Chapter 3

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"Living here is awful." Alexis paced her room as she talked to Sherlock over the phone. Her voice is hushed, so Molly doesn't hear her. "I've been here two weeks, Sherlock, and I swear I'm going to claw my eyes out. There's nothing to do. Come get me, please!"

"I'm on a case... but I'll see what I can do. I'll be by in twenty minutes. Be ready." Alexis hung up the phone and rushed over to her drawer. She pulled on a maroon jumper and dark skinny jeans. She ran her brush through her curly hair a few times and finally decided to just pull it back. She stuffed her phone in her back pocket and tied her converse before walking down the hall.

"Hungry, Alexis? I could make you a sandwich if you want." Molly asked from the kitchen. Toby, the cat, came out and rubbed against Alexis' legs.

"Um, no thank you. I'm actually going..out." Alexis pet Toby softly and headed towards the door.

"Out?" Molly walked into the sitting room and raised an eyebrow at Alexis. "Where are you going?"

Alexis shrugged and opened the door. "I just need some fresh air. Probably just look around. I'll call you if anything happens, promise." She waved and shut the door behind her. She let out a sigh of relief and sat on the step outside waiting for Sherlock. A taxi pulled up and Sherlock opened the door.

"Get in. Quickly." He stated, looking forward. Alexis hopped in and shut the car door. The taxi took off down the road.

"Where are we going?" Alexis asked excitedly.

"We aren't going anywhere. I'm dropping you off somewhere." Sherlock replied, glancing at Alexis for a second before looking straight forward again.

"I'm not going to go on the case with you?" Alexis slumped a bit. She was excited to get to do something fun.

"Be glad I picked you up at all. It's going to be dangerous, and I don't want you hurt."

Alexis looked out the window at the buildings going by. "Well, where are you taking me, then?"

"The zoo." Sherlock replied. They pull up and Sherlock motioned for Alexis to hop out. She rolled her eyes and climbed out, trying to say bye, but Sherlock slammed the door shut and the cab zoomed off.

"Alright then.." Alexis turned around and shoved her hands into her pockets. She looked around and shook her head. She was not staying here. She walked down the road and looked for something else to do. She came across a little coffee shop and walked in. She looked to the corner at a little TV, playing some boring sitcom. "Grande vanilla latte, please. Name's Alexis." She told the lady at the counter. She handed her a few pounds and sat at a little table to wait for her drink.

Left the zoo. Boring. Better luck next time. -A

Alexis sent the text to Sherlock and flipped her phone in her hands a bit. She looked out the window next to her and saw a woman pulling her young son behind her. Probably late to some sort of... something. Alexis sighed to herself. She was too bored to even deduce simple people.

"Alexis." The lady called behind the counter. She walked over to her and grabbed her latte. "Oh, and a cookie, courtesy of the bloke over there." Alexis looked over to see a boy grinning at her.

"Hi." He stood up and extended a hand to her. "I'm Trevor."

"Alexis." She took his hand and shook it lightly. "How long have you been visiting London?" She asked as she raised an eyebrow.

Trevor laughed a bit, and talked now with an American accent. "Was the accent that bad?"

"You butchered it." Alexis smiled softly and motioned for them to sit.

"I've been staying with my aunt for a few months now. Parent troubles and such, so she shipped me out here, and here I am." Trevor shrugged as he took a drink of his coffee. "What about you? Your accent isn't exactly British. It seems..."

"Irish. Dublin, actually." Alexis shrugged and grinned. "My dad and I moved to outside London a few years ago."

"Ahhh, okay. So you live with your dad then?" He asked with an innocent smile.

"Erm, no... He died two years ago... I live with..." She paused, trying to think of who Molly was to her. "A.. friend. I guess. It's very complicated."

"Oh god, I'm sorry." Trevor bit his lip and quickly changed the subject. "Well, what's a pretty girl like you doing here all by herself?"

She rolled her eyes and rested her chin in her hand. "I got dropped off at the zoo and I got bored. So I went walking and ended up here."

"Well, I'm glad you did. Otherwise I wouldn't have met you." Trevor smiled sweetly at her and reached to take her hand.

"Oh god, no, I.." Alexis straightened up and smiled awkwardly. "Trevor, you're nice, but... I'm really not looking for... Anything like... You know." She looked at her phone and handed it to him. "But we can still be friends. Put your number in."

Trevor sighed and took the phone. "Friendzoned, of course." He chuckled and handed it back to her. "Call me sometime? Maybe we can meet up back here again or something."

"Yeah, I'll give you a ring." She grinned and stood up, throwing her coffee cup in the bin. "See you around, Trevor."

After a pretty long cab ride back to Molly's, she walked inside and plopped down on the sofa. "Molly? I'm home!" Toby hopped up into her lap and started to purr.

"Oh, thank goodness. I was starting to worry. Are you hungry? I was thinking of making a pizza." Molly smiled at her from the kitchen.

"Starved, actually. Pizza sounds great." She pet Toby and grinned to herself as she looked over toward the kitchen. "I made a friend today. His name is Trevor."

"A friend? Or," Molly poked her head out and wiggled her eyebrows. "A friieennd?" They both laughed as Toby started to doze off in Alexis' lap.

(Upon request, the next few chapters will not be posted until the last episode of season 3 has aired in America, which is on February 6, considering they contain spoilers. See you guys again then! xx)

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