I Love You To The Moon And Back

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*On the last night of the trip*

'Zayn, I'm really glad you came,' I whispered as we lay on the bed.

'I'm so glad you took me back,' he said smiling.

'Zayn I'm nothing without you. Without you, this trip would have meant nothing to me,' I said, a tear forming in my eye.

'Perrie, I love you to the moon and back,' he said in a serious yet loving tone.

'Zayn, I love you to the moon and back too. And I would go to any extent to make sure that nothing changes that,' I replied touching his face. The edges of his lips turned up into a small smile.

'Wasn't the trip great?' he asked.

'Couldn't have been better,' I answered.

'No surprise. After all, I was around,' Zayn said cheekily.

I nudged him and giggled.

'Good night Zayn,' I said.

'Good night Perrie.'

The next morning, I woke up to find that they were all awake and were in the living room.

'Hey guys,' I said as I walked into the living room.

'Morning babe,' Zayn said.

'Hey Perrie! You're finally up! Come grab some breakfast,' Beth said with a huge smile plastered on her face.

'You look happy,' I said.

'I know. This week was great wasn't it? No school. No nagging parents. No irritating teachers. Only if our life was a holiday,' she sighed.

We all laughed. Oh Beth...

I ate breakfast, which consisted of toast and eggs.

A thought hit me.

'What did you guys tell the school for missing 4 days of school?' I asked.

'About that,' Harry said.

'We didn't' Liam said.

'What? You guys are going to be so dead!' Beth screamed.

'Zayn, is this true?' I asked.

'Yeah Perrie, it is. But I'm ready to have two weeks of detention. Because I got to spend time with you,' he said touching the side of my face.

He was right. He had had come for me.

'Well I'm going for detention with you then,' I said.

'No Perrie,' he objected.

'Yes Zayn. I don't care what you're going to do or say,' I said crossing my arms.

'But Perrie,' he started and Chelsea cut in.

'Zayn, no point arguing. Once she decides on something, there's no going back. She's unbendible,' she said.

'Fine,' Zayn finally gave in.

'We'll go for detention too then,' Beth said.

'Yeah,' Chelsea agreed.

'You guys are saying that as though we're talking about going to the the beach,' Liam said.

'The beach! Let's go everyone! To the beach!' Niall exclaimed.

'Yes Niall. Let's go the beach,' Louis said.

'Let's go guys,' Liam said.

I grabbed some stuff and we left the house.

I linked my arms with Zayn's and gave him a light kiss on his lips.

'I still don't want you to go for detention you know?' he said seriously.

'I do. But I'm still coming,' I said grinning.

'Chelsea was right. You are unbendible,' he said.

'And you just realised,' I laughed.

'Are you going into the water?' I asked.

'I... I guess so,' he stuttered.

'Great,' I replied.

'The beach!' Niall screamed when the beach was in sight. He ran all the way. And we ran after him.

When he reached the beach, he came to a stop and we all crashed into him, making us fall to the ground.

'Niall!' we all chided.

'It's beautiful,' Niall said as he looked into the ocean.

And he was right. It was one of the most spectacular sights I had ever seen.

'Yes Niall, it is beautiful,' I said in awe.

'Not as beautiful as you Perrie,' Zayn said.

'Well aren't you 2 love birds happy? Now shall we go into the water?' Harry asked.

'Yes, yes we shall,' I replied. We got up, dusted the sand off our body and ran into the water.

As they swam further in, I stopped with Zayn.

'Why don't we stay here for a bit? We'll join them later,' I suggested.

'Yeah. That'd be good. Do you know how much I miss you?' he asked.

'I do. And do you know that I missed you as much?' I asked back.

'Of course I did. When you slapped

me, I thought it was all over. But why did you all slap me?' he asked looking into my eyes.

Why had I slapped him? I didn't know.

'I don't know. I was angry and happy at the same time. I guess it was a spur of the moment. I mean I'm sorry. Really really really,' I started but he came forward for a kiss.

My eyes closed and he guided my lips. I saw fireworks and felt butterflies in my stomach. The waves rocked us slowly.Though the water was cold, his body against mine made me feel warm. His hands around my hips made me feel safe. I could stay in his arms forever. But forever was never possible.

'Hey Zayn! Perrie! Come join us!' Louis shouted.

'Let's go Perrie,' Zayn said as he broke the kiss.

I smiled and nodded. I took his hand and we half swam/walked towards the rest of them.

*Several few hours later*

'I can't believe we're leaving,' Beth whined.

'We'll be back next year,' Chelsea said.

'After our exams. We'll be more free than ever!' I shouted in joy.

'Yeah we will!' Chelsea and Beth shouted in unison.

'Where are the guys?' I asked, changing the subject.

'In the hall,' Beth replied.

'Okay. Shall we go?' I asked.

'Yup,' Beth answered.

'Yeah,' Chelsea said.

As we walked out into the hall, we saw the boys on the couch.

'Boys, let's go,' I said.

As we all exited the apartment, I took once last look at the apartment, Zayn by my side.

'One day, we'll have our own apartment.'

Hey everyone! Yay! This one is longer! I hope you liked it! Thanks to my babe kaylavipbaby for editing my story! I love you Mik! So well, yeah. That's it I guess.Next chapter will be out next week! Comment and Vote! Thanks for reading!

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