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So it was the next day early in the morning and gale had woken up at 5:00 am to get ready to meet at the guild in an hour and go on a mission.. with his crush..

Gales POV:
Why did nova agree to wake up so early.. just reject me like you do two every other guy.. I finally got up and went down stairs not bothering to put a shirt on, to get breakfast. I made eggs quickly and ate them, I glanced at the time to see it was 5:25.. so... earlyyyy.. I went upstairs again and brushed my teeth and got dressed packing an over night bag just incase. I quickly brushed my hair and put deodorant on before I looked at the time again seeing 5:45, I sighed and went down stairs again seeing dad in the kitchen eating iron.

" you good to go?" He asked as he looked at me leaning on the bench behind him.

" yep! I'm just gonna grab some iron to take.." I said as I reminded myself as I grabbed a couple blocks of iron. Dad sighed and ruffled my hair,

" I'll cya when ya get back huh?" Dad said as I fixed up my hair.

" yeah.. a day and a half tops.." I said as I checked the time 5:55.. I should head off..

" bye gale." Dad said,

" bye dad.." I said as I walked out and started walking to the guild, once I got there I was waiting for about 5 minuets before nova arrived, she has a tendency to get to places on exactly the right time..

" let's head to the train station.." I said as I put my hands in my pockets and so did nova.

" let's go." She said as she smiled lightly walking beside me, she was really cute.. the way that she giggles.. the way that she flicks her long blond hair over her shoulder.. the way that-

Ok buddy we get it!!


After a while we arrive at the train station and get on, we both settle down opposite each other and get comfy for a long ride..

Meanwhile after a couple hours everyone is up and at the guild.

No ones POV:
Everyone was chilling out at the guild since all the requests where taken and there wasn't anything to do.

Reiki's POV:

" how come gale and nova aren't here.. this sucks.." I groaned as storm and Nash agreed banging our heads against the table trying to think of something to do.

" why don't we take an s class?" Storm asked looking up at the second floor.

" nah.. cuz if we stuff up we get into trouble.. plus I think they are all gone too.." Nash said looking at the fire in his hand bored. He looks so cute.. ahh reiki stop!! Storm and I sighed and looked over at the younger siblings who where having the same trouble. Maybe we could go work out..

" guys what if we went to he gym.. that'll give us something to do.." I said as storm and Nash looked at each other then back at me nodding I smirked as the trio of us got up walking to the private fairy tail gym.

Storms POV:
Finally.. something to do instead of sitting around doin nothing..

" let's get started lads" I said as I somehow lost my shirt and jumped up to the chin up bars started at a pace I could maintain. Reiki went to the weights and Nash when to the punching bag.

Time skip to night becuz I'm boring..

Still storms POV...

I had a shower and got dressed, it was so boring without gale and nova.. geez I ship them.. for some reason I can't stop thinking about Luna.. sure she is a year younger than me.. but.. I dunno.. I flopped on my bed face first and almost instantly fell asleep.

Another time skip because meh!

Time skip to the next day.

I woke up and yawned stretching my arms I looked at the time seeing it was almost 8:00.. I finally got up and went to get breakfast, mom was in the kitchen making breakfast for everybody

" morning storm, did he sleep well?" Mum looked over her shoulder at me as I leant on the bench and rubbed my eyes.

" yeah.. I'm surprised I'm not the last one to wake up.." I said sighing and looking at dad as he walked down stairs, same as me.. shirtless, I got my guild mark in the same spot where dad got his.

Meanwhile, back with nova and gale on the mission.

Nova's POV:
We had arrived at the destination of our mission and we have started to take out the bandits that have been terrorizing the townspeople, gale and I worked amazingly together.. he was so muscular.. I'm sorta upset that he doesn't have a stripping habit like grey or storm.. he would look amazing.. Ah! Nova stop.. not when your in the middle of a battle!

" nova look out!!" Gale yelled as I looked around seeing a man as big as my dad about to punch me, I felt arms wrap around my waist and yank me out of the way, gale had pulled me with greats force and launched himself at the man meeting his fist with his iron rod, I gasped and fought off another bandit. After a couple minuets we where done and gale had gotten a beating.. he took on all the bigger guys while I did all the easy ones.. I feel so guilty for not taking them all out sooner and helping gale.. shit..

" oh my god! Your eye!" I looked into gales right eye, his whole eye was blood red.

" I probably just got punished too many times and instead of my nose bleeding my eye is.. meh" he said as a small drop of blood ran from his eye, I wiped it away and sighed as we both walked to the inn where we had booked a room.

Well then! I ship you both..

Gale: you've been hanging out with reiki haven't you..

Heheheh yes..

Nova: geez..

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