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Will: missed call (21)
"Maybe..." Connor said, picking up Nico's phone, "maybe you should call him back. Just- he's got to have a reason for calling that many times."
Nico looked up from his friend's phone with one eyebrow raised.
"Okay, okay," Connor said quickly, turning towards the mirror and adjusting his collar.
Of course, Nico was at the theatre. Where else would he go?
"So, anything interesting on my Twitter?" Connor asked, changing the subject. "Since you seem so intent on running my phone battery down."
"Uh, you have a charger," Nico pointed out.
"Whatever. So, how long until you get the cast off?"
"It's been five and a half weeks. I go back a week from tomorrow."
"To get it off?"
Connor shifted and started applying his stage makeup.
"Not to be insensitive or anything," he said slowly, "but... isn't Will your doctor?"
"Yes," Nico said promptly. "Well, nurse. But it doesn't matter. He'll cut the cast off and then I'll leave."
"D'ya think... maybe he would have told his parents? Like, if you'd waited a little bit? I mean..." Connor cleared his throat and looked down.
"Connor," Nico pleaded.
"I'm just saying, man," Connor shrugged, "it might be a tiny bit awkward that his name is signed on your cast with three little hearts around it."
"Con, you aren't making this any easier," Nico mumbled.
"Sorry, man," Connor said.
There was a brief moment of silence before Nico said, "You think he would have told them?"
Connor grinned. "I don't know, Nico. But I really liked Will - I don't think he's a bad guy. I mean, tell me you weren't scared when you came out to your family."
Nico shrugged. "Just my dad, really."
Connor rolled his eyes. "Okay, well, I was scared. Flat out terrified. It takes time. Maybe you should call him back."
The two actors made eye contact, both waiting for the other to look away.
Finally, Nico did. "Damn, Con. Fine. I'll call him."
Connor clapped his hands together and grinned as Nico picked up his phone and opened Will's contact. Connor watched him expectantly.
"Um... I'll call him later."
"Nico," Connor sighed.
"I will," Nico said quickly. "Just... now I'm the scared one. Maybe I overreacted and blew it?"
Connor turned towards the mirror and examined his fake bruises he'd been working on.
"I doubt you blew it," he told Nico, but he avoided his friend's eye as he said so.

Someone needs to tell me to stop updating because I would keep updating until it was done in one day

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