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"Johhhhnnnn?" Sherlock whined, collapsing on top of John the next day.

"Bored I know, but what are you gonna do about it?" John asked as Sherlock buried his head into Johns neck and hooked his arms over Johns shoulders.

"Well there's no cases, nothing except perhaps.. cluedo?" Sherlock wandered.

"No no no, we are never playing that again, you stabbed the bored" John said accusingly, trying to lift Sherlock off of him.

"I don't want to move" Sherlock whined.

"How about you do an experiment?" John asked, trying his hardest to move his arms from being trapped under Sherlock, eventually deciding on wrapping his arms around Sherlocks waist.

"Okay okay, I'm going" Sherlock said pulling a puppy dog face and pouting.

Sherlock stood up from john with surprising grace and fled to the kitchen where he was gone for an hour or so leaving John to read his book in peace.

Whilst John was typing up his blog he heard a loud crash from the kitchen, sounding like breaking glass.

"You alright in there?" John called, closing his laptop quickly and rushing over to the kitchen. Sherlock was sat on the floor in a puddle of strange water like liquid and shards from a glass jar scattered around him.

"What did you do?" John asked, carefully stepping around the glass as much as possible and getting over to Sherlock.

"I'm fine, I'm great I'm all good" Sherlock said quickly, hiding his hand behind his back.

"Come here" John said softly, crouching down to Sherlock and gripping under his arms, carefully lifting him off the floor, not letting his bare feet touch the floor, Sherlocks legs dangled and his head nearly brushed the doorframe as John lead them out of the kitchen.

"Why were you sat on the floor?" John asked, sitting Sherlock down on the sofa.

"Well there was glass on the floor and I'd rather not stand in it" Sherlock said defensively, although he was clearly shy and embarrassed.

"Give me your hand" John instructed, Sherlock shook his head slightly and dipped his chin down, "hand now" John instructed firmly, watching as Sherlock outstretched his hand slowly, arm trembling slightly.

John gently took Sherlocks arm and turned it over to reveal a deep gash in Sherlocks hand along with several burns.

"What did you actually do, you've got burns as well as this cut" John said, inspecting the cut more closely.

"I was heating up the jar with the Bunsen and then it kind of exploded" Sherlock admitted weakly.

"Right so stay there, I'm gonna get my first aid kit. Stay!" John told him firmly and Sherlock obliged at his command.

John rushed off out the room, leaving Sherlock inspecting his hand closely, prodding at the skin that was burnt and then yelping when it hurt.

"Don't touch it Sherlock, honestly" John sighed, kneeling down on the floor in front of Sherlock and opening the kit, "I need to clean it now" he told him whilst rummaging through the kit and bringing out a small bottle of alcohol and some cotton wipes, he then proceeded to pour some of the bottles contents onto the wipe and then began to clean Sherlocks wound.

Sherlock clenched his teeth in pain and gripped to the edge of the sofa to try to prevent himself crying out.

Once the wound was clean, John got some sterile strips and held it closed by strapping them over the cut, he then put a bandage on it to keep bacteria out and the blood that did leak from making a mess.

"There you go all done" John said gently, taking Sherlocks other hand and giving it a reassuring squeeze. Sherlock had a few tears run down his face that John wiped away.

"Thanks j-John" Sherlock stuttered quietly, holding onto Johns hand with both of his, his left arm still prickling with pain.

"It's alright, I like looking after you, that's kinda how we met anyway" John assured him, sitting down on the sofa next to him and putting his arm around Sherlocks waist and pulling him onto his lap so that Sherlock was straddling his legs, John reached up and gently tugged Sherlocks head to meet his own pressing their lips together.

Sherlock squirmed in Johns lap but after a while melted into the kiss and held onto Johns shoulders as if he was drowning and they were the only thing keeping him afloat, the pain in his hand long since forgotten.

When John pulled away, Sherlocks face was flushed pink, creeping along his nose as well as his neck and cheeks. His face felt like he was standing close to an open flame.

"And I never thought you'd feel the same" Sherlock muttered, a smile creeping across his lips.

"The feeling was always mutual" John assured him, reaching a hand around Sherlocks face and stroking his hair from his brow, Sherlock leaning into the touch with a small smile on his lips.

"Anyway get some sleep, you look tired" John said gently, continuing to brush Sherlocks hair from his eyes. Sherlock yawned sleepily, his eyes dropping slightly at Johns touch, "come here" John pulled him gently into his lap, Sherlock huddled like a ball and his chin tucked to his chest and head nuzzled into Johns neck, slowly falling asleep. John pressed his lips to Sherlocks curls and whispered reassuring things into his ear until Sherlock fell asleep in his arms clinging tightly to his jumper.

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