

"Well, you got the water and aspirin right but you might want to roll her over on her stomach so she doesn't choke on anything. Like vomit or spit. I don't know what else to say, only that you're probably going to want to stay with her to make sure she doesn't hurt herself or anything. Maybe pin her hair back while you're at it." I nodded, crossing my arms. He had always been there for questions and was so nice about it too.

"Thanks a lot, Frank. I appreciate it. I'll get to it. You can get on your way."

"You're welcome, Gee. I'll see you later, man." Frank walked away, back downstairs. I could hear the faint door opening and closing sound.

Let me see I mumbled. First, roll her on her stomach so she doesn't choke. Frank's words passed around my head a few good times, reminding me of what I had to do.

She was light enough to do it without a hassle. Check. I thought of what else. I went to get a hair tie and a small trash can. When I got back to where (name) was, she was leaning more off the bed than she was before. I did my best to pull her hair up and get it out of her face just in case.

"Gee?" An out-of-it voice spoke coming from the beautiful person I called my wife.

"Yes, sugar?" I answered her, sitting on the bed. I grabbed (name)s hand because I felt like it was needed.

"What are you doing?" She sounded so tired and dull. She kept her eyes closed but she obviously wasn't asleep.

"Watching you, baby. Keeping you safe and everything." I ran my thumb over her knuckles since it made her more relaxed.

"What happened? Where is everyone?"

"You passed out. They all left and hour or so ago. Maybe if you'd open your eyes, you'd know." I chuckled, it was kind of an asshole-ish joke but I let it be since (name) wasn't bothered by it.

"I'd open my eyes if it wasn't so bright and I wasn't so tired."

"Oh, I'm sorry, sugar." I let go of her hand and turned off the lights in the room but I left on the TV. I sat back down on the bed.

"It's okay, Gee. Can you come and cuddle me so we can both sleep?" She asked while I changed into my sweatpants out of my jeans.

"Of course, my love."

I got in bed next to her, she fixed her position, back on her left side. I wrapped my arms around her waist, resting my head on hers. "I love you so much, baby."

"I love you so much too, Gerard." She yawned, her breath brushing against my neck. I kissed her head as she fell asleep. I closed my eyes, falling into a peaceful sleep.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 04, 2020 ⏰

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