The next day..

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The next day after all the lemony lemons.. everyone was at the guild.

Mira's POV:
I was really tired from last night.. after freed left Laxus's room we kept going.. I think we finally fell asleep at around 3:00 am or something..
Natsu and Gajeel walked into the guild looking very tired and worn out.

" you two ok?" I asked as I put a fire torch in front of natsu and a plate of iron in front of Gajeel.

" just tired.." Gajeel groaned as he ate iron, his voice more husky than usual.. sounding kinda hot..

" spring sucks.." natsu groaned as well as he ate the fire, his voice as well husky. I sighed and cleaned glasses. After a while lucy and levy came into the guild, they both had red puffy eyes.. by the looks of it they where crying. Natsu and Gajeel where already over there.

Natsu's POV:
" luce what's wrong?" I lifted Lucy's chin slightly looking into her sad and watery eyes, I didn't know what was making her like this.. what ever or who ever did this imma kill them for making her cry..

" natsu look.." lucy help up a pregnancy test saying it was positive, my eyes widened as the guild went silent in the comer of my eye I saw Gajeel dealing with the same thing, I started to feel light headed before all I saw was black and I was unconscious.

Gajeel's POV:

" levy.. what happened??" I looked at levy worried, she looked into my eyes sadly.

" Gajeel look.." levy sighed and held up a pregnancy test saying positive, in the corner of my eye I saw natsu looking as if he was about to faint, as if on cue I started to feel light headed, before I knew it I was out cold.

No ones POV:
The guild was silent as they all looked at the two passed out dragon slayers, soon they shot back up and yelled in unison.

" IM GONNA BE A DAD!!!!!" Everyone cheered as the girls let out a sigh of relief and hugged their dragon slayers.

Lucy's POV:
I'm so glad natsu is over joyed to be a dad.. and by the looks of it Gajeel is too.. when they both passed out I got worried.. I smiled brightly as natsu got up and hugged me, I wrapped my arms around his torso and hugged him back as the guild roared with cheers. After a couple hours Levy and I went back to my place to plan while the boys went to go spar..

Gajeel's POV:
I'm still in shock that I'm gonna be a dad.. damn and it was her first time.. I must be pretty good then.. heheheh

Gajeel shut the fuck up!!

" you.. me.. training grounds.. now.." natsu said as we both walked to the fairy tail training grounds to spar, once we got there we started, I sent a fist to Natsu's face sending him flying, he skidded to a stop and ran at me I smirked as my arms turned to iron as I blocked his talon attack and flipped him over.

" looks like the lack of sleep it gettin to ya salamander.." I smirked, Natsu growled and got into a relaxed defensive stance.

" iron dragon pillars!!" I punched the around as an iron pillar shot out underneath natsu sending him flying into the sky, I watched him fly up until he went into the clouds, I sighed and put my hands on my hips waiting for him. After a couple seconds a saw a large flame coming towards me, I braced myself.. this is gonna hurt..

" fire dragon roar!!" I heard natsu yell just as I was gonna shield my self the attack plummeted down on me, fuck it was hot.. finally once the flames where gone I got back up my skin steaming slightly, I swayed slightly as natsu was doing the same. Before we knew it we had both fallen out of magic energy, probably not a good idea to spar when your really tired..

Natsu's POV:
Damn.. already outta magic energy.. stupid idea to spar when your tired..

" until.. next time.. metal head.." I say as I fall to my knees and Gajeel leans on the iron fence surrounding the arena.

" I guess so flame fer brains.." he smirks back as he skids down sitting on the ground, we both sighed and regained our strength.


Lucy's POV:

" alright since we got the activities for baby showers planned out.. what should we do now?" I asked levy as we both sat on my couch with both of us writing notes down,

" hmm.. maybe we should get down some food that we would wanna snack on whilst we do the activities..?" Levy said as we both started to think.
After a couple hours had passed they guys had come over to chill out at my house while levy and I did all the work, all they mostly did was sleep on my couch.

" alright we are done!" I said smiling as levy smiled back and looked over at the boys who where sleeping.

" I can't believe it.. I'm about to have a kid with him.." levy said smiling and putting a hand on her stomach, I smiled and looked at natsu who was also sleeping next to Gajeel, they where adorable.

" neither can I.. I can't wait till they both get down on one knee.." I said as we both giggled waking the boys up, I giggle as natsu falls off the couch and groans.

" luce.. why ya got such a hard floor.." he said as he sat up and poked Gajeel, I sighed and shook my head smiling.

" he will literally bite your finger natsu.." levy giggled as natsu held in his laugh, after a couple seconds Gajeel woke up and bit Natsu's finger, natsu burst out laughing as Gajeel looked at him confused. Levy and i where laughing too.. Gajeel sighed and shrugged

" yeah sure leave me outta the loop that's fine.." Gajeel said as he got up and easily climbed out of the window. Honestly I think all the dragon slayers have a tendency to do things the hard way.. and overdoing things.. Gajeel jumped off the window and casually walked back to his house levy sighed and shook her head.

" he's something else.." she said as she blushed slightly, I giggled as I looked at her.

" alright I'm like so hungry.." I said as I got up and walked to the kitchen levy followed and had her hand on her stomach.

Alrighty.. this is a kinda short chapter..

Natsu: i still cant believe Gajeel did my signature move..

Gajeel: calm your farm salamander.. I'm not the one callin shots here..

Natsu: I wasn' talkin to you metal head!!

Uh guys..

Gajeel: well then why do you talk so god damn loud?!

Natsu: you callin me obnoxious?!


Gajeel: funny thing is I don't even think you know what that means..

Natsu: so what if I don't?

Gajeel: then your more of an idiot that I thought!!


Erza: I heard my name..

* Natsu and Gajeel acting like they are buddies*

-_- that's what I thought..

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