Preference- Sleeping With Sirens

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|What you do that bothers him (or that he hates)|

Kellin- When you're depressed, you'll shut everyone out, even Kellin, when he tries to talk to you, you won't respond and it makes him feel like he's done something wrong even though he didn't do anything.

Justin- When you're mad, you'll just cross your arms and walk away, no words given or taken. Justin'll get confused even though he knows whats going on.

Jack- There's some days you won't talk or do anything, then Jack thinks you're giving him the silent treatment and that worries him a bit.

Gabe- When there's something bothering you, you won't tell anyone, you'll just push it off as nothing. Even tough Gabe knows what you're hiding.

Nick- When you're anxious, you shut down, only because you don't want any attention for it, but Nick always helps you stay calm and okay.   

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