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"So, how did... how did you, ya know, get here?" Nico shifted positions on the couch so that he was fully facing his sister.
It was getting late, and everyone but Will, Hazel, Connor, and Ethan had left the party.
"Will called me," Hazel said simply. Nico turned his head to look at his boyfriend, who was sitting right beside him. "How did you get her number?"
Will tilted his head to the side and scrunched up his face. "Um, well, I - don't be mad. I got it last night from your phone when you went to the bathroom."
Nico's eyes widened as he tried to look mad. "You did not," he breathed. "Will, you-"
"I'm sorry!" Will exclaimed.
Nico burst into laughter. "I'm teasing, Will."
Will let out a breath. "Oh, thank God. Thought you were really mad at me."
Nico just shook his head and turned back to his sister.
"So, Will just called you and was like, 'hey, wanna fly in tomorrow?'" Nico asked.
Hazel laughed. "Actually, he texted me from your phone first. And then, of course, I had to clear it with Dad, but you know he doesn't really care. So I, yeah, got on a plane at nine this morning and... here I am."
As confused as Nico was by the whole situation, he was glad she was here. So he said, "Well, I'm glad you're here."
She just grinned.
"Hey, Nico, Ethan and I are going home," Connor called from the kitchen. "The leftover pizza is all stuffed in one box in the refrigerator."
Nico grinned at the pair. "Okay. Be careful. See you bright and early."
Connor made a face. "Bright and early," he repeated. "Thanks for inviting us, Will."
Will nodded. "Of course."
Ethan gave a small wave and they left the apartment.
"Um, I hope you don't mind if I stay here..." Hazel said awkwardly as the door slammed shut. "I didn't have time to even think about a hotel."
"Hazel," Nico said, "you're my little sister. Do you think I would let you go off to a hotel in New York City by yourself? In the middle of the night? Ha-ha. No. Of course you're staying here."
Hazel laughed awkwardly. "Okay," she said.
"When are you leaving?" Nico asked. "Not like I'm trying to get rid of you, but just wondering."
Hazel smiled warmly. "I know, big brother. I have to go back tomorrow morning - short trip, I know. I have cheer tomorrow evening and-"
"Woah," Will interjected, "like, practice? Um, on Saturday evening?"
Hazel glanced at Nico. "Yes?"
"Competitive cheer," Nico informed Will. "They won the state championship last year."
"You did?" Will exclaimed. "Wow. All I did in school was, like, science club. And surf club. But that was just me and my friends going surfing."
"I did theatre." Nico said. "It wasn't at all uncommon to have weekend rehearsals." He turned back to Hazel. "Anyway, tomorrow."
"Oh, yeah. Flying out tomorrow - my flight leaves at ten. What time will I need to leave here?"
Nico shrugged. "I'd say around seven. Which is good, because I'll leave for rehearsal around six thirty."
"Um, like, I know I should give you sibling time or whatever," Will said awkwardly, "but since you have to go to the theatre, I could come by and help Hazel get to the airport. Like, if it helps."
Nico grinned at Will.
"Yes, please," Hazel said quickly. "If you're sure you don't mind. Oh, that would be great. Today was my first time to fly alone and navigating the airport alone was - um, scary."
Will laughed. "I got you covered."
"Why don't you just spend the night?" Nico asked.
Will shrugged. "Okay. Do I have clothes here?"
It was Nico's turn to shrug. "I don't know. Maybe. But even if you don't, I can find you a tee shirt or something."
Will grinned, and then they all burst into laughter. Will threw his arm around Nico, who grinned and kissed his boyfriend on the cheek.
"Thank you," Nico whispered.
"My pleasure," Will whispered back.

double update because I felt like it

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