Life with William Holmes

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"John! Johhhhn!" Someone yelled from the living room.

John walked in to see Sherlock Holmes dangling upside down off the sofa, his head close to the ground being held by his trembling arms so that he won't hurt himself by falling onto his face. John sighed at his friend.

"What?" John asked shaking his head.

"Well I um-- I-- erm, well could you um--" he trailed off unsure of how to explain himself.

"Your stuck arnt you?" John said with an amused smile.


"Just admit it your stuck and ill help you" John said simply as Sherlocks arms shook under his body weight.

"Fine I'm stuck, now please could you help me, I don't want to fall, please John"

John smiled and walked over to Sherlock, picking up under his armpits and lifting him to a standing position so he stood next to John. John's head reached up to sherlocks chin, he was skinny too with a sharp pale face that was topped off with a head full of black hair that clashed perfectly with his skin. He was wearing a blue house robe over his striped pajama bottoms and grey t-shirt.

"Honestly Sherlock, what will I ever do with you?" John chuckled dropping his arms down from under Sherlocks. Sherlock sighed and smiled at John shrugging his shoulders.

"So tea then?" John asked Sherlock over his shoulder as he made his way into the kitchen.

"Yes please" Sherlock called from the living room having now sat in his chair next to the fire place. Sherlock began to file through a case lestrade had given him sorting out the facts like words in a sentence until finally they linked together, making sense. John placed a cup of tea in front of Sherlock and Sherlock nodded in thanks.

"So getting anywhere so far with this murder then?" John asked.

"Yes actually, from what I can tell she was murdered by the husband, probably after an affair or something like that, you can see the markings of hands around her neck but if you look closely you can see the faint indent of something more on the ring finger of the left hand mark, most likely a wedding ring. There are a few other simple factors but this is the most obvious one leading to the husband who seemed saddened but shifty, leading me to become slightly suspicious, so if they check the DNA under her fingernails it should match up to that of her husband."

"I know I'm always saying it but, that was remarkable!" John exclaimed in awe of Sherlock. Sherlocks cheeks went slightly pink at this and he smiled shyly at John.

"Thankyou John" Sherlock whispered.

"Your welcome, but you should know that already" John whispered back.
"Why are we whispering?" John said with a slight giggle that made Sherlock chuckle until they were soon both holding their sides laughing at their childlike behavior.

After a while Sherlock decided they better head off to Scotland Yard with the case files and tell them what they needed to know. On heading outside Sherlock began to sort through his mind palace lost in thought and not entirely conscious of his surroundings so much so that he walked into an oncoming car and only realised what he had done when he felt a strong arm yank his coat so that he stumbled backwards falling into John. Safe in the doctors arms as they watched the car race by going over the speed limit.

"Are you hurt?!" John asked worriedly, spinning Sherlock around so that he was facing him. Sherlock looked at him dazed by the fact he had almost got run over, he nodded slightly still building up with adrenaline after the near miss.

John looked him over and nodded to him pulling him into a tight hug, "dont do that again" John told him pulling Sherlocks head down so that it was against his chest hearing Johns elevated heart beat he hugged John back feeling safe back with him holding him there.

"Honestly Sher" John whispered into Sherlocks curls, "I can't afford to lose you" Sherlock stiffened slightly at this but then relaxed again hugging John back tightly and then breaking a way to straighten himself up.

They hailed a cab to get a lift to Scotland Yard instead of doing walking, Sherlock sat by the window watching the world go by as John sat in the seat next to him studying Sherlock curiously.

After a while they got to Scotland Yard and went to lestrades office telling him the details and giving the evidence to prove it. They then headed back to 221b where Sherlock fell dramatically into the sofa and outstretched himself over the armrest.

John brought Sherlock a coffee and himself a tea which he then placed on the coffee table in front of the sofa.
John looked at Sherlock and smile before indicating Sherlock to lift his head up which caused him to groan in response. John chuckled and lifted Sherlocks head and torso so he was sat upright whilst John took the space that had been made.

Sherlock sat there for a few seconds, unhappy with the loss of his space until he felt John guide his shoulders and head so that they were laying back down but now on Johns lap with John looking down at him.

"Comfy?" John asked with a smile, Sherlock smiled and nodded his head and then turned to face the tv which was a documentary channel.

He noticed that his curls were in his eyes but before he had a chance to move them himself, he felt  soft fingers run across his forehead and gently over his eyelids sliding them out the way. It made the hairs on the back of his neck stand up as Johns fingers continued to run through his hair making him relax more into John.

After about half an hour Sherlock tuned onto his back again so that he was looking up at John, Johns hand continued to slide through his hair making him relax and all stress of the day melting away as he melted into John. John tapped him on the nose with his index finger and Sherlock gasped. John laughed at Sherlocks scrunched up face which then looked up again and began to chuckle as well.

John smiled at Sherlock and then began to run his index finger along the shape of Sherlocks face, the bridge of his nose, around his eyes and along his chin, and his cheekbones. Sherlock closed his eyes unconsciously falling asleep whilst John tickled his face gently with his finger. Sherlock gasped loudly though when he felt Johns finger trail over his lips causing John to giggle and Sherlock to look at him accusingly.

"Not good?" John giggled, Sherlock smiled at him and closed his eyes again resting his head back into Johns lap and then turning so that his face was against Johns college sweater that he wore, John smiled at him, he looked like a little child the way he was all snuggled up into a ball against John.

John stroked his hair again and placed his other hand on sherlocks waist and he soon felt Sherlocks breathing change from silent to loud as he began to breath deeply and whimper slightly like a puppy whenever John moved, John also fell asleep after a while and they ended up in each other's arms as the night wore on.

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