Chapter Eight

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(Y/N) was in the middle of a nightmare, in which seemed that Hiro was being harmed by a threat of some looming sort. Suddenly, she awoke in the Hamada brother's bedroom, and couldn't fall back asleep. Then, she went down to the kitchen to try and sooth her tense nerves with a drink. Of all the times, Baymax comes with her, but is sent back to the room by Tadashi's oncoming voice. Then, he offers her a drink after mentioning something important to tell her about Hiro.


Tadashi sat down across from you in the chair on the other side of the long counter. He handed you a hot tea, in which you gladly accepted with a small 'thanks.' There, after taking a drink of your tea (and after burning your tongue), you spoke up.

"What do you need to tell me about Hiro?" You asked, tilting your head to one side, your (E/C) eyes shimmering in the burning light compared to the rest of the dark room. Tadashi sighed inwardly and closed his eyes for a few seconds.

"Look, (Y/N). You've known Hiro basically since the day you two were born, and you have been best friends ever since." He began, watching you nod in accuracy. "Wait, hang on a sec. Let me rephrase that. You two have only been best friends since that time..."

"Yeah..." You trailed off, trying to grasp a hint of what Tadashi was trying to tell you.

"And I think it's time to be more than that," he confessed, his eyes dulling.  "But, Y'know... Hiro thinks that too."

You gasped as you pulled your arm away from the styrofoam mug that held your tea, and pulled it up to your face. You almost spit out your mouthful of tea as your fingers covered your mouth as your eyes widened and your face turned into a shade of crimson. You began to breath a bit heavier and faster, feeling your heartbeat speed up. Your hands started trembling as happiness overwhelmed your body, making you red all over.

"Tadashi... you don't... Are you seri-" You were cut off by Tadashi shushing you, but nodding at the same time, now. He took a drink of his tea, trying to forget that he'd just broken the 'secret promise' that he had made to his brother. He promised that he would never tell another living soul ---including you--- about Hiro's crush. You stood there in awe, your mouth hanging slack and your eyes still wide-open. Tears of happiness began to swell up in your eyes before you even got to hear the full, complete, true, and honest story that would answer many of your questions.

"Whatever you do, (Y/N)... please don't tell Hiro I told you," Tadashi pleaded, his eyes hopeful. You nodded solemnly and closed your eyes. You couldn't believe what you had just learned.

All you could do was sit there in awe.

"Actually, this has been going on for a while, now. Couldn't you tell that he was nervous when he talked to you? He was even nervous when he talked about you. He really likes you, (Y/N). More than a best friend. He wants to be more than that. That's why I left you two alone yesterday. He's been talking to me about how he wanted to make a move, so I didn't want t be in the way, and I gave you two some alone time. Now, he didn't say anything, did he?" Tadashi explained and asked suddenly. You listened to every word, soaking in the emotion in Tadashi's voice. You shook your head and felt a wave of deep thoughts hit you.

If he likes me, why doesn't he just say so? That was a perfect chance for him... and me, too... I rally don't know if he's aware that I share the same feelings...

"(Y/N)!" Tadashi whispered loudly to snap you back to Earth. He chuckled softly and shook his head. "I swear, you zone out way too fast."

"Yeah, I know..." You admitted. "But, Tadashi... do you think that you can help me? You are brothers, after all."

"Hm..." Tadashi said with a hum. "I'll see what I can do."

Thankfully, you stood up and walked to the other side of the counter. You hugged him and dug your face into his shoulder. You were so happy to learn that your lifelong crush liked you back. You just didn't want to say anything because you feared that he didn't like you back and it would break your friendship.

Then, a sudden scream was heard from upstairs.

(A/N) How was this chapter? Personally, I think it's good. It can be better, but I don't know how improve it. Drop a comment!
Dun dun dunnnnnn! I know y'all hate me now XD but OH WELL. Btw, the next chapter is gonna get serious, so be ready!

Okay, now I'm serious. I'm tired of reading books and getting hooked on them, and then the author quits writing them for some reason, but they stopped at a major cliffhanger! So, guys, I'm not giving up until I am finished. I know I don't want to leave y'all hanging. XD Bye guys! See you later!

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