Chapter 8

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The smell of bacon caused Alexis to wake up. She rubbed her eyes and opened them slowly, letting out a relieved sigh when she realized she was back in her room at Molly's

She padded down the hallway and stretched her arms. "I'm getting pretty sick of waking up in different places. You could have woke me up." She called to Molly. She plopped onto the sofa and Dani and Toby instantly hopped into her lap.

"You had a very eventful day. Sherlock said not to wake you. He carried you to your room and put you to bed." Molly walked into the sitting room and brought her a plate of bacon and eggs before sitting beside her.

"Sherlock? Are we talking about the same person?" She took a big bite of eggs and dug into her plate, not realizing earlier how hungry she was.

"Yeah, I thought it was strange, too. But, he seemed very sincere.." Molly shrugged and smiled at her softly. "How're you feeling?"

"Okay, I guess." She finished her breakfast, set her plate on the coffee table, and leaned back against the sofa. "I just... So much has happened in the past few months. Everything is happening so quickly..." She looked over at Molly sadly. "I'm overwhelmed. And sad.... I'm not used to feeling this way."

Molly pulled Alexis over to her and cradled her, stroking her hair softly. She looked down at Alexis and sighed softly. "I don't really know what's going on, what with Sherlock keeping me in the dark all the time... But I don't have to. It's your business. I just wish I could help you more..."

Alexis smiled and wrapped her arms around Molly, hugging her tightly. "You are helping. Thank you." She leaned her head against Molly and closed her eyes. "Thank you for agreeing to let me stay here. I know I'm probably a pain sometimes," She opened her eyes and smiled at her guardian. "but I really appreciate it."

Molly smiled back at her warmly. She kissed the top of her head softly before standing up and taking Alexis' plate back into the kitchen. "I'm going to start on some laundry. Just shout if you need me."

Alexis pet the two kitties in her lap as her smile faded a bit. There were still so many unanswered questions. She needed to clear her head. "I think I'm going to go out, Molly." She called as she stood up. It was Thursday. Hopefully Trevor will be at the coffee shop like usual.

She changed into a grey hoodie and jeans and pulled on her sneakers before walking out the door. She pulled out her mobile phone and looked at it as she walked. Sherlock saved her. What was she to say?

Thank you. -A

She sent the simple message and jammed her hands into her pockets. The cold December wind blew her hair around a bit, causing her to shiver. She realized should have dressed warmer and she jogged the rest of the way to the café.

"Alexis!" Maggie ran out from behind the counter and hugged her tightly. "Christ, I was so worried when you ran out on Tuesday." She leaned back and looked at Alexis. "Blimey, you're not dressed for this weather! Let me make you something warm. On the house."

Alexis smiled a bit. "Thank you, Maggie. And I'm fine, I promise. At least for a little while, anyway." She sat down at her usual table next to the window and checked the time. "Have you seen Trevor..? He hasn't already come and left, has he?"

"Haven't seen him since you were both here on Tuesday." Maggie replied over her shoulder.

Alexis frowned a bit. Why wasn't he here? She pulled out her phone and sent him a quick text.

Geez, I knew you Americans were pretty dumb, but I didn't know you couldn't read a clock. Where are you? -A

"Here you are, nice and hot." Maggie smiled and handed Alexis her french vanilla capuccino. "I gotta get back to work, but I'm back here if you need me."

"Thanks, Mags. I owe you one." Alexi smiled and took a sip of her coffee. The warmth filled through her and she sighed. She leaned back in her chair and looked out the window at the people walking by. Nothing out of the ordinary, just a normal day. She sighed a bit as she wrapped her cold hands around her cup. She was still recovering from the whiplash of events, and it was nice for things to settle down and seem normal.

Her phone buzzed and she grinned when she saw it was from Trevor.

Look outside. -Trev

Alexis turned and looked out the window. She didn't know what she was looking for until she saw him. Trevor was standing outside holding a big box with a red bow on it. He smiled at her and walked inside. "I know I'm early, but I won't be here next week, so..." He set the box on the table and scooted his chair beside her. "Merry Christmas, Alexis."

"Happy Christmas to you, too. Gosh, Trevor, you didn't have to get me anything. Things have been crazy, and I feel awful because I haven't gotten you anything and-"

"Oh, shut up and just open it." He pushed it towards her a bit and grinned. "I got you a few things. I didn't know what to get you, so lucky me I bumped into your step dad on the street. He and your mom told me some things you would like."

Alexis frowned and looked up at him. "My mum and step dad? One, my mum has been dead for a long time. She was young and died in childbirth. Never knew her. And two, I don't have a mum, therefore can't have a step dad. Who did you talk to...?"

"Mr. Holmes and Mrs. Hooper...? Oh god, did I talk to random people?! What if they were criminals?! They let me inside their house!"

Alexis laughed and started to unwrap her present. "They're not my parents, but they are my... guardians right now. I guess. It's kind of complicated." She opened the box and rifled through the tissue paper. She pulled out a small, pink collar with a little bell on it. "For Dani! It's so cute, I love it! Thanks, Trev."

"Well, keep going! There's something else." Trevor beamed as he watched Alexis carefully.

She reached into the box and pulled out another box. It was wooden, not much design on the outside. Alexis looked up at Trevor and raised her eyebrows. "What is it?"

Trevor smiled at her warmly and looked at the box. "Why don't you open it and find out?"

She set it down on the table and carefully lifted the top up. Inside, it was gorgeous. Light blue velvet lined the bottom, and a picture that Trevor and she had taken on his phone was on the inside of the lid. A small turn key was in the bottom, and she wound it up at the back of the box.

"Miss Hooper, er... Molly..? Told me that you liked the Beatles, and the man at the shop said Let it Be would be perfect." He watched her closely, not able to read her emotions. "Do... Do you like it?"

Alexis turned and wrapped her arms around him, pulling him into a tight hug. "I love it." She whispered into his neck. "Thank you.."

Trevor smiled and wrapped his arms around her waist. "You're welcome. Happy Christmas, Lex."

My Father's Daughter: The Story of Alexis MoriartyWhere stories live. Discover now