Waking up in 221b

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Sherlock was woken up by a knocking on his door, he looked around to see where he was, he honestly had no idea how this had happened. Oh yes. Now he remembered, he had met doctor John Watson who had taken him into his care after a gang attacked him.

He laid in his bed as he saw the door open and John entered, still wearing pajamas with a housecoat over the top.

"Morning Sherlock, You feeling okay today?" John asked with a caring voice as he approached Sherlock in his bed and sat down near his feet.

"Yes, still a bit sore" he admitted truthfully as he attempted to sit up and winced in pain.

"Don't do that, look if you wanna move just ask me for help, kay?" John told him firmly.

"Okay, can I sit up now, I don't want to be stuck in a bed all day" Sherlock asked looking at John hopefully.

"Sure, do you wanna sit in the living room?" John asked helping Sherlock sit up properly and propping him up on pillows. Sherlock nodded. "Do you want carrying again?"

"Shall I not see if I can stand before you put to much pressure on yourself carrying me?" Sherlock asked uncertainly.

"It's no problem" John said taking Sherlock under his legs and under his arms, still wearing the duvet over him. Sherlock blushed slightly at being carried like this but didn't protest, he didn't like the pain he was in.

John carried him through the door and into the living room, "do you wanna lie on the sofa or sit in a chair?" John asked him.

"Um could I possibly sit in a chair?" Sherlock asked. John nodded and placed him in the spare chair opposite his own. Sherlock felt like this had always been his chair, it felt like it was made for him. He sighed and brought his knees up to his chest and hugged them. Still covered in a duvet and feeling the warmth surround him.

"Comfy" John asked gently ruffling Sherlocks hair and chuckling. Sherlock nodded and snuggled deeper into his duvet. "You know, I don't think this place would feel the same without you, you've already made a huge affect on the place, you feel like part of the furniture." John sighed.

"I can't intrude you forever, you've got a life to live and you won't like me after a while, you'll find me annoying" Sherlock told him simply.

"I won't find you annoying. Your actually quite a cool guy from what I can tell and honestly we're getting along fine arnt we?" John told him crouching down by Sherlocks chair.

"Yes I suppose we are" Sherlock smiled.

"And anyway, your my friend now, probably already becoming my best friend, I look forward to seeing you in the future if you don't mind me" John said smiling up at him.

Sherlock felt a single tear run down his face, he was so happy right now, no one ever liked him, but yet John had just called him his friend, and to be honest it was starting to feel the same for him, he didn't want to leave either.

"Sorry, did I say something wrong?" John asked cautiously as Sherlock let another tear slide down his face.

"No, I've just never had a friend before, everyone's always hated me" he said his breath a bit shaky. John looked at him sympathetically and stood up so he was next to Sherlock.

"I don't hate you, I'll never hate you" John told him gently, pulling Sherlock gently into a hug so that he wouldn't hurt him further, Sherlock stiffened but then hugged John back crying silently onto Johns shoulder.

"I don't want to leave" Sherlock whispered into Johns chest.

"You don't have to either, you can have that room you slept in last night and I'll sleep in mine, you could have this chair here and I'll have mine opposite and we'll share the flat. Gladston likes you as well so we're not making him unhappy." John said stroking Sherlocks hair to comfort him.

"I'll pay half the rent, but only if your sure you want me here" Sherlock said quietly.

"I'll go tell mrs Hudson, she'll love the fact I've finally made a friend and if I'm honest being a doctor and all, living alone probably isn't healthy mentally. And also of course I want you here, and instead we'll chase gangs together, the two of us, they won't hurt you with me around."

"Thankyou" Sherlock said before pulling back.

"No problem, anyway for now what do you want, tea or coffee?" John asked cheerily.

"Oh um coffee please?" Sherlock asked, a smile plastered across his face.

"Yeah sure, how do you take it?"

"Black two sugars"

"Do you want to eat anything?" John called as he fetched two mugs and began making the tea and coffee.

"I'm okay Thankyou" Sherlock called back, nuzzling back into the duvet and resting his head on the chair.

John came back after a minute or so and brought in two mugs, one he gave Sherlock, the other he placed in the coffee table for himself.

"We're flat-mates now" John said cheerily, "mrs Hudson agrees by the way"

"That's good" Sherlock smiled.

"Right Im going to check on your bandages and see if any need changing. Your bandage on your head can probably come off now. You might want to wash your hair, hmm, I'll get a bowl and help you." John decided approaching Sherlock and unwinding the bandage around his head.

Once the bandage was off John tilted Sherlocks head different ways so that he could see the cut properly, Sherlock watched John out the corner of his eye as he did so. John then gently lifted the duvet off Sherlocks torso so that it instead rested on his lap, the bandages looked fine and barely any blood on them, John decided to keep them for a little longer.

Sherlocks chest was showing more bruises now in deep purple and yellow where the damage was only now showing.

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