Y/n in the Bathroom- James Cassells

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(p.s Casey is no-one in particular)

"Come on, Y/n! Its gonna be fun, don't be a loser!" Casey yelled at me, still in his room finding his leather jacket.

"You better not leave me alone this time." I mumbled and looked at the time on my phone.

"What?" He asked, looking back at me while getting his jacket on.

"Nothing. Lets get going." 

*Time Skip*

I fucking knew it! I shouldn't have trusted him. I can't even fucking see him. Dammit, Casey! I sighed, where's the damn bathroom? Its too crowded here. I looked out the window, there were orange leaves mixed with a arrangement of people with red solo cups. I almost ran into a door with a sign, BATHROOM #1

Thank god. I closed the white, wooden door behind me and locked it. I sat on the rim of the bathtub, its the biggest party you can ever be at and you choose to be an anti-social fuck? You're crazy! My mind is really getting in my nerves. "Nobody cares, okay? I could disappear at any moment, he doesn't even notice!" I whisper-yelled at no-one but myself. 

Just sitting here undetected, nobody even said hello. He left me alone, all alone! I guess I'd much rather be in here and pretend to 'do business' than having to fake being happy. 

Everything was fine when Casey and I hung out, it was alright! It's not my fault that we're practically strangers! Now its just Y/n in the bathroom, alone, with no-one at all. I looked at my phone for the time, I couldn't even tell how long its been. There was a visible knock at the door. "I'm busy, you can't come in!" I yelled to whoever was on the outside. Just wait it out, it won't be that bad.

I slid down the side of the tub, running my finger along the grout. They don't know me, they won't ever. Disassociated with everything and everyone. Just hiding out, he's most likely at the bar, forgetting all of our memories together. Cancelling out what our friendship was, there's some other girl willing to be his best-friend. 

The tone to Whitney Houston's 'I Wanna Dance With Somebody' start to get louder and play through-out the bathroom. I could just imagine the chick singing along to it. I wanna dance with somebody- the lyrics repeated themselves in my mind. I started to shake and cry more heavily than I was before. Casey and I used to make fun of drunken girls like that, "We can't do that anymore!" I yelled, this is just pathetic.

I regret the beers, kind of. I wish I had more then I wish I hadn't had any at all. I held back the tears the best I could but it was as if Niagara Falls moved itself to my face. Just dry already! I fanned my cheeks, just blame it on something! Weed or an eyelash, yeah! 

Knock, knock, knock, knock.

They're going to get loud. It feels like the walls of the bathroom were caving in. 

Knock, knock, knock, knock.  

"Hell, I'll be done in a sec!" I yelled to the person out there.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.  

"It sucks you left me here, Case." I whispered, bringing my knees to my chest and laying my head on top of them.

Knock, knock, knock, knock.  

Its a fucking war zone.

Clang, clang, clang, clang.

My anxiety built up as I heard noises that were all made in my head.

Bang, bang, bang, bang.

It was my fucking mistake coming here. With him.

I stood up and went to the sink, running the water on high. Splash, splash, splash, splash. 

Am I in a better mind-set now? I sighed, spitting water out of my mouth in the process. I put my hand toward the door-knob but nothing was there anymore.

I just craved those times before he'd drag me to these things. When we still hung out. I caught a glimpse of myself in the mirror, but now he's just gone. There's no rejecting how its becoming. I started to cry again. At a party. Jesus christ. There's nothing sadder than this. I wish I stayed home, doing whatever I'm supposed to do on a Saturday night. I should've just blown my damn head off! God, why did my mom ever fucking have me?

Hey Y/n, you're such a loner. She's a stoner right? That car you drive? Gross. "You're a fucking loser!" I remember all the comments Casey and his friends made. They thought they fucking knew me, and I changed for them! All they knew is my name, now I'm in a bathroom at a party, alone. I'm so glad I came. Fuck you, Casey.

I leaned forward and grabbed my phone. I called my boyfriend, James. He warned me to, not to go. "Hello?" He answered, I sighed a breath of relief as he picked up.

"H-hey babe. Can you- um- come pick me up?" 

"Oh, hi Y/n! Yeah, love, give me a few minutes. Alright, honey? I love you." I sniffled and smiled,

"Alright, I love you too, James. I'll see you soon." I hung up before he could say anything else.

Please hurry up.

*James' Pov*

Shit. "Sorry, guys. Gotta go." Ben rolled his eyes and sighed.

"Again? You always have to leave the studio early." He commented, not even bothering to turn around.

"I'm done with my drum bit, it shouldn't matter." I replied while getting my coat on.

"It shouldn't, go ahead." 

I put my keys in my pocket, going out to my car. I then sped off.

*Time Skip*

I stormed into the big house, looking for any familiar faces that Y/n knew. Casey. That man is gonna fucking get it. "Casey, Where is Y/n?" I growled at the drunken man. 

"Huh, who is that?" He laughed to his 'buddies'.

"Don't fucking play with me, mate. Tell me. Now." I commanded, he didn't seem intimidated or taken aback by the slightest.

"I don't fucking know!" He spat, turning around and walking away.

Where's somewhere Y/n would go. Jesus, think James! Bathroom? Maybe. I looked down the hallway to my right, there's one!

I ran to it, jiggling the handle. It surely was locked. "Babe, its me." The door suddenly opened, I wrapped my arms around Y/n.

"Lets just go home already. Thank you."

"Anytime, love." 


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