Moving out

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The next morning gale told his parents that he had bought an apartment and was moving out with nova.

No ones POV:

" yeah reiki.. bring everyone.. imma need some help.. and nova too she's gotta lotta stuff." Gale was in a call with reiki, he was going to bring a couple guys around to help move. Gale started his clothes and valuables into boxes.

" yo gale ya need any help?" viper leaned against gales door frame.

" nah I'm just bout done.. y'all can help when reiki and the guys come over." Gale smiled and ran a hand though his now shoulder length cyan hair.

" okai!" Viper smiled walking back into her own room, gale taped up this last box as someone knocked on the door, gale came out of his room and answered the door.

Gales POV:

I unlocked the door and opened it, seeing reiki, storm and Nash smiling.

" hey you three come on in.." I smiled, and opened the door wider for them.

" you you three!!" Mum said coming down the stairs wearing makeup and in a nice dress.

" where you goin.. clubbing?" I joked as mum raised an eyebrow at me.

" no but close.. us awesome moms are going to the pub.." she said checking her phone. Nash reiki and storm chuckled as I stood there.

" welp I'll leave ya to it.. I gotta get this stuff outta here.." I said as I went into my bedroom letting the guys come in and start taking boxes.

" you need dad to help?" Mom asked as mrs dragneel, mrs fullbuster and mrs Fernandez came in short sparkly dresses with stilettos, us boys where too busy packing everything into a trailer to notice our mothers.

" so we'll be back later k?" Mom said as she put a couple jewl into her.. bra?

" o-okay.." why did I have to see that.. I heard Nash storm and reiki just laughing at me as I just hurried inside to get more boxes. After a couple minuets of them talking they left for the pub and everyone came to mine and nova's new apartment, for a house warming, dad had come back from an s class mission with uncle lily.

" ya ditchin me kiddo?" Dad said as he jumped threw the window casually everyone laughed as lily face palmed himself.

" well yeah I can hear you and mom at night.." I shuddered as dad rolled his eyes.

" when y'all have a kid they will say that to you too.." dad sighed as everyone laughed.
After a couple hours everyone had gone home and nova and I where getting ready for bed.

" this place is amazing.." nova said as she laid down on our new bed. I smiled at her and put some sweat pants on and flopped down next to her, she wrapped her arms around my torso cuddling me.

" I love you pika.." I sighed hugging her back.

" I love you too tinny.. gnight.." nova said as she hit under the covers, I pecked her lips.

" night.." I said as I too for under the covers and went to sleep.

Time skip to next morning

Nova's POV:
I started to wake up feeling gales arms around me, I cuddled into his warmth, it's amazing to have him back.. and Gajeel.. for so long I thought they had died, I guess that's what everyone thought..
I came out of my thoughts when gale opened his glowing ruby eyes, just as I was about to move I felt a rush of nausea to my stomach, I instantly got up and ran to the bathroom throwing up in the toilet, oh no.. from the other day..
I heard gale get up and come to the door I some how closed on my way in.

" babe?? You ok?" Gale asked, his voice was full of worry, I knew exactly what this meant.. I need to be sure though..
once I finished I flushed the toilet washed out my mouth and opened the door walking past gale and getting dressed grabbing my wallet and my phone then walking out of our apartment to the chemist.
Once I got there I bought a pregnancy test and went back to the apartment, I opened the door to see gale had left for the guild..
I probably freaked the hell outta him..
I went to the bathroom and took the pregnancy test, just as I thought..

I knew it.. I washed the tester and walked to the guild, I probably looked like shit.. I don't feel that unwell anymore..
I opened the door and all eyes went on me as gale stood up looking at me, he walked over slowly, I took the test out of my pocket and showed him, his face paled and he started swaying.
Is he happy or sad..?
Just when I was about to ask him if he was ok he passed out onto the floor falling backwards. I looked around as Natsu and Gajeel where just watching like they've seen it before.. hmm.. just as I was starting to get worried he shot up.

" IMMA BE A DAD!!!!!!!" He yelled and hugged me, everyone cheered loudly and I hugged him back, dad looked like he wasn't actually about to murder gale, and Gajeel seemed fine, I think it just hit him he gonna be a grandfather..

" IMMA BE AN AUNTIEEEEEE!!!" I heard viper yell as she poked her head out over the railing of the top floor, I giggled as gale and I parted. Dad and Gajeel where both staring each other down.
All the girls came and started talking about what we would be doing for the baby shower and started to plan everything, gale couldn't wipe the smile off his face, he's so cute..

Gajeel's POV:

Grandfather.. pfft now I feel like gramps.. jeez..

Laxus POV:

Grandfather.. what a way ta make me feel old.. fuck..

Gales POV:
All us guys went to the pub to celebrate with a couple bottles of scotch.

" Laxus, dad! Y'all wanna come?" I asked before I walked out of the guild doors with a large group of guys, dad and Laxus looked at each other then got up following us out, once we arrived at the pub we where determined to drink the place dry, and boy.. we did.

" yooooooooooo gaaalleeeee did me and Nash tell ya tha neweweewwwwssssss???" Reiki slung his arm around my shoulders as Nash and on the other side of me.

" nah bra wassup?" I asked as I raised my eyebrow at them both.

" imma gayyyyyyyyyyyy" Nash said as he toon another swing of the beer, I smiled and hugged them both.

" imma so proud of chuuuuuuuuu guyyyyyysssss" I said as they both cheered. After a couple more hours I woke up on my couch.. wait.. my couch?

" morning sleepy head.." nova's angelic voice is literally soothing as fuck..  she sat on my lower back and messaged my shoulder blades, I moaned as I looked over my shoulder at her.

" hey.." I croaked out, I could barely keep my eyes open but when I closed them it was a hard time keeping them shut.

" your drank a whole bottle of tequila last night babe.. y'all get some rest" nova said as she ran her hands up and down my back, I grunted and some how fell back into a deep sleep

Sorry for the late update y'all!! A lot is going on so imma just vent!!

So, my friend had this texting app and my other "friend" got it aswell on her own choice and my friend got in trouble by a teacher because my "friend" told on her cuz some random guy just started texted her and asking for pics, so my actual friend is now scared for her life and since the teacher said he would call her parents who are super strict and he would tell them about it she had a break down and my " friend" told her mum, step dad, step mum and dad about t and the police got involved, and now "apparently" her phone is with the authorities.

Phew!! Okai imma done..

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