Time skip

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It had been 16 years since the day that levy and lucy had fallen pregnant.. lucy had a boy then two years later had a girl and levy had a boy, the year after Mira and Laxus had a girl.. juvia and gray had a kid and two years after had a set of twins, erza and jellal had a boy and then two years later had a girl..

Gajeel's POV:
" cmon daddd let's goooooooo.." my son groaned, his name was gale redfox, he used to have light blue hair like his mothers but died to darker to a deep cyan to look more intimidating, he had red eyes, tan skin, good build.. and.. well he's pretty much like another version of me..

" alright alright chill gale.." I finally came out of mine and levy's room and walked over to the door opening it, gale and I walked to the guild. He was 16 now.. fuck.. just saying that makes me feel old..

" h-hey dad.. I've been feeling strange lately.." gale said looking down, this better not be him being horny..

" how so?" I said looking at him, he blushed slightly and looked away,

" w-well.. all i can think about is nova.. I know we've been friends since we where little.. but.." gale said I sighed, finally he's matured enough to feel spring.. here we go..

" what time of month is it?" I started, he will learn from the guild what all the little details are.. that's how I learned that I actually need to stay alive for everyone..

" spring.." gale said slowly as he looked up at me.

" and what do animals do in spring?" I continued.

" make babies.." gale answered as i chuckled slightly.. this kid..

" and what are dragons?" I asked raising my eyebrow at him.

" animals.." he said slowly.

" and what are we?" I finished sighing hoping he'd get the hint, just as I hoped his face blushed.

" o-oh.." he said quietly looking down, I sighed as we entered the guild, Luna and Sylvia where fighting again.. geez now I know how annoying we where way back when..

" fire dragon.."

" ice demon.."


"RAGE!!!!" The girls yelled in unison, gale sighed and watched the young teens fight.

" yo gale! Come help a fellow dragon slayer out will ya?" Luna smirked as she punched Sylvia knocking her back.

" no way! Gale come help me out!" Sylvia yelled as she kneed Luna in the stomach, gale looked between the girls then looked at me, I chuckled and shook my head. As if I'm getting all caught up in this..

" I'm not comin into this one.." I said as I walked over to the bar and sat next to Laxus. Gale sweat dropped as both of them looked at him with pleading eyes.

" hey look at that!" Gale pointed to something, the girls looked away from gale, he smirked and became a shadow re appearing next to me, I chuckled.

" not bad son.."

Gales POV:

I shrugged as my eyes stopped on nova walking though the front door.. lookin fine as fuck.. shit!! Gale stop with the thoughts!! Not when I'm right next to her dad!!!! Stupid hormones..

" hey gale." She smiled warmly with her hands in front of her, I held back my blush as I stood up straight.

" hi nova.." I said trying to sound as normal as possible.

" I SHIP IT!!!!" I heard reiki yell from the other side of the guild hall, I sighed face palming myself as he ran over and danced around us. Fucking hell reiki..

" shut up or I'll do it for you.." nova grabbed reiki's shirt as she had lightning starting to surround her, I chuckled slightly as reiki became silent and wrapped his arms and legs around me, since I was a head taller than him he was off the ground.. tch..

" geez.." I said under my breath as he didn't let go and hung there casually.. soon he let go and we decided to go pull a prank on the younger siblings, storm was with us and nova was watching. I was holding storm and reiki's shoulders as we became a shadow, we crept up to them and it just so happens they where telling ghost stories,

'3, 2,1.." I signaled as we all slowly came up around the group and scared the living tuna salad out of them, they all screamed and started chasing us around the guild hall. I was getting chased by Luna and rin, storm was getting chased by Sylvia and reiki was getting chased by rosemary.
After a while we where all puffed and flopped on one of the many chairs around the guild.

Nova's POV:
O.m.g.. gale looked so hot when he ran his fingers though his hair just now.. ugh nova!!! Stupid mating season.. messin with my brain..

" hey gale wanna go on a job.. just us?" I asked sitting on the table next to gale, I swore I saw him blush..

" sure.. which one where you thinking of?" Gale said looking at me with those beautiful crimson eyes.. I shrugged and got up walking to the request board, gale got up and followed me, he sat on the railing looking over my shoulder. I held back my blush, * mentally screaming* he is so cute!!!!

Nova honey.. calm down!


" meet back here tomorrow at 6? When we arrive at the destination it will be 10.." gale said getting off the railing, I nodded and smiled lightly.

" sounds great.." I said as I put the flyer in my back pocket and walked out of the guild hall, gale went out two but walked to the other side of the guild to the fairy tail gym, most likely to work out those hot muscles of his.. shut up brain!!

Sorry this was such a short chappy.. I'm really not feeling it.. I might do another extra long one for ya..

Nova: mmkay..

Oh hai nova.. I see your getting the hots huh? * smirks*

Nova: wha-?! As if! *blushes*

Gale: who's gettin the hots for who? *oblivious*


Gale: for..?

Y- * nova covers Le mouth*

Nova: NO ONE! Heh.. * sweat drop*

* licks her hand* yeah ok ok.. any way baiiiiiiiiiiii

Nova: EW!!!

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