Sitting under trees with books and bulldogs

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Sherlock woke and looked around to see a note on the bedside table in his room, he didn't remember getting to bed but then he did remember something about falling asleep against John so that would explain how he had transferred himself from the sofa to his bedroom.

He decided to read the note which was written in Johns bubbly writing.

It read as follows:
Morning Sherl,
Hope you slept well, three things from me,
1)get out of bed now, it should be around eight-ish now which is a decent time
2)eat breakfast, I will know if you haven't and if you don't I will personally spoon feed you until your capable of doing so yourself
3) if you get bored, try to occupy yourself before you shoot the wall- the flat rent has already increased by 7% for you due to the damage you caused last time.
Alright that's all I ask, but other than that, morning Sherlock, call me if you need me,
See you later lo--
Shezza, I'll be back by three.

Sherlock smiled at the note and slipped it into his pocket of his blue robe, he then made his way out into the kitchen, checking the clock as he went, seven past eight, he made himself a coffee by setting the kettle on and putting a teaspoon of coffee into a blue mug along with two sugars, stirring the hot water until the coffee was dissolved into the black liquid. He sipped at the piping hot liquid, burning his tongue slightly.

Sherlock strided over to his seat and elegantly fell into it, making the chair exhale a small puff of air, Sherlock leaned back, the mug warming his hands as he tried to think of something to occupy himself. Gladston soon decided to join Sherlock and jumped into his lap, nuzzling himself between the sofa arm and Sherlocks thigh, Sherlock sighed and began to stroke him, deciding he would take Gladston for a walk with him once he finished his coffee.

After half an hour sipping coffee, he made his way to his bedroom where he pulled on a loose blue shirt and his blazer over the top, he decided to pull on some loose blue jeans instead of his usual slacks and some black converse.

He then unhooked his coat along with Gladstons lead and clipped it to the bulldogs collar, Gladston happily wagged his tail at Sherlock and waddled out with Sherlock down the flat steps and out the front door, Sherlock walked him to the park nearby and let him wander about the grass. After a while Sherlock decided to sit down under a tree in the sun and Gladston happily lay down next to him as Sherlock pulled a book out of his pocket and began to read, enjoying the warmth from the sun that flowed over London.

He was lost in a world of wizards and magic until he heard Gladston bark excitedly, tugging at his lead, probably a squirrel Sherlock thought. Sherlock continued to read, he could feel the tension as the book grew to a climax, ready for a huge event and then the chapter ended leaving him on a cliffhanger, he continued to read however until he felt Gladston tug his arm painfully making him look up into the eyes of his one and only best friend John Watson.

"Hello Sherlock, I finished work" John stated simply, sitting himself down next to Sherlock as Gladston barked and jumped in his face, slobber covering John.

"How did you know I was at the park?" Sherlock asked, surprise clearly etched onto his face.

"Well if you remember since Gladston ran away that one time, I got him a special tag on his collar that tells me exactly where he is so when I got home to find him and you not there I saw that you were at the park so I came to find you" John and explained showing Sherlock the map on his phone.

"You never cease to surprise me John" Sherlock said with a smile, saving his book page and putting it back in his coat pocket.

"Shall we go for a proper walk now, Gladston would like it and besides I said I'd know if you'd eaten and you haven't yet so I'm taking you to get breakfast" John said standing up and then offering his hand out to Sherlock who took it gently before being pulled up with surprising strength so that he tumbled into John. "Careful Sherl!" John exclaimed catching him in his arms and holding him by the shoulders making Sherlock blush at his clumsiness.

"S-sorry" Sherlock stuttered, straightening himself up and averting his gaze from John.

"Come on then, breakfast. I know a dog friendly cafe just around the corner" John said chirpily, gently taking Gladston from Sherlocks hands and walking ahead as Sherlock stood still in shock and then raced to catch up.

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