Such a violent duckling - Danny Worsnop

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Another cough for the millionth fucking time today.

I was stuck in bed while Danny and the guys went to the bar. I had been sick for more than a week. It wasn't horrible but it still made me delusional, bitchy and tired. Cowboy was being a saint like usual, curled up next to me where Danny would usually be.

I took a giant chug of water, wanting to rip my throat out. It hurt so bad. My face felt like hot coals. I couldn't stand being sick and feeling absolutely useless. Yet, I had went to the doctor, they didn't prescribe me anything and told me to wait a week and then go back. I thought it was complete and utter bullshit. There was a big chance I wasn't going to get better off of NyQuil, ice cream and cough medicine.

What made me feel the worst was that I had felt extra clingy. I usually didn't feel like I needed to be by Danny's side 24/7 but I thought that I needed to be stuck to him, all the damn time.

I jumped out of my half-asleep state when I heard the familiar sound of the front door. Cowboy stood up, jumped off the bed and ran down the hall. "Hey, boy. Why'd you leave your mom?" There was the voice I had grown to melt over. Danny.

The scruffy faced man came into our room, following the dog as he had jumped back on the bed and went to his original spot. "Sorry I was so long. I went to the store to get you stuff." He sat down on my legs, setting a CVS bag on my stomach.

Its contents were various medicines and bottles of water. "Thanks. I missed you." I rubbed my throat, sitting up and hugging Danny.

"I know it hurts, honey. Just lay back down and go to sleep." I shook my head, he put his arms around me then pulled me into his lap. He slowly started to run his fingers through my hair. I involuntarily wrapped my body around his leg without even knowing it. He started making small compliments about how cute I was and everything.

"Don't fuckin' do that. I will fight you mister." I closed my eyes, trying to fight Danny as I slowly fell into sleep.

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