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The next several days were some of the best ones Nico had ever had. Connor and Percy came to visit him often and sometimes they went to dinner. He went to the theatre and watched several more rehearsals, he sang along with the cast as they warmed up - he needed to keep his voice strong. His understudy Johnny even visited him once for character advice. He had dinner with Percy and Connor, he had dinner with Will. Will came over and watched movies; he spent the night twice.
Now was one of those nights where Will had came over after work and they were going to watch a movie on Netflix. They'd ordered pizza, but it was a whole lot less awkward than it had been the first time they'd gotten together at Nico's apartment and ordered pizza.
Just as they got settled in, Nico's phone dinged. He grabbed it off the coffee table and unlocked it, revealing a message from Hazel.

From: Hazel 7:33 PM
Happy five hours until your birthday! Sorry I haven't done the countdown the whole day, school and practice take up too much time.

"My sister," Nico said, glancing up at Will. Every year, on the day before one of them's birthday, they would do an hourly countdown - it had become a tradition of sorts for them. If it was a day they didn't have school, they'd sometimes fix up little treats for every hour - candy bars and such, and as the next day drew nearer, the treats would become more elaborate.
Nico kind of missed it.

To: Hazel 7:34 PM
Thanks haz. Makes me miss you even more.

From: Hazel 7:35 PM
I miss you too. Doing anything to celebrate?

To: Hazel 7:36 PM
Not really.

From: Hazel 7:36 PM
It's your 20th birthday, you should be doing some fun New York thing!

To: Hazel 7:37
Maybe. I gotta go. I have a boy over. I love u.

From: Hazel 7:38 PM
OMG NICO!!!! xx

"Sorry about that," Nico apologized, dropping his phone back on the table.
"Oh, you're fine," Will replied. He was sitting beside Nico browsing Netflix. What's she up to?"
"Just telling me happy early birthday. It's this thing we did growing up."
Will jerked his head around to stare directly at Nico. "When is your birthday?"
"Nico!" Will exclaimed, his eyes widening. "Why didn't you tell me?"
Nico shrugged. "Just hadn't thought about it, I guess." He honestly hadn't.
"Well, what are we going to do to celebrate?" Will asked, completely forgetting his quest to find something they hadn't yet watched on Netflix.
"Nico," Will said, placing his hands firmly on his boyfriend's shoulders, "we have got to do something. You're turning twenty. It's a big deal!"
Nico shook his head. "That's exactly what my sister said."
"She sounds like a wise lady," Will said, nodding. "You should listen to your sister."
Nico laughed and rolled his eyes. "I just don't get that excited about my birthday," he admitted.
"Um, why in the world not?" Will exclaimed.
Nico shrugged. "I dunno."
Suddenly, Will's eyes lit up and a grin stretched across his face.
"Oh no," Nico said, "that look doesn't look good. What are you thinking?"
"I, my boy, am going to make you love your birthday this year."
Nico raised his eyebrows. "You are?" He asked in a low, very un-Nico like voice.
"Mind out of the gutter!" Will exclaimed. "But seriously. Also I need to know your plans for tomorrow."
Nico frowned. "Same as usual. Go to rehearsal and sit in the front row and sing. Chill in the dressing room with Connor."
Will nodded slowly. "Got it." He then pulled out his phone and began frantically tapping at the screen.
Laughing, Nico just shook his head and picked up the remote to find something good to watch.

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