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"I'm tired of all of you! Y'all shouldn't ever be allowed to do this!!!" You screamed, your voice echoing throughout the entire house. Your (E/C) eyes dulled down with anguish and anger, your face red with agitation. You winced at your own words as they rang through your head and into your skull. "This is all your fault! All of it!"

"That's it!!! You, missy, are not ever allowed to go out again!!! You're grounded 'till the day you die!" Your mother shouted at you, making you wince even harder, but you still kept the anger in your eyes, clouded with anguish, and your face filled with heat. "If it weren't for you, none of this would've happened! NONE!!!"

You sighed, not in defeat, but with irritation. You took a moment to breathe, but before you could say anything...


Your mother had just slapped you, and you nearly fell from the force of the hit. You tumbled into the wall, your back hitting it and your head almost leaving a dent. As you slowly pulled your head back into its normal position, you felt your father push his hand onto your neck, holding you into a locked position on the wall.

"You... are never allowed to be welcomed into this house again..." He whispered into your ear sharply. This time, you sighed in defeat and clenched your teeth. Your eyebrows were tilted in agitation, and as your father let you go, you stomped to your bedroom and slammed your door extremely hard and fast. You grabbed a backpack and started to shove every single thing you had, which wasn't much, into your bag. You had always slept on two blankets on the floor, whether it was a hot summer night or a freezing cold winter day. You had no heating, no bed, no light, no TV, no books, and no stuffed animals to keep you company. Instead, you had two abusive parents that didn't care for you at all, and it seemed that you were always invisible. They didn't care, didn't feel, and didn't know how you felt. They were dead to you. More or less, you were dead to them.

You grabbed your two blankets and the phone your brother gave you before he passed away from your grasp. You opened your door slowly and in a calm manner, trying not to stir things up more than they already were. You looked to your left and saw the bathroom, clearly occupied by the light shining through the seams of the door. You sighed in relief and looked to your right. You saw your father smoking outside on the back patio. You decided to take a run for the front door. The house was small, so it literally only took five seconds to reach the door. You ran, trying to be as quiet as you could.

You opened the slab of spruce wood quickly and bolted through it. You slung your near-empty bag over your shoulder as you prepeared for the long sprint. What am I going to do? Where am I going to go? What was going to happen? Why did my parents do this to me? Why do they hate me so much?

Countless questions filled your terror-stricken, confused, and boggled mind. You shook them off and continued running, not paying attention to where you were going. You quickly realized how serious this was when you ran into the road, noticing the pair of headlights coming towards you, stunning you from moving. You heard the screech of skidding brakes filling the dark silence. The car skidded to a halt and you could hear the car doors opening and slamming shut. From the horrid coincidence, you had collapsed, since your legs had given out due to lack of energy.

"Oh my God, (Y/N)!" A familiar voice called out to you. You looked up slowly, shivering from the frosty Winter night chill. A woman in her mid twenty's approached you, her shoes thudding on the pavement. She was followed by two figures behind her, accompanying her by her side. "Sweetie, are you alright?"

"Cass...?" You shivered, confused at your surroundings.

"(Y/N)!" Two male voices asked in unison.

You felt at peace and you felt relieved. Your best friends had found you and are saving you. However, after all the running you had done, you were completely exhausted and weary. By then, you were freezing, and the last thing you remembered was falling asleep in a moving, heated car, your fourteen year-old (sorry if that isn't your age in real life!) body relaxing in the comfort of the warm atmosphere, surrounded by your friends that you considered family...

(A/N) Hey, everyone! I'm sorry for the sucky ending for this chapter. I was in a rush, and this is my first book that I'm trying to make long. So far, I think it's terrible, but please tell me what you think! This cliffhanger (well.... not really) was the only thing I could think of. I'm sorry, guys! I'll try harder in the future!

Soaring (Hiro X Reader!) A BH6 StoryWhere stories live. Discover now