Is this a date?

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John walked alongside Sherlock, Gladston tugging ahead of them, they turned a corner and there stood the little cafe in front. It had a balcony at the top and a set of narrow steps leading upstairs to the cafe where people were drinking peacefully, watching sports, lounging on sofas and eating with friends and couples.

John gently took Sherlocks hand and lead him over to a table, Sherlock blushed a deep red and his heart felt like it was going to burst. He'd had feelings for John since John had found him, but he knew that John would never want that, he'd probably make him leave and he couldn't bear to do that. Sherlock sat down at the little table near the window, overlooking London and a river below.

Gladston settled on the floor at their feet, curling round Sherlocks shoes. A waitress came over, clearly taken aback by Sherlocks looks.

"Hello, what can I get you?" She asked chirpily, her eyes lingering a second longer than necessary on Sherlocks.  John began to feel a buzzing electricity in him, a burning sense to claim Sherlock his even though that could never happen.

"Are you ready to order?" She repeated clearly confused by Sherlocks lack is speaking and Johns brewing jealousy.

"Um, we'll have two breakfasts and two coffees" Sherlock spoke in a monotone voice, clearly not interested in the waitress in front with her short sandy blond hair, round soft face and piercing blue eyes, she was almost a female John but John was so much more and she was so much less.

"Right is that all?" She asked with a smile towards the two men,

John studied her with distaste, "yes, that is all" he replied as she swept away, leaving behind the smell of her flowery perfume that made Sherlocks eyes sting. "Honestly some people" John muttered.

"I know, I know someone I'd much rather have anyway" Sherlock whispered. John looked at him in shock.

"Who's that Sherlock, what's she like?" He asked, curiosity practically glowing through him like rays of sunlight.

"They'll never take me though besides I never said it was a she" Sherlock said just above a whisper.

"I have the same problem Sherlock" John reassured him, gently laying his hand over Sherlocks that was on the table, Sherlock blushed and looked up at John who was smiling at him.

"Surely-- no, I'm wrong-- this can't be true, you don't feel the s-same" Sherlock stuttered, what John had said finally sinking in.

"You never asked, but to be fair, I never asked you" John told him in a calming voice, gently stroking Sherlocks wrist.

"Do you ever think we're all just human?" Sherlock said with a weak smile.

"Even you?" John asked a slight laugh escaping his lips.

"No, even you" Sherlock said with a sad smile, turning his hand over and taking Johns hand in his properly.

"Why didn't we notice?" John asked, sliding into the seat next to Sherlock and swapping Johns hand over so that their fingers were intertwined under the table, Everyone unknowing besides them who felt like the circuit was finally complete, electricity pulsing through them and slight blushes creeping up their necks.

"We should thank that waitress" John said with a laugh.

Sherlock looked at him confused, "why?" He asked.

"For making me jealous with her obvious interest" John stated making Sherlock giggle.

"All I could think is she reminded me of you, but your so much more and she's so much less than you are, your the world to me, you saved me on more than one occasion and in many different ways, Thankyou John" Sherlock said, emotion making his stormy eyes let down their barriers and salty water run down his dangerously sharp cheekbones.

John reached up and wiped away Sherlocks tears with his thumb just as the waitress came over, she looked confused at the sudden affection between the two men and scurried off quickly, clearly flustered making John and Sherlock giggle.

John gently cupped Sherlocks face making him go wide eyed as John slowly pressed his lips to Sherlocks making him gasp. When they broke away they were smiling like idiots, both incredibly happy with the days events.

John spoke first, "we should probably eat this before it goes cold and maybe give some to Gladston, he'd put up with a lot today just like us."

Sherlock chuckled and began to eat his food, John next to him, elbows occasionally brushing but it didn't matter anymore, it wasn't awkward it just felt like home, and neither could quite explain it.

When they were finished they split the bill and then took themselves along with Gladston on the walk back to the flat they shared.

They stopped on a short little bridge, over a very narrow rover in the park, the sunlight glistened on the tickled of the river, glistening into their eyes. Gladston jumped down from the bridge when John let him off and decided to paddle in the river, John and Sherlock watching over him protectively as he snapped at his own reflection. John took Sherlocks face in his hand and kissed him softly, running a hand through Sherlocks hair and tangling in his curls making Sherlock moan quietly into him, Sherlock shivered as John placed a hand on his waist pulling him impossibly closer and they stayed like this for a while.

They continued to hold hands on the way back to the flat and Gladston plodded ahead of them happy with his day out.

When they reached the flat door, John let Gladston off the lead and then opened the door. He then gently took Sherlocks hand yet again and lead him to their flat before John collapsed into his chair and pulled Sherlock onto his lap, Sherlock screamed slightly as he fell into John, landing with his face against Johns chest. John ran his fingers through Sherlocks hair whilst his other hand ran gently up Sherlocks side and down again making goosebumps ghost his skin and static tingle down his spine.

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