The date

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After the mission where gale and nova kissed...

Mira/happy: they liiiiiiiike each other!!!!

Le me: stop breaking Le fourth wall!!!!!!


gale asked nova to be his girlfriend.. they started to 'date' and tonight was their first date.. officially

Gales POV:

" gale you'll be fiiinnneee it's nova we're talking about here.." reiki sighed running a hand through his hair, I groaned and did the same as if we where in sync.

" why am I so nervous.. it's not like I'm askin her to marry me.... right?" I sat down on the floor looking down pouting like the child I am. Reiki had come over to make sure the house was completely tidy, since the date was at home.. fuuuck this is so scary.. she's gonna be here any minuet.. just as I thought that the doorbell rang, I froze.. reiki flicked my ear and jumped out my window and walked off back to his house. I got up and answered the door.

" hey nova." I smiled, she was wearing a cropped top showing a small amount of underboob.. an extreamly short denim skirt and ankle high, high heel boots, she was now almost as tall as me.

" look at you all nice and handsome.." she giggled and kissed my check, since mum dad and viper are out we had the house to ourselves for the night, thank god..

" heh look at you.. your beautiful.." I said back taking her hand and leading her in. We went into the lounge room where Netflix and food was already set up, thaaaankkkssss reikiiii..

" wow gale.. this is awesome.." nova took off her shoes and sat down on the couch I sat down next to her as we began to watch a bunch of movies.

Time skip to after a couple movies

So.. we got tired of watching movies.. annnd.. nova was horny.. aannnnnnnnd we are now in my room.. making out..
We kissed each other passionately.. my lungs begged for air, I pulled away from the kiss breathing heavily and looking into her electric blue eyes.. she smirked and kissed my neck, catching me off guard I blushed furiously. Nova slid off my shirt and straddled my hips, I watched her still blushing furiously.

"Aww a little kiss made the big bad gale blush?" Nova teased unbuttoning her denim skirt. I rolled my eyes and sat up with her still on me I began kissing her collarbone I felt her arms wrap around my neck, I'm freakin out.. what if dad comes home... or mom.. or what if Laxus and Mira come for dinner... shiiiiit

His gale you'll be fine.. I think..


" gaaaaaalllleeeee.... earth to gale!!" Nova flicked my ear.. I must've spaced out.. apparently I get that from mom

" owie.." I pouted but I didn't move or flinch, nova giggled.

" your such a big softie.." nova said as she rested her head on my shoulder lazily, I sighed and kissed her temple.

" you keep thinkin that..." I said letting my head fall back becuz I'm too lazy.. :3


Okai soz..

" you hungry?" I asked after feeling my stomach silently growl, I remembered we haven't even had dinner..

" ya.. make me some food.." nova slid off me and buttoned up her skirt again, I chuckled and got up walking over into the kitchen taking the already made pizza base out of the oven,
let's just say I had this prepared..
I put some toppings on it and put it back in the oven setting the timer and putting the oven on the respected heat.

" how long do I hafta wait?" Nova sat on the counter like a kid.

" how long is a piece of string?" I smirked and stood in between her legs not daring to look down. Nova pouted and crossed her arms cutely.

" stop messin wif ma brain.." nova held back her giggle poorly breaking the pout slightly, it was the cutest and funniest thing I've ever seen.. I burst out laughing... and I couldn't stop..

" it's ok sweetie just let it all out.." nova patted me on the back as I was still laughing hysterically. After a couple second I stopped when the timer went off loudly, I turned around and got out the pizza, once I put it on the bench nova wasn't there, I felt her arms wrap around my torso and stand up on her tip toes to put her head on my shoulder, I cut the pizza and ate a piece casually, nova took a piece and ate it now standing in front of me eating.

" this is yummy.." nova said between mouthfuls, I chuckled and flopped back on the couch kinda tired.. I felt nova lay on my back putting her hands on my hips.

" I love you.." she said softly in my ear I quickly turned over so I was facing her, I looked into her eyes and tucked a strand behind her ear.

" I love you too.." I said back before kissing her forehead.
After another hour we where now in my room lazily cuddling, just when I start to doze off with nova in my arms I hear the front door open.

" yo gale were back!" It was dads voice, nova and I both shot up still in each other's arms. I quickly slipped out of nova's grasp and stripped my shirt walking to where I saw mom and dad looking around.

" everything is neat.." mom said looking around.

" and it smells like nova.." dad said taking me by surprise and walking towards my room, I panicked and stood in front of the closed door.

" hm? You say something dad?" I say as casually as I could.

" I know-" I cut him off instantly changing the subject.

" where's viper?" I noticed she wasn't with mom and dad.

" she's at the she-devils.." dad sighed giving me a 'we'll talk later' look I nodded and stood there awkwardly.

" now back to the neatness of the house.." mom put her hands on her hips looking me up and down.

" reiki was over.." I said, it was true.. just only that it was about 3 hours ago..

" and why are there two person marks on the couch.." mom turned to the couch, dad and I looked at her.

" how can you tell?" Dad asked walking over to the couch then looking back at mom astonished.

" honey I live with you two.. I know my shit.." mom sassed and started to walk upstairs to her and dads room.

" anyway.. I'm tired.. have fun nova!!" Dad smirked as my eyes widened.

" o-okay Mr Redfox..!!" Nova said back behind the door, I blushed madly as I pouted.

" g'night gale.." dad winked and ripped off his shirt walking up stairs, I leant back on the wall sighing, he's good..

Aaaaaaannnnnnddd that's is all I have for you today! Thanks so much for watching and I hope y'all enjoyed!

Gale: yay!

Hey gale! You got busted by yer old man huh?

Gajeel: uh... EXCUSE ME!!!

Your excused..

Gajeel: fuck you author..

By fuck I know you mean loooovvvveeeee.

Happy: did I hear love?

Gale/ Gajeel/ Le me: NO!

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