Chapter Ten

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(Y/N) and Tadashi rushed upstairs when the heard Hiro scream loudly, snapping them out of their conversation. They opened the door and ran in, but Hiro was nowhere in sight. However, there was a note laying on the desk near the bed... from Yama... and he didn't seem too pleased.        (Y/N), Tadashi, GoGo, Wasabi, Honey Lemon, Fred, and Baymax all suited up and prepeared for a dangerous journey... The journey to save Tadashi's younger brother.


"Is everyone ready?" Tadashi asked impatiently, with you standing by his side. He glanced at every member of the team, looking at their colorful suit ensembles. A dead, cold, hard stare was found spread on his face, and just looking at it gave everyone chills. You'd never seen this side of Tadashi. Determined, protective, impatient, and serious. But... there was one emotion hidden inside deep down that you thought was there. Was it... fear?

Everyone nodded their heads and walked towards Baymax. They clung to him, like you and Tadashi did moments ago. As his thrusters threw all of y'all into the air, you could hear Tadashi mumbling orders to Baymax, in which he responded in a clear, undeniable tone.

"Baymax, find Yama."

"Scan analyzed. Yama is located in the east side of San Fransokyo. He is inside a small shack that is very well hidden among the dense trees surrounding it."

"Thanks, Baymax."

And with one swift comment, Tadashi veered Baymax into the east direction, following Baymax's instructions quickly but carefully. You heard silence from behind you, where all the other team members sat. It felt awkward, but at the same time: it was late at night, and your best friend had literally just been kidnapped.


You felt a large amount of rumbling underneath you as Baymax began to land on a small patch of grass. You scanned your surroundings, making sure that no ambushes were planned, and no traps were set up. You took deep breaths, trying to remain calm. But... that's when you heard it.

"  *really long scream* HELP!!!" A very familiar voice shouted. Everyone exchanged concerned and dead glances at one another before dashing off to the source of the scream. You ran along with them, trying to stay in the lead with Tadashi. He was running fast. Like, faster than you'd ever seen him before.

Soon enough, you were lead to a small wooden shack that looked like it was in very poor condition. The windows were boarded, and the door was cracked, busted, and leaning in. The wood looked as if it were rotting, in which in this case it was. The glass was shattered, and the once-green life that thrived outside now rested as a dead, weak yellow color. You and the gang heard screaming again, only it was louder and more troubled than the first. It was in no doubt that this was Hiro screaming.

Tadashi took no mercy as he kicked the door open, watching the frail piece of wood be knocked off of the hinges. You glanced inside, and immediately regretted doing so. You saw Hiro laying on the ground (in the fetal position), covering his head with one hand and his abdomen with the other. Blood was smeared across his face and arms. Cuts covered his cheeks and legs, and it was clear that somethng was not right with his stomach, as he hadn't let go of it yet. His face was pale and twisted in pain, and his eyes were crying densely and shut together tight. It was clear he had tree to fight back, as small scratches were found on the man that stood over him, nearly torturing him to death.

Tadashi ran in without forgetting his weapons. He was shouting, planning to avenge his severely injured brother. You took a sword and tossed it to Fred, who was running inside as well. Tadashi gestured for you to check on Hiro, in which you did without complaining. In fact, you were going to do it anyway, whether you were told to or not.

You ran up to his side, ignoring the battle that was commencing around you. Blood smeared knives were on the floor, as well as stains on the rotting wooden wall. Hiro, however, showed much worse damage than that of the shack. He heard you shuffling next to him, and he opened his eyes barely enough to where he could see you.

"(Y-)... (Y/N)...?" He stammered, pain clearly filling in the absence of his once cheerful voice. He coughed and sputtered, and signaled for you to come closer. Forgetting about everything else, you shot up and pulled Hiro with you. Luckily you were still standing there, because he couldn't stand on his own. He wobbled before you quickly grabbed him. You could see Yama laying on the ground, injuries covering his large-sized body. GoGo popped the gum in her mouth and raised an eyebrow.

"I'll take him to the police station," She volunteered as she picked him up. She was helped by Wasabi, who had offered to help her. They sped off into the woods, heading towards the city.

"I'm here... We've got you..." You reassured softly into Hiro's ear.

Tadashi took his attention off of his surrendered opponent and focused on Hiro. He gasped as he saw his limp body, struggling with every breath for life. He ran over and slung him over his shoulder quickly, but remembering to be careful. He nodded to you and you nodded in return. You both climbed onto Baymax, and took off into the rainy night weather.

You hoped with everything you had that Hiro would be alright.

(A/N) AND CUT!!! Great scene, everyone!

Hey guys, I know you want to kill me right now, so I'm sorry. Plus, now that I've read every single chapter that I've done, I see how may mistakes and typos I've made. I'm so sorry, everyone. If you would please write a comment telling me what I mess up on the most, I'll work on fixing it. However, feel free to leave a nice comment!

I don't want to make y'all mad at me, but I had to end this chapter somewhere. Please don't eat me! Again, I'm so sorry!
Bye, my little Gummy bears!

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