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Before I start I'd just like to say thank you to everyone who has read this book ( over 300!!!!) you are all amazing! If you have any suggestions on what I should do next I'm all ears!!

Now! Back to the story

No ones POV:
Everything had settled down now.. amethyst is 1, and everything is looking great! But.. until Gajeel come back from his and levy's s class quest with levy in his arms unconscious and with a life threatening wound on her stomach, Mira got up and immediately took Gajeel and levy to the infirmary, Wendy was called as soon as Mira saw how bad the wound was.

Mira's POV
How could this happen.. Gajeel is terrified and levy may be on her death bed.. I called Wendy in right away as Gajeel laid levy down on one of the beds as he sat on the one next to it exhausted and beaten, Wendy came running in and immediately started healing levy, it looked like something took a huge chunk out of her stomach..
I let Wendy do her work as I went over to Gajeel, his hands where slightly shaking, he took a shaky breath as he watched levy.. I looked at the massive gash that ran across his left bicep, I sat on the bed next to him and started stitching his arm up.

" it's all that bastards fault.." Gajeel growled, I remember when he took the mission it was to kill a dragon like creature, sightings said that it was being controlled by a man, that's the person he must be referring to..

" guildarts is coming back today, makorov him Laxus and all s class will go after him.." Ezra said as she walked in her arms crossed, her face wasn't as hard as it usually is but in a soft tone looking at Gajeel, he didn't look up from levy, I put healing banddages around his arm as I turned to look at erza, my face was full of worry, hers was too, the last time I saw her like this was a long time ago, in fact when we where kids..
after a while I got Gajeel out of the infirmary and he was drinking away.. he'll never forgive himself for this. A couple minuets later gale came back from his s class mission, he looked around, everyone was sad and gloomy, I came around from behind the bar and put a hand on his shoulder.

" you'll need to sit down.." I say taking him over to a table sitting him down, worry was plastered on his face..

" your mom and dad came back from there s class quest about an hour ago.. your mother.. she.. is in critical condition.. she may be on her death bed.. g-gale I'm so sorry.." I couldn't help but let a few tears run from my eyes, it's heart breaking to tell him this.. his face paled as he looked over at Gajeel who was still drinking, he stood up and hugged me resting his forehead on my shoulder, I hugged him back after a few seconds he let go, and walked over to his father.

Gales POV
Mom.. is.. possibly dying.. after I hugged Mira I walked over to dad who was drinking till he dropped.. I sat next to him not making eye contact, a bottle of 100 year old scotch was but I front of me with two glasses and another bottle of ice, I looked up at see lisana smiling gently as she walked away cleaning glasses, I pour some for dad and I as he takes it and we both drink, dad put his arm around my shoulders as I looked down, I looked up at him as he was looking softly at me, good.. at least he wasn't blaming himself..

" you ok?" I asked as I put down my glass, he sighed and ruffled my hair,

"I'll manage.. but I'm going to murder that prick who made that monster touch your your mother.." I looked back down and nodded, after a while of us drinking guildarts and Laxus walked into the guild hall fuming.

" that bastard will never get away with what he did to levy.." guildars came over to dad and I and parted us on the back.

" we'll leave tomorrow once you guys are sobered up.." Laxus chuckled as he saw how drunk we really where. I nodded, after a couple more hours dad and I went back to his place and I stayed the night seeing I couldn't go home drunk with a 1 year old daughter who's too curious for her own good.. we went upstairs as we both passed out on both couches. Once we woke up we both got ready, I became a shadow and went home getting some stuff.

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