Fixing the broken (part 2)

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Sherlock winced slightly as John touched a bruise above his eye.

"Sorry. I'll need to clean this wound too, and if you want you can cuddle Gladston, or you can crush my hand or something, just try not to punch me out of the pain I could cause you" John chuckled slightly giving Sherlock a gentle squeeze on his shoulder before he began to clean the wound.

Once the wound was clean he inspected it properly, able to see it now it wasn't hidden under a layer of blood.

"I don't think you need stitches but I'll give you some butterfly stitches all the same, don't worry they're just little plaster strips that hold the skin together, they won't hurt okay?" John said gently, he then took out the plaster strips and began to stick them across he wound, keeping it closed and then wrapping a bandage that would catch any of the bleeding. He also put a strip across his lip so that it would heal better.

"There you go, besides the bruising, you should be okay for now. Although, you need to rest now so would you like to sleep in the room just over there? I'll be upstairs okay?" John told him carefully, helping Sherlock stand onto his feet, wobbling slightly and wincing as his ribs screamed in pain.

"Is it okay if I just carry you, then that way you won't be under strain?" John asked cautiously. Sherlock nodded his consent and so John held his arm across Sherlocks shoulder blades and one under the back of his knees and scooped him off the floor. He then walked him to the bedroom across the other side of the room and opened the door, making sure not to hit Sherlock on the door frame.

Once he was in the room he placed Sherlock on the bed and used pillows to prop his head up so as to ease the pain. He went over to sherlocks feet and undid his shoes and slipped them off, putting them next to the end of the bed, he then went to the cupboard and pulled out a duvet and lay it over Sherlock. The duvet was cold causing Sherlock to shiver but it soon began to warm up from his body heat.

"Are you warm enough? It's not exactly summer, if you need anything then just call me, I'll come over and do what I can. Right I'm gonna fetch a hot water bottle and an ice pack for your face. Won't be long" John said disappearing out the room.

Sherlock waited until John came back carrying a hot water bottle and a ice pack like those you get at school.

"Okay so i will put this here," John told him as he slid the hot water bottle under the duvet so that it was against the broken ribs, "and this can go here" he said placing the ice pack over Sherlocks eye, "there you go, better?" John asked. Sherlock nodded and John left the room closing the door.

"Thank you John" Sherlock called out as John closed the door.

John poked his head through the door, smiling warmly, "your welcome, now get some sleep" John told him.

Sherlock lay onto the pillows and closed his eyes letting a contempt sigh escape his lips. The caring side of John emotionally made Sherlock feel healed even though physically would take weeks. He held the water bottle the warmth seeping trough his skin thawing the frozen heart.

He soon began to sleep, listening to the creaking flat as John made his way upstairs to his room. He felt happy and slept with a slight smile across his lips.

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