Chapter Eleven

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(A/N) Hey guys, quick author's note. I've went back and noticed all of the typos I've made, so I'm really sorry for that. I'm one of those author's that can't stand it when I make a mistake XD so yeah... I'm super duper sorry. Like, to the point where I'll give you some of my gummy bears. Is that reassuring enough? XD Now, let's get started.


(Y/N), Tadashi, Hiro, Honey Lemon, Fred, Wasabi, GoGo and Baymax all left to the east side of San Fransokyo as they found out that Hiro had been kidnapped by Yama for revenge. After a large fight that consisted of (Y/N) comforting Hiro, everyone finds out that Hiro has an unbelievable amount of serious injuries... and all everyone could do was hope and pray that he'd be okay...


"Everyone, hold on!" Tadashi managed to warn by shouting over the roar of Baymax's thrusters.

Everyone nodded in response from their various positions on Baymax. For instance, GoGo and Fred were holding on to Baymax's arms, while Wasabi was clinging to Baymax's legs. Honey Lemon was riding on a wing.

How was the whole group together, you ask? Well, it didn't take as long for Wasabi, GoGo, and Fred to come back after turning Yama in to the police station. (A/N) that was just to answer your question if you got confused XD

Raindrops were now falling from the sky, hitting you and Tadashi in the face. Luckily, Hiro was placed in between the two of you, so he didn't have much to be complaining about... other than the severe pain surging through his body. Every so often, he would reposition himself, only to be greeted with a painful groan as he attempted to move. All you could do was look at him and watch his suffering, and stroke his face calmly. Sometimes, he could manage a weak smile as you did so, but it only made tears start to form in your eyes. Luckily, the rain camouflaged the tears on your face. You felt pain, but relief. You would reach a hospital soon. He would be alright...


You felt shifting as you listed your limp, dragging head. Apparently, you had dozed off, your body leaning on Tadashi's back. As you sat up, you noticed that everyone was climbing off of Baymax, and Tadashi was just beggining to pick Hiro up and rush him inside. You followed through the doors, and were immediately greeted by beige walls with posters, such as "diet tips" or "remaining healthy." Rows of chairs were placed evenly along the walls, and some in the middle of the room. However, you knew you wouldn't be siiting in one of those anytime soon. Hiro's case was an emergency. An urgent emergency, to be exact.

The doctors behind the counter took one look at Hiro before gaspisng in shock and running around the corner in order to ascertain a closer look. They immediately called for doctors as Tadashi held Hiro in his arms, his clothes bloodsoaked.

By now, Hiro was unconscious, but he was breathing quickly. Blood dripped from various parts of his body, painting him a shade of a dark crimson color. His arms were dangling down the side as his limp body was being rushed down the hall and into a room.

He was placed on a white hospital mattress with white/light-gray sheets overlapping each other.They were immediately stained, but hey: better safe than sorry, right?


One hour.
One turned to two.
Two turned to three.
Three turned to four.

Countless hours passed as you and the rest of the gang waited impatiently for Hiro's results to be shared with you. Just as abruptly as everything happened, you fell into a deep sleep. You began to have the same nightmare from the night before.

What was that large figure? It was chasing me, but it caught something... or someone... else.
Was it... me looking after myself?
Or was it me watching Hiro's future?

Then it hit you.
That large figure that posed a threst to you and Hiro in that dream...
It was Yama the whole time.

Did I just see into the future? You thought, your eyes slowly starting to drift open. With a sudden click and a slight screeching noise, a door opened with perfect timing as you woke up. A young nurse walked in the waiting room, blue glasses decorating her face while she held a brown clipboard. She signaled with her hand, as the conversation needed to be private, hence the other people in the waiting room.

By then, you had realized that it was only you and Tadashi in the room, so it was only the two of you that stood up and followed the nurse, who led you to a secluded office before taking a deep breath and speaking softly.

"Tadashi Hamada? (Y/N) (L/N)? Is that correct?"

You both responded with a simple nod, a concerned look never leaving your faces.

"As you may know, the patient, Hiro, is undergoing an unconscious state. He will be like this for a long amount of time, so please do your best to feel comfortable around this situation," She explained, studying her clipboard papers in deep concentration. "He has suffered from two broken ribs, deep cuts which luckily did not reach any main arteries, and a mild concussion. Please do not fret, as we have made it our priority to keep him alive. However, you two are more than welcome to stay the night here. We have spare blankets, and we can set up some beds that we have reserved for overnight visitors."

You and Tadashi stood there in disbelief as you heard all of the problems with Hiro. As you heard the second part, your attention slowly drifted in Tadashi's direction. He looked back at you, the same emotions pouring out of his tear-filled eyes. You both nodded in unison, agreeing to the overnight suggestion.

It wasn't even until the nurse was halfway done before you collapsed on the ground and started breaking down into tears.

(A/N) *hands you a large machete* I know you want to kill me right now, so with all due respect, please continue. I'll try to update as soon as I can, okay? I'll try to start updating quicker for all of you. XD Bye, guys! I haven't given up on this book yet! See ya around!

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