Chapter Six

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A bot-fight may seem like a fun activity, but this time... it didn't look like one. (Y/N) watched as she tried to comprehend the rules and understand what was going on, however, it wasn't successful. As she turned to the side to ask Hiro, who knows all about bot-fights, a question... she notices that he wasn't there. Not only was he not there, but he was in the front, beginning to participate in a battle against one of the proffesionals, named Yama. As Hiro won, Yama was determined to kill him, but (Y/N)'s instincts took over, and she protected Hiro with all of her life. As they made a getaway, she hears something dangerous... deadly... and promising. Yama had just promised vengeance on Hiro... and he wasn't joking around...


"Hiro, what on Earth were you thinking!?" You shouted, rage dripping off of your voice. You could tell that anger was piled up in you, but you also felt concern and worry.

"Look, (Y/N)... I'm really sorry, okay? I... I just... I just wanted to go to a bot-fight. That's all. I'm sorry I almost got us killed... I... I almost got you killed, (Y/N)... I'm so sorry..." He cried, hanging his head low to the ground. Tears were beginning to form in his eyes, and one reluctantly started to crawl down the side of his cheek. He sniffled as he hid his face from you, still looking down. "I'm sorry..." He apologized once again. This time, he stopped dead in his tracks and began to have a breakdown. He sniffled in his arm and began to slowly crouch down on the ground before lowering his guard and dropping down, his leg as crossed Indian-style. He buried his face in his hands, his raven hair seeming to feel his despair as it covered his fingertips. He cried into his hands softly, thinking about what he had done to himself, but more importantly: what he had done to you.

"No, wait, no! Hiro, please don't cry!" You said as you kneeled down to wrap an arm around him in a warm hug. You could feel him go slack, as his body had given out and now he was relying on you to keep his body up. You could feel his short gasps of air as he cried and hiccuped, tears staining your jacket sleeve. However, you didn't care. You only cared about being there for Hiro.

"This is all my fault... (Y/N), I...I-" He stuttered through his sobs, stopping to take a few deep breaths of fresh outdoor air. "It's all my fault... I almost risked your life going to this stupid fight! Why did I even do this!? What's wrong with me!?" His tears became shouts and screams. All you could do was reassure him that everything was okay, and you forgave him. However, apparently he didn't feel like you forgave him.

You narrowed your eyes at him slightly, thinking of something to say. "Hiro," You said his name. You pursed your lips when you didn't get a response. "Hiro, look at me."

He sighed in defeat as he refused to meet your gaze. However, he did raise his head up, but still refused eye contact. His hair covered his eyes, his jacket covered his body from the cold, and his pants were dusty from sitting and shuffling on the ground. He looked away. Anywhere but at you. "Look at me, Hiro," You ordered again, trying to keep your voice calming and soft. He finally locked a brown gaze on you, noticing how your eyes never left his. He closed his eyes for a few seconds to try and rid the remaining tears. He opened them up again, his face finally showing a seemingly calm expression.

"What...?" He murmered softly, trying to look away for a moment. However, you slightly jerked him a bit to get his attention back on you.

"Hey... I'm always here for you, okay? Don't ever think that I won't be. I will... I promise," You reassured. "No matter what. If you're upset, come and see me, or tell me to come and see you. I'll always be there."

Suddenly, Hiro hugged you tightly, his face buried into your neck. His arms felt warm against your body as he pressed you into the hug. You coped with it and hugged him back, this time with purpose. You forgot about all the times you two had hugged because y'all were happy. You forgot about all the times you two had hugged because y'all were excited. Every last hug wasn't like this one...

And that was because you never wanted to let go.

(A/N) Hey, guys. I was really depressed when I wrote this because, if you didn't know, I am a complete fangirl and I literally feel what the characters feel. Talk about comparison... right? So, anyway, yeah. That's all for this chapter, but I promise that it'll all come together eventually XD. It would be great if all of you would drop a review for me.
Oh, and don't worry. It's called Hiro x Reader for a reason XD! See you all in the next chapter!

Soaring (Hiro X Reader!) A BH6 StoryWhere stories live. Discover now