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After a couple months after viper appeared at fairy tails door and was taken in by the redfox family.. things had stated to get back to normal.

Gales POV:
I can't remember the last time I was this happy and bubbly.. I was playing with viper in the lounge room as Pantherlily walked back into the house from his honey moon with auntie Jess.

" hey!! Uncle lily!! Auntie Jess!!" I peeked over the couch and smiled as I saw them both, Pantherlily smiled and ruffled my hair. His eyes fell on the cherry red headed baby girl siting in front of me.

" since when did we have a red head in this family?" Pantherlily tilted his head slightly as viper looked up st him and giggled, he chuckled at viper.

" gaaaaallllleeeeee! Who is it?!" I heard dad yell from upstairs, I sighed. His hearing is fading..

" uncle Lily and auntie Jess!!" I yell back as I hear dad coming down the stairs. Dad smiled as he saw lily.

Btw! Pantherlily and Jess are in their 'battle form'

" long time no see you too.." dad shook Lily's hand and hugged Jess gently.

" yeah we should actually go on a mission.. looks like your loosing that 8 pack there buddy.." lily smirked as dad sighed and shook his head.

" shuddup.." dad sighed as viper started to giggle, we all chuckled as mum came down stairs.

" wow levy you look great!" Jess smiled as she hugged mum. Pantherlily hugged mum gently.

Another time skip cuz I'm just so boring!!

It's was late afternoon and I was hanging around the guild hall with viper sitting on my lap, my eye has finally gone back to normal and my vision is perfect now.

" gale!" Viper yelled, I instantly froze and looked down at her, reiki looked at viper and sat on the floor in front of her.

" rei-ki.." reiki prompted as viper giggled.

" re- pie!" Reiki chuckled as he sat back in his chair next to me.

" yo gaaaaalllleeeeee!!!!!" I heard my dad yell at me, I sighed and looked over at him.

" yyyeeeessssss?" I called back,

" yes!!" Viper yelled I chuckled again as I turned my whole body to him.

" you wanna come on a mission? It's S classssss?" I looked down at viper who wanted to go to mom, I let her crawl to mom as I walked to dad smirking.

" what we gonna do?" I asked crossing my arms over my chest, Laxus, nova, Natsu, nashi, gray, storm and Wendy walked up to us looking as if they where in the mission with us.

" there have been massive dragon size monsters tearing down towns, and they all are heading straight for Fiore, the magic council had asked that all dragon slayers, demon slayers and god slayers to help defend the castle and make sure that they don't destroy anymore.." dad explained as everyone else listened, everyone nodded agreeing.

" so we are going to the kingdom?" Nashi tilted her head looking up at her father who sighed.

" yep.. that's gonna be one hell of a train ride.." Natsu grumbled, I think all the dragon slayers where disheartened after hearing it aloud, Wendy jumped up.

" I can cast a spell on you all so you won't be motion sick for the ride! I've been training!" Wendy smiled brightly as everyone let out a sigh of relief except for gray and storm who where just standing there normally.

" when do we leave?" I asked looking back at dad as she glanced at everyone.

" in 1 hour.." he said as everyone nodded and went their separate ways to get ready. I jogged home with dad and got a bag ready, we would probably be staying there for about two nights so I'll pack some clothes and iron..

Storms POV:
I went straight home for a bag and packed then went straight back to fairy tail gym, I've been slack so I need to work out as much as I can in this hour. dad did the same as we both where doing a short workout session.

" alright chin ups.." he said as we finished 50 bench presses, we both got up and jumped up to the chin up bars going at a pace that we could maintain. After a while we where done 100 of them and we where hanging from the chin up bar by our legs and doing vertical sit-ups. As soon as we finished I heard a loud whistle sounding like gales wolf whistle that he does to get someone's attention, I flipped off the bar and put on some deodorant then walking out with my dad following me.

" alright the hour is up let's head to the train station where Wendy will put the spell on us so we don't puke everywhere.. k?" Gajeel said as everyone else chuckled but dad and I, it must suck to have motion sickness.. poor gale, although he doesn't get it as bad as Natsu..

" I'm fired up!!" Luna cheered as she skipped around grabbing mine and gales arms pulling us both along.

" geez Luna! What have you been lifting?!" I joked as she continued to drag us both, gale just sighed and relaxed as she dragged him across the ground, he had made an iron bobsled sort of thing and as just laying on that as she pulled him by his arm. I chuckled and made an ice bobsled underneath me instead of being dragged along the gravel.

" looks like you two are having fun.." nova chuckled as she walked behind us I shrugged and saw gale blush slightly in the corner of my eye. Heheh I knew he had a thing for her.. we soon got there as Luna dropped gale and I, to be honest we where actually pushed ourselves with our legs to make it seem like she was pulling us, Luna hates it when she can't do something.. much like natsu..

" alright Wendy work your magic.." gale said as he got up cracking a few joints, I got up as well and some how lost my singlet.. Wendy chuckled as she cast the spell on all the dragon slayers, after we all borded the train seeing that we had a private part in the train so we wouldn't get mobbed by fans, yes.. seeing all the fairy tail dragon/demon slayers in one place is very amazing apparently.. we all settled in for the long train ride.

Welp this chappy is now coming to a close!

Levy: I'm excited! You haven't told anyone what you are planning..

That because the guys kept a almost breaking the fourth wall..

Gale: ya know there's a lotta guys in the guild.. your gonna hafta be more specific..

Hmm well let's see... you ya dingleberry..

Gale: riiiighhhhtt..

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