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"Connor! Connor, Connor!" Nico yelled, running through the theatre - because he could run now!
"Nico! Nico, Nico!" A voice yelled back. Just a few seconds later, Connor ran around the corner and grabbed Nico, wrapping him up in a hug.
"It's off!" Nico cried.
"I see!" Connor yelled back.
Just then, Percy came around the same corner Connor just had.
"Nico!" He yelled.
Percy threw his around the other two guys.
"So how long until you're back on?" Connor asked, squirming out of the hug.
"I don't know. I've got to get my strength back and I'll have to rehearse for a little bit."
"Right now?" Percy asked, excitedly.
"You want to go dance right now?" Nico asked, shaking his head but grinning none the less.
"Yes!" Percy exclaimed, grabbing Nico's arm and pulling him down the hall. They ran down a flight of stairs and past the most of the ensemble, who were warming up.
"Nico!" Someone yelled.
"I know!" Nico yelled back.
Percy spun around and grabbed Nico's shoulders and Connor ran into Nico's back.
"Let's dance!" Percy yelled, his voice creaking.
"And we're the gay ones," Nico said to Connor, who laughed.
"I have a girlfriend," Percy said promptly. "Johnny, can you turn on some music?"
Nico's understudy emerged from the crowd of ensemble members, a grin stretched across his face. Nico watched as he plugged a pair of speakers into his iPhone and tapped the screen.
"What song, my friend?" He asked, grinning at Percy.
"Hmm... I'm thinking King of New York? Or we could do one of the combinations we made up a few months ago?" Percy suggested, turning to Nico. "It's your day."
"I'm so ready to get back into the show," Nico said, pulling off his boots. He could just dance in his socks. "Let's do King of New York."
"You're going to tap in socks?" Another cast member called.
"Sure! Why not?" Nico grinned. "Johnny, play the song!"
Johnny grinned and tapped the screen of his phone once more. Music filled the room and completely washed over Nico, filling him with excitement. Instinctively, he began singing all of the words and began dancing as the whole number came back to him. One by one, the rest of the boys began jumping in with him - and soon, a full ensemble number had erupted. Nico's leg was burning and shaking, but he didn't even care. It felt so good to dance again!
When the song finished, Nico fell into Connor, a gigantic grin stretching across his face.
"Oh, my gosh," he laughed, beaming.
"How'd it feel?" Percy asked, throwing his arm around their shoulders.
"Absolutely incredible," Nico cried.
"So how long until I can go back to my actual role?" Johnny asked, throwing his arm around Nico's other side.
"A week?" Nico said hopefully.
"Yes!" Johnny and Connor cried simultaneously.
Nico just grinned and shook his head and hugged his friends tighter.
Gosh, he felt good.

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